Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

I am sure the drugs make it harder to remember too.


Since you have not experienced a 50% loss of blood volume, could you please explain the etiology of your fantastic tales?


Well I am so sorry. I did not mean to cause anyone a problem.


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apparently, not a great deal that is factual.


Oh I guess the etiology of coding can be caused from many things. In this case it was from bleeding out or something like that. Not sure cause I am not a doctor.

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This sounds like a true statement, but I think it’s not really directed at this board?


 you are probably right. Kinda like most of the “alternative facts” many of you post ad nauseum without ever admitting it or saying you are sorry.

given the propensity of the Kanawreck clan for hyperbole, it was most likely chlorinated water from the tap.


Not sure what you mean Lilly

 don’t take me seriously if you don’t want to. No one here takes bashing my family very seriously. I can understand from whence cometh your lead.

 but you eggers
 are helping so much with your posts
 what exactly are you trying to accomplish eggster?

I’d settle for being able to determine whence cometh your word salad.
I can’t decide if the etiology is self-medication with intoxicants, prescription medications, or if has an organic cause.

It’s more sad than amusing, though.


Nashua, Neruda, 1950s race horse, 21st century dressage horse, potato, potahto.


Yes everything about this Ghazzaerie is a sad state of affairs. Especially your constant accusations of my drug use. I believe that is not quite right as I do not engage in that ever!!! I think You probably do though. It seems like it based on your irrational statements.

I’m sure you don’t, Seeker1. Carry on.


Listen, I am about 800 posts behind (how??? It’s been one day!!! This thread is a crazy train that has the potential to make some other train wreck threads, including some Barisone ones, look like fender benders
but I digress) but I don’t think anyone is arguing with you about the semantics (perhaps I am wrong). BUT, what you are perhaps failing to understand is that the lack of acceptable forensics, the fishy stories that don’t match up to each other or the ear witness’s testimony or the flimsy forensics, the involvement of Rosie and her groin bites, the injuries sustained by the defendant, as well as the defendant’s inability to offer an alternative scenario (he does not remember!) ALL seem to all open a door to other scenarios that cast doubt on who pulled the trigger and under what circumstances. Perhaps someone else has explained this, but to many, it isn’t clear that the act took place in the manner and by the person that two unreliable witnesses claim it did.

Edited: does not, not “doesn’t not”. Sheesh!


It sure shows his dedication. I’m not sure that was her plan though.


Why thankyou Lil rangette for your permission to post. I really appreciate that. Talk about narcissism