Barisone assessment

Bilinkas was starting to explore that as she said it’s ‘my money’ but her father writes the cheques (huh?). He was starting down the road of exploring where that money comes from (which prompted the answer about ‘I don’t know, the bank?’ which was especially strange if it is her money and not her father’s - how could she not know where it comes from?). I assume this line of questioning will come up again in the civil case but it won’t be cut off by the judge.

I think this is where the other side is, once again, going to reap the rewards of having had the foresight, dignity, and impulse control to simply remain silent on the subject for 3 years and for having kept civil tongues in their heads the few times they did speak, including in court.

Going even further back, 48 Hours is going to have so much of LK’s past history to explore both via criminal records (and the assault records of both parents :astonished:) and her incendiary SM posts from years and years before she ever met MB - not to mention RG’s criminal records. They will have very little of that kind of thing for MB or anyone connected with him. And, as you note, all the :poop: posting since the verdict, including eye-popping stuff from her mother here and LK and RG on YouTube. Heck we got the jaw-dropping charge of two attorney’s committing perjury just yesterday! Meanwhile, once again, other than the GFM updates, the MB side has maintained a dignified silence.

It will be interesting to see how 48 Hours weaves it all together.


beats my story, and yeah for the hospital!


a well known entity in the rescue world stated (more than once) that they scream into their pillow before they put their frustration on SM.

Or like a cousin of mine. Her dad started a ‘pick your own’ endeavor on the farm. She started in on how folks showed up at 5:30 to pick strawberries, when one of her classmated beamed at her ‘yeah, my mom went bright and early today,w e had strawberry waffles for breakfast!!’ the complaint stopped right there. And that was WELL before SM!
But whe dad implemented opening hours after that!

Sometimes not saying anything - no matter how difficult - is the best way to go.


My goodness! Look at that! A 3 day eviction for being disorderly! Of course, this information has been posted by me multiple times since Woman Shot at Barisone Farms.

Edited to add that no eviction notice was filed yet. It was delivered prior to being filed a not uncommon practice.

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Oh no.
Hay guy is top on the list. Mr. T can be second. But hay guy is for sure at the very top of the not likely to lie list.

I feel like if someone wrote this as a novel the editors would reject it as not believable.

But think about it, in my opinion this is how this family gets their way time and time again. Threaten until they give in. I am guessing that this was how LK treated MB once she was there and that explains why some of the situations were what they were (like why LK was allowed to move north with them and move into the house that they then could not get her out of). To most people it is easier to just shrug and give in when someone is once again threatening you with a lawsuit over nothing. (Again, this is just my opinion.)

@Rhythm_Pace_Impulsion - THANK YOU! You made me smile several times this morning as I catch up on the thread. That art work just makes the thread.

I wonder if this is the whole problem. All sworn testimony given under oath is evidence and some of that sworn testimony given under oath (not talking about either lawyer here) is not fitting the narrative anymore, so one step at a time all sworn testimony must be made to be just plain wrong.
(Just my opinion of what is happening.)


My understanding of the interview shows is often the interview subject is answering questions to someone besides the person you see on TV, and later the questions are taped with the main interviewer, and they splice them together, and it looks like the person who’s hosting is actually doing the interview, with the interview subject. It depends on the contract with the show.

There may be some hosts that do more of the most important interview subject, but it depends on scheduling, what the show has to do to get access to the interview subject (if they’re incarcerated, etc.) and if everyone in the case agrees to the interview.


He decided to shoot her while he was delusional per the verdict. NGRI.

If one is delusional, one can not decide or not decide.


Post 3376 arrived at a conclusion that ignored the part where MB said he couldn’t sleep for trying to keep up with expenses. The information within the post contradicted the written conclusion.

It does indicate he had cash flow problems as did I think the testimony of at least one of the mental health professionals who said he brought her back to New Jersey in 2019 because he needed the money.

I believe she testified she owned 8-9 horses for which she did not pay board.

Nice try.




Nope, you’re wrong. Post 3376 contains the transcript from the trial. “Cash flow problems” was never spoken in testimony. It was said MB had to be careful with his money and that has been wildly misinterpreted since.


Decisions based on delusion are still decisions. Decisions in and of themselves can be good or bad even if based on fact. Basing them on delusion makes it kind of challenging for them to be good ones.



So careful he couldn’t sleep at night especially with a payout of $965,000, 3 horses possibly valued in the 6 figures, loss of his spouse’s income and her management ability (he credited publicly with making it possible for him to train and compete).

He was not yet in partnership with MHG and she testified she contributed nothing to his business except riding horses (which is a very good value in itself at her level of expertise) and she had 8-9 horses on-site with no board.

If the term “cash flow problems” is obtainable perhaps “expenses induced insomnia” would be more acceptable.

Not being able to sleep can cause hallucinations after about 3 days and one’s decision making ability is degraded.

His breakdown could have already been well underway just because of not sleeping because of anxiety over expenses due to the divorce.

If you look at the active shooter description in the link, he checks all the boxes. Also, a different point, the police did well. No one died. The paper gives the ideal but then explains 1 or 2 officers may have to act and they need life saving equipment to do so. They did.

This is a terrible tragedy that did not need to happen. I hope they both continue to heal, they recover, and do well moving forward.


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It’s adorable when you think everyone doesn’t already know what pushed MB over the edge - LK.


Still a few hundred posts to go to catch up… but WOW. LK’s most recent YouTube comments?

WOW. She just can’t stop with the trash talking on social media.

Thanks for linking to the YouTube video and pointing out where the key comments were.


He was buried under stress. Divorce. New relationship with problems. Cash flow worries. Loss of income and business manager (wife). Ice busted pipes and damage to house. Bouts of depression. 8-9 past concussions plus being in his mid-fifties. Without those issues, with his experience and celebrated charm, he should have been able to have dealt with LK, one client, with ease, just doing business. This was a situation that did not have to end the way it did. Tragically.

I wish them all well.