Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

I believe she stepped into a bad situation and did not understand how to fix it.

My daughter is no child.

My brother was shot and killed at the age of 14. Saying your daughter died while still getting to keep your daughter in your life is an insult to actual murder victims. This behavior is disgusting and dishonest.


So instead of fixing it she escalated it? If you donā€™t know how to fix something you walk away.


Do not paint her as naive. She knew.

You are correct.


Agreed. She is an adult and you are her mother. I used the term child in the sense that she is your offspring. Offspring sounds so weird to me. But, if you prefer, I can use that term for clarity that she is certainly not young at all.

I consider myself my parentsā€™ child, though I am an adult. I wrote to you above how I feel about my parents approval and expectations and comfort even though Iā€™m an adult.


Sometimes the defense is in what you do NOT do. You have been member since Dec ā€˜21. You have logged in, on a regular basis to read this forum. And yet, until the start of the trial, you had made a grand total of only two posts, and not a one of them was to tell your daughter that one of the very many posts she was actively posting, that you were actively following along with in real time, that her behavior was of an unacceptable nature.


Thinking on this more. You cannot in one breath say she knows not what she does but in another say she is a woman in her 40s. Which is it?

Edit: typo. Second edit: say not day. Just trying to be honest!


Brace yourselves, the night time cocktail should be kicking in soon.


Semantics warmblood1. She coded and her heart stopped entirely twice. I am terribly sorry about your brother. What a horrific event for your whole family. I am very very sorry that my remarks brought back horrible feelings. Not meant that way. And yesā€¦despite attempts to kill herā€¦she thankfully lived. I truly wish your brother had had the same good fortune.:pensive:

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So, did they shock a flatline?


Dont know for sure but i think that is what happened. Doctor told me they lost her twice.

oh, so you too know about pillsā€¦ and nasty dogsā€¦ cool ā€¦


you and your husband created LK, gave birth to her, and raised her. Are you proud?


Danvers you are engaging in sadistic behavior again. I dont condone that sort of thing. I think she is doing the best she can. Her best falls short at times.

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You on the other hand seem to be trying to do your worst.


@Seeker1 dead is dead. You do not come back from being dead. Ever. Period. End of story.

Interesting how you keep purposely slurring everyoneā€™s names. I can see very clearly where your daughter learned her behavior from and why she thinks it is acceptable.

She is the monster you created. Congratulations!


So, I missed like 800 posts. Any ā€œbombshellsā€? Or ignore?


ya, I do know sadisticā€¦ I was married to oneā€¦ ya, how nice that she is doing the best she can, ruining other peoples livesā€¦ while her mother and father support and condon her behavior. good excuseā€¦ disgusting.


You have absolutely no influence over how I feel. Not for a second, kurbside kanawreck. My family survived the event with dignity by never trying to profit personally from the tragedy and by respecting those effected by the same circumstance. I wish the same could be said for you and your family.