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Barisone assessment

Yes, we will disagree. My comment wasn’t about the verdict. My comment was about LK being shot…only two admitted liars told varying tales with absolutely no forensic evidence to prove anything about how the shooting occurred. That’s the point. Many don’t believe their story and those that do, if they are honest, also have serious questions about what actually happened. All because of an inept, incompetent police department that failed so many people for so many weeks culminating in a tragedy.


Congratulations on riding with a BNT. Not sure what your question is or what you consider a BNT or why this pertains to LK’s understanding with MB or her expectations regarding training?

Entitled? Not what I said. I used the expected word and referred to LK, not me.

Your comment has everything to do with the verdict. NGRI.

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Ah. You just helped me. We aren’t talking about slaughtering a pig. We are talking about a woman being shot twice by a man. Two humans.



Okay, whatever. My response was clear as a bell. Had the local Barney Fife PD done their jobs by minimum standards one of the following would have occurred:

  1. Barisone would have not been arrested
  2. Barisone would have been found guilty of attempted murder
  3. LK/RG would have been arrested for assault, possibly attempted murder
  4. LK/RG would have been cited or arrested when the LEOs were told of the illegal recordings
  5. maybe, just maybe that pesky camera would have been collected that day and the recording would have told the story

So much was lost due to total incompetence.


slaughtering a pig? Boy, that’s a reach! The phrase, “putting lipstick on a pig…” means making superficial or cosmetic changes to a story or product in a futile effort to disguise its fundamental failings.

I stand by my comment.


I think pretty much everyone agrees with those two points. However, while most don’t understand why she didn’t leave, most seem to understand why he shot her. That doesn’t mean they condone it, but they understand it.

I’m surprised nobody has really addressed the other main factor in this tragedy - the ready access to guns. Yes, I know that’s part of American culture but it’s also the reason gun violence rates in the US are so out of whack with the rest of the world.

Pretty much the entire cast of character here were gun owners and all had easy access to firearms. Surely that ups the odds of a dispute ending with someone getting shot, no?


I always felt her missions were to:

  1. Be RIGHT, even when already proven wrong
  2. Irritate the heck out of everyone else

Question: I did watch most of the trial, did LK really admittedly to being bipolar and having a narcissistic disorder? I keep seeing this pop up… but don’t remember hearing it - I was at work so could have missed it!


What I can remember is Mr B questioned her about some FB posts where she said that, and she tried to say she was just talking to a friend, or a cousin, just like when she posted she had 2 guns, but testified to owning one and one was on lay-a-way. It was the context of those texts that led her to it’s just social media, people just say stuff, while waving her hand.


Thank you, so she did say she had bipolar and narcissistic disorder, but was only kidding?

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I’d have to go back and find the exact words, as I don’t really remember. Perhaps someone else has that info handy, because I’m not really in the mood to go watching that part of the trial tonight.

If no one else finds it, I’ll look tomorrow. :slight_smile:

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yes, no, perhaps.
also part of the failure of the PD was to establish how the gun got there. it is by no means proven that it was ‘easy access’ vs criminal.
True though, with so many guns in circulation, it is very easy to get one for nefarious purposes.


OH, NO! please don’t go look - it came up a couple of times that she said that - I don’t remember that and was wondering if its true… please do not go look, I too can look! just thought those who said it could answer. Thank you!

Ok. Now, If you need me to go look through a few different Olympians’ testimony for something, I’m ready!


Thank you, sigh… I will happily go back and look… I do follow them on SM and thoroughly enjoy watching their journey - great guys!

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Now you’re tempting me with paying attention to FB…

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don’t do it. It’s a trap.