Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

No, AHA is under USEF. AQHA and NSBA are not. We arab people may be a little nutty but not THAT nutty.


No, he has not been transferred to anyoneā€™s knowledge. His hearing should be next Tuesday but no news on if that has been pushed back or will go ahead regardless.

Very sad and completely in contradiction with the verdict and case law.


I believe a post last week from the person who set up the go fund me said the hearing would probably be postponed since he has not gotten to the mental health facility yet for his evaluation.

If anything has changed since then, I havenā€™t seen it mentioned.


I believe NSBA follows Safe Sport suspensions, anyway.

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If it would happen to be pushed back, what options do his attorneys have to act on his behalf? Can they file something or contact any agency that can take action?


Ok, Iā€™ve reached my point. Iā€™m a Christian. I am politically moderate and socially rather progressive. Many of my friends are persons of color and some are of different sexual orientations than my own. I love them all and feel blessed to call them my friends.

I get really tired of people judging all Christians by the vocal, intolerant minority in the faith. You are not helping.

You come here and spout Christian and/or Jewish types of teachings. You claim to love everyone and want the best for them, and yet you seem to be here for the express purpose of stirring up trouble and making veiled insinuations against people.

I am not perfect. I make mistakes. I try to recognize them, own them and proceed on a better path. Please try to refrain from spouting your pious homilies and then attacking/insinuating/gossiping in your very next sentence. You are setting a horrible example and depicting all people of faith in a bad light. Thanks.

To all except @Seeker1, forgive me for this rant.


While Seeker1 was here, LK was on YouTubeā€¦


Iā€™m totally in the dark on this kind of procedural issue. Your best bet is asking one of our resident experts like @ekat.

To me, all I can think of is, what remedies are available for unlawful detention or imprisonment and all I can think of there is a writ of habeas corpus. It must be complicated a bit by the fact that he has been subject to civil confinement, so itā€™s not as easy as jail or no jail.

I found it interesting listening the Murdaugh Murders podcast the last couple days. The rich guy at the centre of the whole thing was in jail for a relatively short time b/c they finally gave him a whacking great bail amount that had to be paid (USD 7 million I think) and his lawyers were already filing a writ of habeas corpus when hereā€™s MB, not shy of 3 years imprisoned and after a not guilty verdict still sitting in jail.

It seems truly outrageous!


It is terrible! His friends and family must be so discouraged and feel so helpless.


Holy hell, she is out of control on YouTube. She is saying outrageous and actionable things. She should be minding her Ps and Qs heading into civil discovery, yet there she is :poop: posting and stirring up as much chaos as possible.

But, oh, how the mighty have fallen that her only outlet is YouTube comment sections. D-Listed. :rofl:


Let her rant and have her YouTube audience. The irony is if anyone watches the trial video above the comments section, they will know she is completely delusional. I canā€™t imagine she has a growing audience, but who actually cares? They will lose majorly in the civil trials!


I wish I knew. I can find tons of case law on what happens if subsequent hearings and evaluations donā€™t take place, but itā€™s absolutely silent what happens if the initial one doesnā€™t happen within 60 days.

In subsequent hearings, if the State canā€™t provide a timely evaluation the defendant can request it from the psychiatrist of their choosing.

I wonder if they just may go ahead and ask Judge T for that on Tuesday.


Interesting that while Seeker and CH were getting worked up hereā€¦.LK was getting all worked up over there.


My favorite is when sheā€™s having a conversation with Bob. Iā€™m keeping those screenshots forever.


Part of me wants to see creenshots to watch the train wreck and the other part of me doesnā€™t want to knowā€¦or care!

Sorry for replying to you @Fiesta01 meant to just make a post in general. Not a reply.


Which YouTube video or thread is she spewing on now?


Now sheā€™s talking about herself and RG in the third person calling them ā€˜the coupleā€™ even while posting under her own first and last name. Itā€™s truly bizarre. It does suggest that more than one person is using various log ins. The latest YT comments are :astonished: but more well written than her stuff here, no taunts, no rampant ellipses, no fantastical metaphorical flights of fancy, so maybe someone else is wielding that handle tonight.


Under her cross day 2 when sheā€™s in the wine colored top. Andā€¦ :exploding_head:


Oh, I would call stating that theyā€™re sending their audios of the plan to the state psych hospital a flight of fancy.


I was just getting over the whole bleach-drinking story. And while we were being entertained with that, well, wow.