Barisone assessment

True! It is interesting that someone might say something regarding a big expenditure coming due, worrying about cash flow (haven’t we all at some point it time? Well, except LK), equipment breaking down on and on, coupled with the phrase “I’m losing sleep” or “I can’t sleep” due to whatever, and the Kanareks and their obsessive defenders take it as absolute fact of something nefarious; but, FINISH THE BASTARD is perfectly fine, even Googling various meanings to explain her threatening, angry text.


Here is the actual clip of MHG describing the cash flow problems and the dollars associated:

MHG said he had cash flow problems and listed the expenses.

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Since she had just testified to that in court, I find your question or your point a mystery.

I’m not aware if her father manages her money or provides his own funds.

I don’t think anyone but @Seeker1 knows.

So here’s the thing - my mother died of colon cancer. So I started my colonoscopies in my 40’s and if I have to have them every few years it is a small price to pay to avoid an unnecessary death. As with mammograms, gyno and every other preventive test we do to avoid all manner of cancers, etc. It is also my understanding that doctors are now recommending colonoscopies begin for everyone in their 40’s. So buckle up! It’s really not so bad - at least they knock you out for that one!


Can’t argue that. It did hamper his impeachment of Dr Simring.

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I apologize, definitely my mistake. I did mean HH.


You know, I get your meaning, but at this point, IMHO, the MB side has simply maintained a normal and predictable silence.


And I can’t help but wonder why Bilinkas wanted to explore it. Perhaps he knows where the money came from, but revealing the source would have cast LK in an unfavorable light. And since she wasn’t on trial, Taylor wouldn’t allow that discussion to proceed any further.


Most horse businesses have cash flow problems from time to time.

It’s not remarkable.

The fact that he actually owned considerable property, and had financial assets? That is noteworthy. It means that he had options when it came to possible solutions for short term cash flow problems.


Again, you people go to all lengths to find negativity. What do I think of it? I think I would have said the same thing! Examples of actions I might take include having the power to the house turned off, giving them the cold shoulder, telling the farrier not to shoe her horses, completely and utterly ignore her.

See how easy it is to tilt the slant of a narrative? What can’t be tilted are LK/JK/RG’s ACTIONS, including the testimonies of RG & LK.


Cherry picking? Not at all. Not boring the jury with an over preponderance of evidence all stating the same thing.


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Interesting theory.

Why don’t we just ask @Seeker1 to speak to this issue?

Seeker - do you care to shed any light whatsoever on whether or not there is something unusual, or possibly embarrassing about how your family accumulated sufficient funds to support your daughter’s riding?

For the record… I’m not accusing you or your loved ones of being involved in anything criminal. Just… perhaps there is something about the source of the funds that you all do not wish to make public?


Here is my partial transcription.

MHG It Took a lot of money to run the business.

Chris Schelhorn “At times would he indicate to you or tell you that he was having issues in terms of cash flow?”

MHG “Yes”

…I guess between 40 and 50K a month…

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Of course, her flippant response was due to Bilinkas not asking her correctly. Got it. Gee, how many times did she need questions repeated, sometimes more than once?



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Thank you @Seeker1.

Prosecutor “do you recall him telling you he had cash flow issues?”
MHG “yes”
Prosecutor “and by this do you mean it was having cash flow liquid, available?”
MHG “yes”

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Ok. I will take that at face value. I just thought I would ask.

Question number 2. Has anyone in your family ever been involved in the movie production industry in any capacity?

Idle curiosity on my part.


“I think he was terrified by her bizarre FB rant. Maybe because of his delusional disorder. Maybe because she is a legitimately extreme person, and some folks do find her frightening and unstable. He legitimately was experiencing fear about what she might be doing in the barn at night. So he called 911. Is it dramatic and extreme? Maybe. We have the benefit of hindsight though”

He grew up in an abusive home. That likely helps explain much about his reactions to the bizarre actions of LK, RG, and JK and I would guess KK as well, considering her assertion she was on the farm, witness yo the day to day