Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

What can i do for you Erin? Im sorry for your loss. I have done what i can. Why keep addressing my family and me?

I believe i have mentioned many time that i do not support any bad behavior from anyone. What makes u think i do?

You can do precisely nothing for me other than to get your daughter help. If you can’t see how I have tried to be empathetic, given our similarities? That is on you. Tried to be nice and again, I have the problem? Wow. Again, encourage you to scroll back 2.5 years and rethink.


Because @erinmeri knows the pain of having an addict in the family who does bad acts and brings great hurt and pain to the family, she is relating to you on your level. She knows how hard she and her family worked to hold her sister accountable for her behaviour and thus save both the sister and others from harm, she is asking you why, instead of holding your daughter accountable, you defend and excuse her.


you should be since you live with them
 and criminals to boot!


You excuse racism, ableism, and the pornographic vulgarities to the mother of a dead child as “saying rude things sometimes”.

That is NOT the action of a parent holding a child accountable at all. That is the minimising and downplaying and sloughing off truly reprehensible behaviour.

And that’s just one example.


Because you defend your daughter’s crazy behavior.


You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink. Surely everyone knows that. I appreciate you kindnesses and sympathies btw. Thank you.

I agree 10000000000%. But you can also choose not to defend said horse.


Sho me one post where i have ever defended any bad behavior from anyone please.

Stage an intervention and cut off the funding until you see the changes you demand. Hold that line firm and do not budge.

Tough love is love in these situations.



You know, I was asked to leave a farm once. You know what I did? Packed up my stuff and left the farm. I didn’t argue or stall or hatch some devious plan. I told her I’d pick up my stuff as soon as I was back in town, and I did.
(Political differences. I was 20, I said “people need to stop blaming Obama for everything” and her response was “come get your stuff.” Lots of other fun details about her if anyone is interested.)


So again you assume everything is my fault. Ok.

Right here. This is the sum total of what you admit to regarding your daughter’s behaviour. ‘Rude’ and ‘at times’ are both grossly, ridiculously mischaracterisations of her behaviour.

This is making light of behaviour that has gone on for decades and has resulted in real harm to real people.


You repeatedly blame others - not Lauren - for the outcome. You are (or were, I am like 800 posts behind) blaming MHG. You’re delusional if you do not believe your own daughter played a central role in this tragedy. Jesus.


I am not defending any bad behavior. I did not say this is good or ok or right.

 you kinda do
 have you looked at your daughter and husbands behavior? just askin’


Absolutely not. But, just because something is not your fault, doesn’t mean you cannot be part of the solution.

You asked my yesterday, how can you address this with a child. I wrote you a very sincere reply, complete with a lesson from Proverbs.

I’m not saying it’s your fault, I’m answering what you might do since you seem to sincerely want to do something to make things better and help everyone.


Your daughter is on YouTube and elsewhere harassing people! Her own boyfriend’s family! Jesus.