Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Dying twice :joy:


So you were 49 when you stole the bridge table at the seniors center 20 years ago that led to your assault charge?


Were there not two separate assault charges in different years? I remember that, but I’m not one of the folks who can access the court/municipal sites so I cannot check. KK also had hella traffic/moving violation/parking charges, IIRC.

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Not true. You could scroll back through the threads to where KM posted your daughter’s threats and harassment, present them to your daughter, and use them as a teachable moment. KM’s identity has nothing to do with that. That is how you could help.

Nobody is condoning anyone shooting anyone. I think, if you were to scroll back through YEARS of threads now, you would see I initially defended your daughter. Now that the trial proved in a court of law that most, if not all, of what was claimed about her was true? Not so much. She embarked on a campaign of harassment, pushing a man to the brink, and it didn’t end well for her. That was her choice.

You’re right. Lauren has made choices. Those haven’t ended well, given where we are at. And no, you cannot control others.

My heroin addicted sister was over 40 when her most egregious behavior began. She never tried to “finish a bastard”, but she did some truly awful things. I agree to an extent with you - my sister was also an adult who made her own choices, and we could not control her. And I do, or did, empathize with you.

If you scroll back through my posts, you’ll see that I had previously defended you and the family. I have seen the heartache and chaos first hand that addiction can bring upon a family. I asked others to consider that you may have TRIED to get Lauren help and did not succeed. My most recent post that mentioned anyone other than Lauren in your family even said I don’t agree with villainizing your family.

That said
 I would NEVER defend the egregious things my sister did. Nor would I play dumb about them or imply that the victims of said behavior need help. Even if her addiction made her do them. I, instead, was absolutely mortified by her words, deeds and actions. I distanced myself. If I had known all of those who she hurt? I would have APOLOGIZED to them. Your tone deaf defense of your daughter’s actions (or maybe, more accurately, your inability to see them for what they are - which is heinous) has me reconsidering that stance of defending your family.

As for my sister? When she died by suicide, it was no shock to me. I had, for decades, known that she would either overdose, kill herself, be killed by someone else, or kill someone else. The writing was on the wall. We tried for years to help to no avail. It was incredibly painful for all involved. BUT, I don’t think I would have truly blamed anything or anyone but drugs themselves and the bad choices she made to put herself in the situations she found herself in, unless she was the victim of random violence. And I don’t. AND, again
 my sister never went on a campaign to ruin or “finish” anyone. Except herself.

I hope you try and succeed to get Lauren help. Her continued egregious, harassing, bullying, and lying behavior online is really disturbing. That is how you can help others.

Edited: “most, if not all, of what was claimed about her was true”


Ah, Neruda’s disco musical freestyle at Devon.
Just a fabulous bit of riding.


Just the one assault charge in NJ. Yes, several traffic/parking etc violations including her very own Failure to Obey Traffic signals. Also disposed, like MB’s was.


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That’s literally what the facts of the court show.


So drug usage runs in the family? Along with the propensity for lying, gaslighting, NPD, delusions of grandeur, etc.? I fear for any children in the family. What chance do they have to be normal, rational, productive, decent members of society?


Ah, thanks. Was it JK who had two assaults? I remember one of the parents had two and all of the family assault charges were at different times so it wasn’t explainable by one big issue that happened once.


Yes! You had to go to the 2nd pages of his charges (let that sink in for a second) to find the 2nd assault.


And you are proud of that fact? :roll_eyes:

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Ah, thanks. I think even KK had more than one page, no?


I was just pondering on some things I have screenshots of from old threads
one of which was YD’s instance I had said something mean because I said, “I literally could not be less surprised that LK has been lying out her ass.”

ETA I think it was the very first thread.


No, just the one page. I guess that’s something to be proud of since they were all “disposed”.


And then harped on about how I was using pain medication to redact things I had said, despite stating several times I asked people to excuse me if I typed nonsense words. She was a fun one. /s


Still trying to catch up on everything that’s been posted since 2 a.m. (when I finally had had enough and went to bed), but I have to say it. I want some of whatever @Seeker1 has been smoking.


I think, we are thinking
 that the dog, LK and RG attacked and the gun was fired under a struggle
 but we will never know, unless the film from the camera that went missing is found
 yet I repeat many summations
 its exhausting, except for the poor guy sitting in jail who was pronounced NGRI. disgraceful.


This is the biggest question I have. Especially after Lala, @seeker, and others have claimed some murder plot. It seems to me that wheels were moving to get her outta there. But she would not go. I, personally, would flee if (in order of escalation):

  • I didn’t agree with care,
  • it was clear I was not wanted
  • I was scared for my animals,
  • I was scared for my life

Why didn’t Lauren want to leave?


If that’s the case, they’ve wasted their money.