Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

If you must, I prefer Lilly the Pink Teddy Bear.


look what you missed out on LKā€¦ hope all is going well with Dr. Ulf.


I had it bookmarked as a ā€œFavoriteā€ before this. Hopefully, others will, too.


What? Do you not understand the actions of your daughter? Again, I am hundreds of posts behind, but the cognitive dissonance is staggering.


Because she wasnā€™t afraid. She was never afraid. She was having fun being the bully. She wanted to Finish the Bastard and then finish MHG.


I remember early on that some people stated they would be reluctant (or simply wouldnā€™t) to attend a clinic or train with Michael Barisone. I think that this trial, the revelations, what led to the unfortunate incident has changed many, MANY minds. I hope that MB is able to return to horses, in whatever capacity suits him best.


oh, my GOD! I am days behind in reading postsā€¦ canā€™t believe the mother came backā€¦ I am so tired of foolish people.


Im very very sorry for your loss erin.


Than you, Kirby. I mean that. But what about the rest? What a mess. Who is liable? Who deserves defense? Your daughter is alive. Her actions caused consequences. What is your plan to address that, and why are you posting here?


Do you hatch a plan to ruin them? Because thatā€™s what your darling daughter did when someone allegedly was rude or mean to her.

Nobody except for Susan Wachowich condones Michael shooting Lauren. But most of us - including the jury - understand that he did so in the midst of a complete mental breakdown. A mental breakdown directly and purposefully caused by Lauren and her faithful manservant / boyfriend / bodyguard.

There was no plan or attempt to murder her, no matter what she would have you believe. You know she lies repeatedly, pathologically. Why do you believe any of what she claims about MHG and MB? Do you believe MHG was jealous of her? Why? Do you believe LK should have been the centre of Michaelā€™s attention? Why? Do you believe she was actually afraid of Michael? Why? Do you believe she couldnā€™t have followed the plan your husband made for her to move to another trainer in the area? Why?

Was she like this even as a child? I wonder what kind of therapy or early intervention might have prevented her from living her life this way. Maybe nothing could have prevented her from turning out like this. Some kids end up as criminals, or drug addicts, or abusive partners, or narcissists, or sociopaths despite the best upbringing in the world.

Iā€™ve tried not to respond to your crazy posts because I feel for you as a mother. Watching your daughter make a lifetime of bad decisions, repeatedly ending up involved with the police, charged with shootings, assaults, and DUIs, addicted to drugs, living with an active drug user who has his own violent criminal record, always creating drama by bullying, harassing and cyberstalking others must be hard for you. And no matter how unpleasant a person she may be, no parent wants to see their child in a hospital with life-threatening injuries. Itā€™s natural to want to care for and protect her. In a hotel, of course, not at your home, but whatever.

So I get why you feel compelled to come here and defend Lauren from what you perceive as ā€œbashingā€ and ā€œrude comments.ā€ But hereā€™s the thing: people discussing her actual words and her actual
actions is neither bashing nor rude. There are screenshots of her many social media posts and private messages. There is video of her testimony at the trial. You canā€™t just pretend they donā€™t exist and that the things she has said and done arenā€™t true.


The top 3 contenders:

  1. Lottery win
  2. Insurance / lawsuit payout
  3. Only Fans

Again you are accusing me of doing drugs. That is slander pure and simple.

Pretty sure the vernacular includes ā€œI want what theyā€™re smokingā€ā€¦, the definition of which would mean what you are saying does not make logical sense. It does NOT mean you are literally high. And it isnā€™t slander. Isnā€™t your husband a lawyer? You should know betterā€¦


I have over 400 more posts to read but I do not believe this is Kirby Kanarek.
If any one has an email for Kirby could you please PM it. I would like to send her these posts purporting to be her. This is just so sick! Who Acts This Way!


And the one guy on YouTube commentsā€¦.


Well believe it.

Welcome to my world Danvers.

Also, as someone who was in a similar situation to you (and granted, I skipped over hundreds of posts, so maybe you addressed thisā€¦) why are you still here defending the indefensible? Forget my sisterā€™s deathā€¦ what about the rest of my post?


I know that is a touchy topic in your family. Believe it or not, most people have real empathy for those caught up in addiction and support them as long as they are working to be sober and be good, productive members of society.

If your daughter didnā€™t do all the other things, too: the cyberstalking, the harassment, the threatening, the criminal record for violent crime, the racism against the one barn owner, the cruel, vile, pornographic posts to the mother of a dead child, the mocking a man because he is in a wheelchair, the campaign of terror she waged against everyone at MBā€™s farm - I believe there would be empathy for her, too.

How do you address all those things with her, as a mother? For instance, mocking the man in the wheelchair just a day or so ago - how do you navigate that as a parent?

I would suggest absolute zero tolerance. I would not take her calls or send her money until she apologised to that man, deleted her ugly comments to him, and ceased all such behaviour. She brings such shame and infamy to your family name, surely you must be interested in stopping this ongoing behaviour to any extent you can, no?

Iā€™m over 40 and my motherā€™s good opinion of me (and my fatherā€™s and that of my siblings) still carries ENORMOUS weight with me. Even more so now that my parents are aging. I try even harder to make them proud and not distress them than when I was younger and more self-involved.