Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

If one reads the FAQ, one will see that it is at the discretion of our Mods.


A GFM account to “get her out of the country” is just more mockery and harassment, obviously. It’s what Eggbutt does. Do you think she would welcome the mockery and harassment?

But Eggbutt had already delivered that, without the cash!

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Nope, never! Not one instance in several generations
my husband was a career cop/police training officer, my father and brother were decorated military veterans (that good old USMarine code again), I hitchhiked all over the country way back when and attended many marches on Washington (several with violence toward the marchers) nothing, nada. Well except I’ve received 3 or 4 speeding tickets - does that count?

My husband was shot three times while a cop and left for dead, so yeah, I also have experience with gun shot victims and a loved one almost murdered. I just don’t need to wear that experience as a badge of honor, notoriety, whatever.


As it should be at the discretion of the mods.

I was pointing out that I had not, at that point, even flagged it for the attention of the mods, as Eggbutt seemed to assume.

I did flag her recent post threatening a second, mocking GFM on LK.

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What “anti-LK GFM account”? Do you seriously believe anyone would contribute to such a thing on her behalf?? Plus it would go against their rules!

And, I don’t believe you
you and your thread police always flagging and trying to get posters banned or the threads shut down. :unamused: such bitterness.

Edited to say this response wasn’t for @Sdel but for @CurrentlyHorseless, who I have on ignore but saw their post embedded on SDel’s response.


notice CH said another Poster brought it up to them in PM
is this another version of the banning conspiracy stuff we have been accused of engaging in?


I am feeling left out. I don’t have people PMing me informing me that something some other person did, who has nothing to do with me, is against the rules.
Hey you random person who has nothing to do with this, did you know that this other random person did something that was against the forum rules?
Who does that?


So you’re ascribing intentions to another poster?


Is it that hard to read the rules yourself? It was the first thing I did before I ever posted. I thought that was normal.

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Want me to start? :joy:


Exactly! Seems a tad hypocritical doesn’t it?


Public Service Announcement: Mercury is in Retrograde.


Must not affect all of us equally


You and me both, you and me both.

I just do not get why someone would randomly send another poster a PM telling that poster that someone else might have not followed the rules.

Hey ekat, over there on that thread some poster wrote something that I think is not following the rules, have a good day.
Does that seem normal to you?


We’ve sort of figured that out, but thanks for confirming you are not God.

:grin: :rofl: :laughing:


Well, LK posted about PMing to a group


Not even a little bit.

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Well, that is a good point. The LK PM group might still be alive and well so it is not so much that some random person PM’d CH to tell them a rule was broken, their group LK protection chat was discussing it.


And a total eclipse Sunday. It should be stunningly red. Hope the rain stops and the skies clear before it starts! It’s also a Super Flower Blood Moon! Lots of crazy stuff will be effected
heck, maybe my mare will finally foal!! :flushed:


Just as long as my mare stays out of it. I’ve had enough vet bills this last week.