Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

You could name the foal Super Flower, Mooney for barn name
Fingers crossed you get some sleep soon.


I don’t even want to think about what this maternity extended spa stay is costing us!! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Me too
someone may need to disconnect my devices if I begin posting gibberish rants!

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Livvy is going to hang on until there’s some sort of thunderstorm that causes a power outage so no one can watch her on camera!


Didn’t she spite everyone by having Vyv in the pasture at the spa? Love that sassy mare.

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Bolding mine.

I did not flag the Barisone GFE link until I flagged your post 10 minutes ago bragging about starting a second GFM to “get LK out of the country”. That’s what I referred to as the “anti-LK GFM account”.

I do flag posts that I consider highly offensive or think are against forum rules (but didn’t flag the Barisone GFM link, despite thinking it was probably against the rules). I’m not trying to get posters banned or get threads shut down. That’s all purely at the discretion of the mods.

If you have me on ignore, then don’t my posts embrdded in other people’s post also appear as blocked?

You have never been able to ignore me, dear Eggbutt.

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She tried to escape the barn last night to get to a private pasture to foal! Sneaky sweetie.

She just finished her afternoon snack & is waiting on more hay! Room service is running behind!


Yep, and then ran to keep from being caught and that sweet less than an hour old filly kept up with mom!


Maybe you should volunteer to be a Mod and streamline the process


Has anyone noticed that one very busy recent poster seems to have disappeared right as another one turned up? :thinking:


You are far from speculating. You are stirring up crap and you are well aware of what you are doing.


It’s a pattern, almost like assigned shifts!


I’m not familiar with any family in which each family member does not have their own “keyboard”
whether it’s on a computer, iPad, or phone.

Thirty years ago, maybe. But now?

But how would anyone know if two posters were sharing any of the same hardware if they logged onto their distinct user accounts?

By rule, I was referring to whether it was allowed to have more than one person post under the same screen name, or have one person posting under multiple screen names.

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No, thanks.

Oh my, miss keeper of all rules, if you were the slightest bit familiar with this system you would be aware that original posts from ignored posters are hidden. If someone quotes that post in a response, it is clearly seen.

As far as ignoring you, just like a migraine headache you seem to make yourself annoying. And I am not your dear.


“As you understand it.”

So who told you that? Your darling daughter who cannot understand the difference between the truth and a lie? Who says whatever she wants to say, whenever, and to whomever, to support her particular narrative of the moment? The same person who thinks other people are simply characters in a video game, to be used, abused, destroyed as she sees fit?

And of all the “just wow” moments that have occurred with your strange postings lately, this one may be at the top of the list.


Yes, another poster brought it up to me. She did not ask me to flag it; I don’t know if she flagged it. If the link was removed, perhaps it was because the mods saw my public post asking Eggbutt whether it was against the rules. Was the link removed?

If she had asked me to flag it (she didn’t), and flagged it herself (I don’t know if she did), then yes, it would be exactly like the “conspiracy stuff” I suspect Eggbutt of. Remember that Eggbutt posted that flagging is sometimes used to attempt to get a poster banned. That’s the origin of my conspiracy theory; Eggbutt herself.

I have no problem with a GFM account for MBs legal expenses, and considered contributing to it. Whether it is or is not acceptable to link the account in COTH is purely up to the mods.

You clearly missed the point when that happened (I assume, because you keep saying this same thing). It was that other people were flagging posts in an attempt to get people banned, not that Eggbutt was doing it. I am not sure why you keep twisting that. But then
twisting ye shall do.


Yeah. We believe you.

