Barisone assessment

1 - She refers to MHG several times as “HW gf.” What does “HW” stand for?

2 - It is totally incongruous that MB would instruct the staff to TRIPLE her horses’ feed, when he was already losing money on them. And doubly incongruous that someone who was allegedly having a “cash flow problem” would do something like that. So I call BS on that allegation.


Balinkas called it the manifesto. He would call a ice cream cone a poo if he thought it would get his client off.

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HW gf stands for Home wrecking girl friend



“How can I throw even more money on this horrendous bonfire of these horses and their owner that won’t leave? Hmm. Let me think.” :thinking:


This is the question we have all wondered.


That someone was LK. I’m not sure where it was originally posted—maybe Facebook?


That’s probably true. He is a criminal defense attorney- that was his job.

What the lengthy Facebook post… complete with multiple chapters… was called doesn’t really matter though, does it? Except that maybe you feel it’s over the top, and I guess I scan see that.

What really matters is the content.

What do you think of the content of your daughter’s Facebook post? Did you read it?


She described the situation as she saw it. Michael didnt want her to go. Mhg wanted the house for her kids and parents… but michael didnt tell her to leave like she wanted him to because since she was buying horses…she was perceived as a source of revenue.

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Again, were you not in the courtroom when the lawyers from both sides testified about reaching an agreement for LK to leave the property? Or were you napping during that testimony as well?


It described the situation as i saw it. Michael saw lk as an additional sources of income and more income…like buying horses and bringing in more horses that he could charge for. Also he liked rob because he was fixing the damaged house to mhg specs as he is a master carpenter…and can do most anything with regard to renovations…

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Maybe you are right and LK did just post to “describe the situation as she saw it.”

Do you think it is normal and a sign of mental health to publicly post on social media in such a manner?


Didn’t LK herself call it a Manifesto?


Maybe she was afraid of him and thought it would make him stop giving her athe hard time that he has secretly sworn to do… maybe not the best choice but their behavior was all messed up. Also she admitted she had mental health issues and was struggling to decide what to do. Maybe her health issues distorted her judgement. But she did not pick up a gun and try to kill him. She dealt with it as best she could given her constraints and challenges. Michael on the other hand…

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RG may be in excellent position to know whether a gun was pointed at his head and fired, even if the evidence was not there to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

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[quote=“hut-ho78, post:4370, topic:773116, full:true”]

Do you know any 50 year olds in real life?


This might have been true back in March of 2019.

But then JT was purchased. And the next horse? It was not being purchased through MB? It was in quarantine at the time of the shooting.

As for Rob, I will have to take your word that he is a master carpenter. Rob himself testified that he “slowed down” in his work whenever he believed “he was getting ahead” of whatever he believed he owed MB. Mike McGrain testified to doing much of the tiling job. Rob also admitted on the stand to slipping and doing drugs during the summer of 2019. Also, Simring testified that in late July, MB had a PI investigate Rob and Lauren’s background, and he then learned about their lengthy arrest records, and the long history of drug issues.

So let’s be honest, by early August, MB no longer liked Rob. And MB no longer wanted LK to stay.


Yes it was mb via conversations with mhg as she testified to on day 2 of the trial

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I saw the pictures of the renovations in progress in the basement—they weren’t on the screen for long, but it looked like he did well with the drywall and trim and painting, etc.

I think “Master Carpenter” is a tested professional designation and not a description of a trim job well done—just a FYI


Uh, methinks a “master carpenter” would have made a lot more progress with the renovations between April and August. Heck, that whole danged house would probably have been renovated in 3-4 weeks if a true "master carpenter’ had been on the job.


I saw the work he did. It was and is always magnificent. He was a bathroom renovator so maybe he didnt do all the tile work but Rob was the brains, muscle, and implementor of mhgs plans. I was there and saw exactly what he did. He did work for me too that was highly skilled and gorgeous. The other guy was a barn hand tat rob taught some skills to help out michael.