Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

But you saw that post responding directly to you it seems, so you apparently don’t me have on ignore, after all.

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I found these tucked on the bowsprit of my pirate ship today at lunch.

Someone must have PM’d MaMaPopRider my true identity, license number, and GPS coordinates so I could benefit from some of that “help” she keeps offering. Should I expect the Kanarek Klan’s trademark threat of a nuisance lawsuit next? :laughing:


Lessons she routinely didn’t show up for… therefor not getting that attention at all. Sounds about right.

Now we have Seeker in here trying to spread invalidated rumors about MB, all the while chastising the board for discussing actual facts entered into evidence and through testimony in the trial? Classy!

I will give Seeker credit for clearing one thing up for me though. As suspected, this whole thing started because LK was jealous of MHG and threw tantrums over not having MB’s attention. I suspect she lost his respect through her not showing up for lessons, so MB decided not to waste his time with her and had JH trying to work with her.

CH is starting to remind me of someone who was banned for going on and on and on about how mods should handle things.


You said that Eggbutt stated that “other people were flagging posts in an attempt to get people banned”, that’s a direct quote. I’m still trying to find a way to read that as saying something other that flagging-posts-to-get-someone-banned is a thing.

You can’t accuse me of twisting words if I’ve quoted your exact words.

Well, of of course you can accuse me of all the tired COTH tactics: twisting my words! projection! gaslighting! read for comprehension! word salad!

Doesn’t make the accusation true.

ETA I don’t care if the flagging to get someone banned is a thing or not; I just use the possibility of it to not let myself get provoked.

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:grin: :grin: :rofl: :joy:


I did! And even more interesting, KK brought up a version of events that casts MHG as the villain, claiming all the drama occurred because she was forcing MB to get rid of LK against his wishes. And she keeps mentioning the dynamic of the wife and girlfriend being in the farm at the same time, and the financial hit MB took because of his divorce.

Only one poster here that I recall kept promoting a similar theory, yet that poster claims to have no personal knowledge or relationship with any of the people involved. So strange…


Hmmm. Is it possible that because LK was/is “paying” RG for him to make her the center of his universe. she thought things should be the same with MB? :thinking:


I suspect MamaPoprider believes anything and everything any family member tells her. I can believe she thinks her daughter will be on the next Olympic team because that may be what she has been led to believe and wants to believe. She may not be capable of logical thinking anymore. Notice how her manner of posting this afternoon is close to childlike with the cutesy little nicknames. During the trial she may have ignored or compartmentalized anything she didn’t want to believe and convinced herself of other versions/meanings. This is quite sad really and I hope she is being cared for. My mother had early onset Alzheimers that manifested with very similar irratic cognitive behavior. I am certainly not diagnosing anyone, but making an observation based on my life experiences. Conversations at any level are difficult with individuals like this.


I think every single person reading these threads now has a perfectly clear and full understanding of what transpired in this situation.

And with every revelation more and more support will go to MB and more and more disdain to LK & Co.


That all started in Woman Shot at Barisone Farm by @miss_machine and @Brown_Derby . Edited to correct @BrownDerby to @Brown_Derby.

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In the spirit of this post and the Aftermath post:


I believe that USEF’s process is to notify the person the protest was filed against, and direct them to provide a deposition by such and such a date. Depending on the information contained in the depositions, USEF may then set a date for a hearing to be held at their headquarters, and the various parties are expected to attend in person to plead their cases.

At least that was their process some years back - don’t know if things have changed.


Good one, KM! :+1:


Come on by! We’ll have a little snake handling before dinner.


Lose it pal. Ancient history.


Is this where I get the Lord’s help that I’ve been promised?


Maybe she could go to AQHA or AHA. Am I correct in thinking that neither one is under the auspices of USEF?

I actually think AHA might be right up her alley. The Costume Classes in particular would fit in with her fantasy world. (Hey, maybe she could wear her Ninja outfit, veil and all!)


Well AHA is USEF.

AQHA has discussed reciprocity with USEF not sure where it stands at this time. It might be in force.
After the Kiss The Girls fiasco they have tried to be more transparent.