Barisone assessment

No one needs a reminder.


MB had a duty to mitigate his own damages.

LKs attorney: Mr Barisone, at what date did you formally serve LK with a demand to vacate?

Barisone: August 6, 2019.

LKs attorney; When did you first communicate you wanted her gone?

Barisone: August 5, 2019.

LKs attorney: Why didn’t you give her a demand to vacate and end the training relationship with 30 days notice on July 1? Or May 1?

Barisone: I needed the board fees, even though it was only $5,000 a month.

LKs attorney: So what changed on August 5 and August 6?

Barisone: Well, apparently I was delusional at that point.

Apparently Barisone neglected to ask her to leave with 30 days notice, like a rational business person would have done, to the detriment of LK, MHG, RC, and most of all, himself.

Apparently one of the audio files contains the phrase “ruin her universe”, with “her” referring to LK.

Ruin her universe/finish the bastard.

He complained to the civil authorities (police)
to harass her.

She complained to the civil authorities (building department) to harass him.

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I like to see a response in the context of the posts it is responding to. Sometimes posters delete the original post, and the orphaned post no longer makes sense in isolation. Using the quote function simply invokes the platform’s default choice of capturing the relevant history of posts.

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Apparently some do. They believe if they repeat the same fallacy time and time again, that will make it true or we will forget what really happened.


PLEASE do not shut another thread down by responding… we know what they are going to say… its tiresome and boring… they need to be fed so they can antagonize… just don’t do it… Please - I would like the updates and learn more from our brilliant lawyers on this forum - I was just on jury duty and found it fascinating and loved it!


You try and try. But still the majority here and on YT and social media see exactly what happened.

Tell me, does LK have a trademark on the barefoot veiled ninja costumes? Asking for a friend.


Was it a criminal case? Did it feel so different being in the courtroom and able to watch from that perspective?

I’ve managed to be on a jury twice. I find that seat so interesting.


I recently saw on Indeed a 1 day assignment for “jurors” for a mock trial. It said it was for an actual trial and the participants would watch on zoom and then give their feedback. I thought it would be interesting but the people had to live in the same county where the actual case was going to be tried and I do not live in that area. Oh well!


Now that would be very interesting!


And causes a lengthy chain of individual letters spayed down the post!
NP, just scroll on by. By the way, most here now haven’t and don’t edit or delete posts.


Why is there still such lengthy discussion on the activities of 8/7/19 and the criminal trial? Wasn’t a verdict rendered in that trial and aren’t we on “trial watch” for the civil trials as well as the next Barisone evaluation hearing?

I urge those who want to continue rehashing the criminal trial and verdict bounce on over to the YouTube chats and engage with LK and her alters.


yes it was – a prison guard was attacked and strangled by an inmate - the inmate did not show up in court during jury selection and was not going to be present durning the trial… the jury selection went on for two days, most of the time waiting … I was not selected to be on the jury and I am very disappointed - I really wanted to serve.and learn more about the case… surprisingly the jury selected were mostly lawyers and doctors … most of them were challenging the questions posed by the lawyers during the jury selection… I work for a not-for-profit, so I guess I didn’t stack up… so disappointed. I know one of the doctors that got selected for the jury and I will ask him after what happened and further details. its a fascinating process… and a good one! must say the Barisone case made me more keen on serving on a jury - in the past when I was summoned and was asked to sit on a jury I “got out of it”. I will never do that again!


The platform has a default number of previous posts displayed when one uses the quote function. If the default number used by the forum bothers you, that is a technical issue with the forum.

Since most posters don’t delete posts, perhaps you could notify trubandloki, who is echoing all the posts of posters she doesn’t like. When these threads are shut down they are now usually archived, so that people can’t edit them anyway.


I would TOTALLY sign up for that - the system is so interesting…


I’m sure you stacked up just fine. It just may have been your position on the list.

When Judge T talks about how jury duty is the most important civic duty we have (aside from military, I forget exactly how he said it), he was right. It’s so important to have neutral, impartial people who are willing to listen and pay attention. The system kind of collapses without jurors.

But it’s also fascinating to be on that side of the trial.


I am super surprised about this. One of the first things we were told in law school is that we’d just lowered our chances of ever having to serve on a jury as they generally don’t want lawyers. We were told the exception was NYC b/c there were just too darn many lawyers to exclude us all. :rofl:


I wish people that wanted to be jurors would be chosen. I have zero interest in sitting with people I don’t know listening to something I don’t care about for hours or days. I’m not sure how you get the best out of those that are forced to attend.

What kind of area is set up for visitors at AK? Are you at tables or are there chairs scattered around a room? Any kind of privacy to speak about personal things?

Would he meet with his attorney in AK to work on the civil trial?


Well, there ya, go - I live in NYC…

