the prosecuctor (state) will be the party putting on the eividence, calling the Dr. It will likely be the same attorney, but different offices run things their own way and there could be a more specialize attorney doing this for the state.
If it’s a closed hearing, I don’t expect anyone is allowed in except the direct parties and witnesses (in my experience, just the drs). as its a closed hearing for a no-criminal matter dealing with medical/health issues, I don’t think the victim will be allowed there. If the victim has sent info to the hospital, that may or may not be useful to the witnesses, I couldn’t say how that would be recieved.
My experience is limited to the civil realm, and these hearings are conducted literally at a big table with everyone sitting around it. Theyare quite informal compared to what you see on TV, though they are on the record. Everyone is there in the spirit of helping the person get healthy and move forward to a more better life, even the State’s attorney.
Except in the case of actual murder, in NJ, the Krol hearings are closed, because, as you said, it’s a medical hearing and NJ wants to protect the privacy rights of the patient.