Barisone assessment

I’m pretty sure it is going to be the losing money angle since it is being brought up ad nauseum now.


Maybe it’s two shovels in the truck?


Good lord, what if there’s an actual pitchfork too?


Besides physical aging issues-menopause with body parts drying out, possible ER with men, arthritis, hardening of the arteries, polyps, greater risk of cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, greater maintaining weight, welcome to cataracts, feeling one is no longer invincible, etc.,

it is a time of reckoning, realization of goals attained and unattainable, career limitations, relationships, opportunities. It can be weird when aging men in power chase young women trying to feel young. It’s not all bad news, it can be a time of self acceptance, greater understanding and maturity, no more cramps and even migraines may go away or diminish. One learns oneself.

Some people are old at 50. Some stay young. Attitude helps. Everyone at 50 knows it even if it doesn’t show. It’s the extra creakiness upon riding, the dull aches when you try to sleep. Colonoscopies are no longer avoidable.

Some people sail by the 50s and don’t notice.




I would suggest that when someone says something like “How do I keep this going? I can’t sleep. I have to be aware,” its not that the person is saying literally that they “can’t sleep”, but more along the line of “I can’t fall asleep at the wheel”: i.e., they have to always pay attention to things…


Reciprocal, tit for tat bullying and harassment between the sides is my basic view of the tragedy.

If you view it as all harassment and no bullying, that’s fine.

What do you think MB meant in the July 13 text when he said that he would make their lives so miserable they would be begging to leave?

When I first listened to his 911 calls, I was puzzled as to why someone would call 911 to report that a bizarre FB post had been posted the previous night, or that his clients were refusing to sign a document. He called police because they were in the barn after 9:00 to wrap legs.

I now think the calls were designed to harass and intimidate them. Possibly it was just a show to convince MHG that he was actually trying to get them out “by making them miserable”. He reciprocated on the call to SS. He reached out to anyone who had had a SM feud with LK. He compiled a 750 page complaint to get her banned from USEF. Told the farrier not to shoe her horses.

Since the recording operation was concealed, that was not designed to harass him, but understandably angered him when it was discovered.

I’ve said for months that at any time, either side had multiple opportunities to deescalate, but each side escalated instead.

That’s why MHGs text of Aug 3 is crucial- he’s called the police several times on them, which I interpret as intimidation and harassment, but no one has told them to leave. It’s established that the demand to vacate was not issued until August 5 or 6. Everybody (except me) assumes they were verbally and informally told to leave well prior to Aug 3. Maybe they were. But it has not been established that they were asked to leave.

Of course the idea that MB wanted them gone and would omit to ask them to leave but chose instead to “make their life miserable” so they “would beg to leave” just defies logic, right? It makes no sense. It’s just inconceivable that he would not have asked them to leave.

Well, it’s inconceivable that he would drive over to their residence and shoot her, as has been established in a court of law. We now understand that he was delusional and legally insane, which excuses him from criminal responsibility for the shooting.

If the insanity and delusions explain the inexplicable shooting, it can also explain why he, inexplicably, omitted to simply tell her to leave before Aug 5 or 6.

On “others really wanted her gone”, if it’s true that JK and Tarshis had been negotiating a new arrangement during that last week, that can also be interpreted as her having decided it was time to go, based on her own preferences, and negotiating the terms. I’ve always said that the sloppy financial deals complicated a final reckoning of exactly what each party owed the other.

Seeker is now saying that JK was not involved in these negotiations, and it’s true that JK did not testify. I had been assuming JK had been involved in the Tarshis negotiations, but now I have doubts, given what Seeker said.

Lots of people here cheered the verdict of NGRI.

I have to wonder if people think he was never insane at all, and his brilliant lawyer established the insanity finding to get him acquitted, or whether people think he was delusional for a 12 hour period in which he shot her, but was completely sane and rational for all of July through the morning of Aug 7.

I think his behavior in those final weeks is evidence of delusion at that time. That makes what is otherwise inconceivable - that he omitted to ask her to leave- conceivable to me. Just my opinion.

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This is a pretty dramatic description of what reaching your 50’s is like. :smirk:


If only we were surprised.


Please read the article for your own edification and stop making comments about my standards. The mods don’t like it when we attack each other.

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I have reached that age and I am no more crazy than I was when I was younger!! And physically, as with most horse people in this age range, I’m still rocking it! CH is spewing ageism at its finest and I for one find it extremely insulting.


At the least, one usually has one’s first colonoscopy. Please see @Fiesta01’s post above.

The verdict had nothing to do with what caused the delusion.

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Correction. The verdict proved he shot her, not that she was shot. He is not criminally liable because he was insane at the time. He still has civil restrictions as he has shown he is a threat to himself and others. When he no longer is as established by a state psychiatrist whose recommendation is accepted by a judge, then he will be released from some or all restrictions. I think he still will not be able to own a firearm having been institutionalized.

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The question was poorly worded. How does he get his money as opposed to earn.

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She truly has not changed one iota. Her posting style is almost comical:

No Paragraphs- cuz who needs em?
ALL CAPS -Cuz she wants to!
Lots of “ “ - cuz sarcasm
Some form of “I don’t GAF about your opinion”
And always, always say something snide about the lack of another poster’s intelligence.


And women have mammograms starting when they’re younger. What’s your point?


It worries me that the sheer volume of it will mean it can’t fully be portrayed, and won’t be clear.


Has Seeker1 accused anyone of “blatant perjury”. or of “perjury” of any form? I haven’t seen Seeker use the word perjury.

As I recall Seeker said something about statements that JK was involved in the negotiations was, what was the technical term, “BS”.

I recall a nice explanation of perjury provided by one of the lawyers (maybe Ekat), that said that simply stating under oath something factually untrue did not necessarily constitute perjury. Instead it mattered whether the untrue aspect was or wasn’t material to the issue.

There was something about a man cheating on his wife and saying under oath he was at the grocery store instead at his lover’s house to avoid exposing the affair. If his lying about being “at the grocery store” was immaterial to what he has testifying about, it was not perjury. But my memory is not perfect.

Did Seeker use the word perjury? Blatant perjury? Is that even a thing?