Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

I want to point out……5 days ago CH started in on a line of argumentation of MHG facing consequences for weaponizing SS in the context of a current USEF/USDF investigation.


Seeker1 keeps going on and on about this person and that person being sadistic (I, however, am deemed a sadist).

Again, if someone keeps coming back for more acts of sadism, that makes that someone a masochist. They enjoy it.

I’m behind - has Seeker1 shared her safe word yet? Or left? If not then this is consensual.


Her victims can’t. But I guess that is OK with you. You are fine blaming them for having a mental breakdown when she just pokes until they can not take it anymore.

Darn, that would mean she actually knows what that whole process means…and the coy clueless posting is all an act. Ya know, like that whole lying on social media to get attention thing that someone admitted to on the stand.


It’s odd how CH’s claims and version of events line up so neatly with those of the Kanareks, yet they claim to have no indie knowledge or relationship with anyone involved.


Yes, they should have paid for inpatient treatment for Lauren


The last few days have made me wonder if Seeker1 is perhaps starting to be shunned by her regular circle of friends, as well as at the country club and maybe she isn’t being invited to Bridge Club anymore. And with all that free time on her hands, she has discovered SM. And perhaps has addictive personality disorder like her daughter and is now “hooked” on SM (along with other stuff).

It appears that she and LK are co-dependents enabling each other. I would almost feel sorry for JK except that he has also been a regular enabler of LK’s bad behavior.

Has there ever been an intervention done on an entire family? Is there even anyone in that family that functions like a normal, rational, and decent member of society, that could do an intervention? :thinking:


Dissociative identity disorder. She claimed to have multiple personalities, and her behavior makes me believe that is indeed the case.

Can’t remember if I have said this before (I have certainly thought it), but I bet Dr. Schlessinger would love to have a go at her. He could write an entire book on just her, and could also probably also do a speaking tour, make appearances at seminars and symposiums, etc. He could make a ton of $$$ and further glorify his own name in the annals of psychology. (Although she would probably then sue him for “defamation” - another way for her to cash in on someone else’s success.)


Remember, Seeker1 and friends showed up en masse because Lauren referenced “discrimination” and USEF over on YouTube.

Let’s not be distracted. This is a bit of sleight of hand so we don’t discuss what is weighing heavily on Lauren’s mind. Is USEF scrutinizing her behavior and will they permit her to be a member?


Good point Morgan!
(Or should I call your Morgie or something like that? :crazy_face: )

If USEF is looking into what she has done, the amount of crazy that is showing right now is not going to help her. Insisting things are not what people can see with their very own eyes in the video that she is commenting on does not make her seem more honest or less likely to have done the things people have sent in that she has done.
Once the civil trial starts and more stuff can come out about the LK Clan I should think that USEF will not have any choice but do something, to protect its other members.


Morgsie. :heartbeat:

Morgsie Porgsie Puddin’ and Pie! :pie:




I tried twice to reach out to seeker1 with compassion and got slapped upside the head both times. So don’t even bother or waste your time. And I am not sure I believe that seeker1 is really KK - just too much of a change from her earlier posts (Christian compassion and kindness stuff to now posting just juvenile, back at you, silly name, nonsense).


@cdalt it was very kind of you to reach out.


It was a pretty abrupt reversal! Lol.


lets suspend reality, and assume she arrived in this unhappy relationship with none of her own doing…

Yabbut, your husband, the lawyer, was involved and apparently didn’t have the ability to advise her to stop her nonsense (ninja suit) while the situation was being resolved.

At 40, heck by my teens, when faced with a bad situation, I knew to at least stop poking the bees nest. Tip toe. Appease while packing.



And I bet they rush to bail her out, at great financial cost.
Yanno, letting her bad behavior bite her by not assisting her in skating (no lawyer, no money for bail, etc) would be a good way to try to change her behavior.
And it would more clearly show your disapproval.



Hopefully her present behavior towards one of RGs family members no less, can be added to her past relentless harassment, to show just how far she will go, and what she did to MB and the rest of the people at that farm.
Let her keep talking, @Seeker1 doesn’t care to try to shut her up, lets hope the justice system will finally show her how stupid this harassment she likes to level at people is.


So, she thinks the audio that the prosecution failed to offer as concrete evidence of a plot to kill her will sway the psych hospital?
If I was the psych hospital I’d be collecting that as evidence of her continued harassment.



I guess they missed the prosecutor laughing at a teenaged witness?


I don’t give any grace to any of them. What you see is what you get. All the arrests attest to that. The lies seal the deal. Imagine thinking you can turn “bringing a table to another floor” to Assault.

Think of everything that happened. Every bizarre and stinking detail. The sense of entitlement. The continued defense of “MHG deserves to be punished because she competed for MBs attention”. The inability to see how sick and twisted that is.

The postings here and elsewhere. The lies. The challenges to others. The talk of subpoenas served to COTH as if Gospel truth delivered with imperious tone.

I could go on and on. Veils and ninjas not withstanding.

Reality becomes twisted and there is an attempt to slowly, over time, draw us in as surely as any gaslighting would do.

Don’t try to rationalize the posters who defend LK. You all know what is normal behavior and what is not. Think about YOU doing any of the things done in this saga. Would you? Could you?

These people, this family has no intention of changing the presented behaviors. Or else they would have long ago. I’m willing to bet that if any one of us dragged our family through this journey, our family would at some point stop enabling us.

None of this is normal. None of it is just.

Just my opinion.