Barisone assessment

Please review above clarfication

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Actually, we agree on some issues, I think.

I think we agree that his behavior, not just on Aug 7 but in the weeks leading up to it, was strongly affected by his delusions. I guess we can’t say he had “intent” to harass her in the same way that we can’t say he had “intent” to murder her, due to the delusions.

I just don’t buy that he was refraining from evicting her out of kindness to protect her future options in the sport. He went to considerable effort to attempt to get her a lifetime ban.

You’re right that given that LK was posting about what she had heard on the recordings that that was meant to harass him - I agree.

I don’t think a rational person thinks that it’s a kindness to decline to tell someone it’s time to leave and vow to make them so miserable they will be begging to leave. Most people over the age of 14 know that if a personal relationship breaks down, you try to tell the person you’re quitting the client relationship because it’s just no longer a good match, you need the stalls for other new clients that are clamoring to train with you, whatever. You don’t say “you need to leave because my girlfriend hates your guts and every else does, too.” He would not have needed to put an eviction on her record if he had given her 30 days notice before July 1 and let her vacate. I think he couldn’t use the demand to vacate route because he was not clear in his mind that we wanted her gone as of July 1, didn’t provide notice, and did not want to wait 30 days when he later did want her gone.

So some, but not all, of his “negative” treatment of her may be down to the delusions.

It’s the demonstrated delusional behavior that makes me think that the inconceivable is conceivable - that he hadn’t asked her to leave sooner than Aug 5 or 6.

But there is evidence that he also had something of a bully personality. I’m thinking of the COTH member who posted in about 2015 that she did not recommend him as a trainer because she in her experience he was abusive and dishonest, and he had shipped her horse to Florida without her knowledge and consent because he wanted to campaign the horse himself.

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Agree it is highly unusual that someone in their 40’s needs a parent to manage their money and pay their expenses.

And the source of the funds could be something totally innocuous, such as an inheritance, insurance claim settlement, etc.

Or the source could be something a bit more “interesting” such as a previous lawsuit or shakedown.

The fact that Taylor was absolutely not going to allow it to be discussed does make one wonder.


Maybe that’s they why it was flagged. But why would the mods remove it for “getting too close to the truth”?

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She said at the trial she “had” 8-9 horses. It is worth noting that she has some arrangement with Ruth Cox re co-ownership of some number of horses, and they have done some breeding together. It is not uncommon for someone to buy or breed a nice horse, give a pro some ownership interest in exchange for the training and competing of said horse with original person still footing the other bills. There is more than one variation of this theme but after the horse is brought along to a certain level and sold, the sale price is then split. SO I stand by my belief that someone was paying board on most of those 8-9 horses but it wasn’t Mary.


OK. I just reviewed it.

Let’s try this another way.

I will state as a fact that I have heard a rumor that a family member of yours, is involved in the movie production business.

Would you care to confirm or debunk this rumor? It’s obviously your choice.

I will refrain from sharing additional commentary about the rumor I heard. Because I don’t what is true or not. Presumably you do. Which is why I am asking you directly, and offering you the opportunity to debunk it.


Jim Butcher has. Raith, Skavis & Malvora families.

I think the Kanareks are mostly Skavis & Malvora but use a touch of Raith to set the hook.

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Indeed. I have wondered about the entertainment industry for some time, but I have no clue.

LK doesn’t have the credentials to be sponsored by a wealthy dressage enthusiast, so who knows?


Isn’t Eggbutt part of the MB side? She has had personal interactions with LK, and is a long time family friend of MHG.

She has hardly been silent.

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There have been several statements about how LK May have made money or didn’t have any money and lived off her parents ir hasn’t taken money from her parents since she was a young age or her dad managed her money. There have been many statements about her dad that he is a prominent lawyer or was or he now works at an investment firm or crazy claims about nefarious activities. These comments have conflicted each other so they can’t so be true assuming any are and the only consistency is that they have been posted here in order to bait, taunt, and demean one person and her family.

They have nothing to do with pious false innocence of “we only want to discuss the trials.” Who does that?

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That may be so but that is not what was testified to in court.

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I didn’t attack you, but ok :+1: I’ll make comments about your standards all day long, if it’s true and relevant to the conversation. You can flag my post, if you’d like. No need to read for my “edification” either :sweat_smile: would you like to further dictate about what I can or cannot post?

Edit: spelling


I dont call mocking our family members names on the go fund me page for an attempted murderer “silence”…classy right? We would never engage I such hurtful behavior even thou he tried to murder my first born.


Interesting. I’ve never read anything from Jim Butcher.

I’ve said it before, but some of the key personalities totally remind me of a few different Gillian Flynn characters.

In particular, “Amma” from “Sharp Objects.”


I responded to VHMs comments on my post, and completely agreed that the recording was meant to harass, given the posting on FB

@Virginia_Horse_Mom I appreciated your response, and you altered my views considerably, particularly on that point.


How would you know this, Eggbutt?

Also, the Klan keeps acting like this was section 8 housing, and that everyone should know the procedures for eviction. Pretty ludicrous.


I want to clarify that, in my post, when I say the other side, I mean people directly involved (MB, MHG, RC, JH - really all the barn staff and fellow boarders) have maintained a dignified silence that has served them very well in the trial, will continue to serve them well in the upcoming trial, and speaks highly of their individual characters.

You are objecting to behaviour of random users of this forum or YouTube or facebook. Those people are not what I would consider the other side. I consider them - including all posting here - mere onlookers.

The parties to the trial on the other side have absolutely remained wisely and absolutely silent on social media.

Edit to clarify: I was wrong to say ‘all posting here’ are onlookers; I recognise that you and your daughter also post here (past tense for your daughter) and on YouTube, and LK and RG post on many of the other SM platforms as well.


Fair enough CH. Glad we could have a decent discussion today. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry if I a came off as hostile in terms of calling your thought process on that one issue “BS.” It would have been more cordial if I had just said that I saw it through a very different lens.

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