Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

What is that document that MaMaPopRider posted? Too bad she couldn’t have posted a readable copy.

Apparently it only matters when pertaining to other people than her daughter!


I agree. The first time Seeker1 posted back after the trial, I believed they were LK’s elderly mother as they identified themself.

I wasn’t sure last night as the posts spiraled down into weirdness. Today the flat out little jibes and insults do not sound at all like the person who posted after the trial or indeed last night. There could be various reasons for that, including personal psychological issues changing how the poster acts and presents themselves. Or that there are people sharing the account. Or that Seeker1 was never who they claimed to be.

We’ve been gamed in the past by posters on this thread like Inigo Montoya.

The title of the thread should be “Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, and Then … More Insanity!”

It is possible that Seeker1 was never KK at all.


It’s on the other thread as well

Long time lurker, infrequent poster but yet here I am curious why you come here to spread love and lightness and now gossip?


Thanks. I will check it out on the other thread.

There’s more discussion about the nonsense seeker1 was trying to portray with the doc on the other thread .


Sounds wonderful! Can I bring my little friend and her nopelings?


It. Has. A. Face.


It’s kind of cute.


Imagine trying your best to prove someone is a bad person and all you have is a parking ticket. Grasping at straws.


That bleach drinking story also was quite remarkable.


AHA is a USEF affiliate.

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The document says it’s related to a “traffic citation”. I read here on this very forum that MB received a speeding ticket, and was charged with resisting arrest.

I don’t think you get 20 hours of community service for a speeding ticket. Resisting arrest, I could see getting you 20 hours of community service in a diversion.

Perhaps Seeker would look up the resisting arrest records. If they exist. I’m only repeating what I’ve read here. Just speculation, just a rumor. Also, I may have misremembered.

Oh it is me. I am sorta elderly. I just turned 69. Does that make me elderly?

Such despicable people to take a perfectly legitimate medical emergency and turn it into something weird and disgusting. WHO DOES THAT?

It has become even more obvious these people will say anything, make up anything and do anything to attempt to smear Barisone and make themselves look better. The major problem with that idea is the facts about almost anything are available to those who know how/where to look.

As far as Lauren’s “income”, we know she said it comes from “the bank”. I feel certain her livelihood and source of income will definitely be revealed during the criminal trials. Remember she is suing for lost income! What income? Uh-huh.

As far as who Kirbutt is…it doesn’t matter. What matters is this is a gang of like people who have no ethics or values whatsoever. What makes this one a bit different is the pseudo hiding behind scripture! Shame.


Resisting arrest is a criminal charge.

Crimes are misdemeanors or felonies.

This seems to be a violation. Violations are not crimes.

But nevertheless it was dismissed. Just like the Kanarek assault cases.


God bless you eggie! You know I do like you although you can definitely be meaner than a junkyard dog.

Sometimes people just get fed up with all the nonsense.

shift change?