Barisone assessment

That was my take on it, as well.


What is your source for saying there is not a single text in that time period? Did you or do you have access to all of the texts? Just a few were presented in court but there may have been many more. The prosecutor made what seemed like an error later with the shooting social media posts that Dr Simring used for his evaluation. When he tried to talk about more the two he entered into evidence the judge stopped him. Perhaps he has a pattern of trying to only introducing enough to make his point.

Okay, I’ll ask this again, do you personally know LK? Have you personally dealt with her or been the subject of her wrath and bullying? Do you personally know anyone who had? If not, take a seat. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Better question, how does SHE get her money as opposed to earn it.




Complete sentences are your friend here.

“So, if the cash flow problems were so bad, why isn’t there one single text between NOVEMBER 2018 and the shooting where he brings that up introduced into evidence?”

If that’s his pattern, it’s a poor one because basic trial strategy is to introduce the best, closest in time evidence.


Yes. Very possible.


It doesn’t have to be but yeah physicals get more complex as time goes by. Look at reunions. Some people stay youthful and full of vitality and some are not recognizable. Sometimes it is self inflicted early aging but sometimes it just happens. Usually there is something though if it’s just a little arthritis in an old injury.

When you realize how very, very low they will go it can be smarter to back away slowly. Alas that can also be fuel that makes them worse.
I’m not shocked that the various involved parties didn’t know what to do, how to safely get out of this dysfunctional, abusive, opportunistic, volatile situation.




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strong text = all my responses to CH’s arguments.


Congratulations on your good health! Just so you know, if you stay healthy, you get to keep having colonoscopies after the age of 75.

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I wonder how “they” gave 48 Hours one of those elusive bombshells SEVEN WEEKS AGO when they just met LK for the first time this week? :thinking: Something tells me they wanted no part of any illegally obtained recordings. They might mention illegal recordings in the episode, but they aren’t dumb enough to quote them or play them. After all this time the Kanareks still deflect to content thinking no one sees their installation of the recording devices and the most egregious act - not what supposedly was on them.

It’s like they have a black magician’s hat they pull these imaginary bombshells out of. You get a bombshell and you get a bombshell and YOU get a bombshell! Everyone gets a bombshell! :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:


So, you are saying this prosecutor has a habit of cherry-picking his evidence? If the only text he could cherry-pick to make his point was from a year before the shooting……doesn’t that indicate a lack of evidence for the point he was making?

Edited because I accidentally referenced a year before the trial instead of shooting


By CH, do you mean me? What have I posted that is ageist?

I think they mistook Hut-Ho’s post as one of yours


My theory that it appeared as though someone was auditioning for 48 Hours was flagged and removed by the Mods. Not sure why it was flagged - maybe was getting too close to the truth. :thinking:


Once again, dictating how others are allowed to post. Please do not do so.

With his experience with wealthy clients and their children, adult and otherwise, he should have had the good judgment to evict her, actually to have avoided bringing her back from Florida even.

Your experience with LK sounds terrible for both parties. I hope you can soon move on.

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And from the presumed victim, speaking at the trial of her alleged assailant, that’s really odd.