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Barisone assessment

This is my thought, too. He’s reading, interacting with people in the facility and from outside, he’s feeling more like himself, I understand from the update that he’s healthy and exercising and focused on recovery and moving forward. All of this is great news and I really hope it leads to his full release soon!


Thanks. It also occurred to me that vacation schedules may come into play too, esp. at this time of year. For instance, if Bilinkas or Schellhorn or the AK doc is scheduled to be at the beach with family on Taylor’s first availability for a mental health hearing, the hearing obviously gets pushed back. Sucks for MB, but I can certainly understand how tricky scheduling can be.


With this case having statutory time frames, the judge is well aware he HAS to get this hearing done. There is often a lot of pressure from the up aboves to meet statutory deadlines. For a lot of reasons. Also, it can make for a good cause in a mandamus writ, and I’m sure Taylor doesn’t want to get into that with bilinkas!


Judges also take breaks. I had a friend who clerked for a judge in NYC and he would go sit somewhere else for a fortnight or something? I swear it was down in FL. She called it a ‘boondoggle’ as they stayed in a nice hotel for that time. He was a specialty court judge so maybe that’s why he went to a different jurisdiction - maybe @Knights_Mom would know about this practice?

Anyway, the judge may also be away at certain times this summer which could cause delays.

@ekat so as not to disadvantage someone in MB’s situation, would another judge take over Taylor’s hearings like this if he’s away?


Ah ha!! Y’all got in Mod trouble!

@FitzE I know of no such practice systematically. However, excessive alcohol and infidelity is a court thing for sure.


I know you asked ekat, but in my experience, judges don’t cover for each other unless it’s an unplanned or lengthy absence ( like medical) but they do sometimes get help if there is a pressing need. Otherwise it falls on them to properly manage their caseload even with vacations.


I wonder what is happening with USEF/SS and the MB-MHG complaint?


No permits have been filed under the Kanarek ownership. So if it’s being worked on, it’s being done illegally. If LK is doing her interviews at some posh seasonal rental housing that her Pop got for her or the home of a relative who has property there, it’s strictly for narrative control and because the actual home she stays in could have compromising evidence of what she’s really like. Most likely, the 48 Hours crew paid to use the IDA barn property on the Eastward side, where they can get money shots and such and they can do interviews there, in a “horse setting”. Apart from that, I can’t see the show renting one of the homes for any use and I doubt any are available for rent.


I believe you are correct. I imagine the Kanareks would use a hotel if they didn’t use their home. I wonder why it wasn’t at Paradigm so there could be shots of her horses too?


I have a feeling the farm does not need the attention.


Agreed. Perhaps they refused to allow it not wanting the infamy that comes from the connection to spread even further by way of national television.

Thanks! Everyone deserves time off, but I can see how that prohibition on covering for other judges must leave people like those in MB’s situation hanging a bit during the summer/holiday months. I hope it doesn’t cause MB even further delay given the already substantial delay as a result of not having a bed open after the verdict was rendered.


This is Welligton:

This is Little Ranches:

It’s a small section of Wellington. I boarded at a barn there this past winter. It’s pretty nice.


My dog’s mission in life is to rid the world of varmints. He has 1 skunk, 2 squirrels, 1 bird, and a couple of frogs under his belt. The only varmint that survived hi grab and shake was an opossum. The second it went limp he dropped it since his mission was accomplished. 10 minutes later it got up and meandered off into the woods. (I am working on a strong “leave it” command to try to avoid future killings, but his instinct is very strong.)


This is really great news. It also speaks a lot to MB’s character. Three different mental health experts testified to the tactics used against him. Even the Mustache said that those things were really happening. Despite the efforts they may have not completely broken or “finished” him.

It’s also great that he has a strong support system around him. That’s important to him, and is also important to the court when they consider next steps.


Good answer. It’s hard to get other judges up to speed, especially in complicated cases. It’s a lot easier to cover early on when you’re still in the pretrial stages.


Well, Wellington is probably about 20 miles or so from the ocean. There are some ponds and things around Wellington. Maybe a little lake or two. And canals everywhere. I would not be inclined to go near any of them, considering that every body of water down there has alligators in it.

For example, here is a sandy patch that could be called a beach by a pond in Wellington. The resident alligator is often sitting up there on sunny days. The pond is maybe 25 or 30 feet from a riding ring at a busy facility.

There used to be a somewhat crazy guy who would go in the pond with the horses to swim them for fitness. I was completely horrified on the basis of both hygiene and alligator risk. Lol.


I was completely fooled when my dog caught a possum many years ago. I called the dog off it and brought her in the house, and when I went back outside to dispose of the possum, it had vanished without a trace. Lol.


If I were her, or anyone involved in this case, I wouldn’t allow filming at my home. There are too many crazies out there who would scour the footage for any identifying details and figure out exactly where I lived. No thanks.


I want to go back and address something a couple of hundred of posts and a couple of tangents ago.

Someone (one of the perennial Kanarek defenders) accused on posters on this thread of minimizing, belittling or mocking Lauren’s injuries, and then we got into the long digression of who made the comment about getting the boob fixed. (A wonderful red herring, to be sure. Perhaps we have a new term for red herring.)

I want to address the original concern.

Lauren was shot twice in the chest and was critically injured. She is very lucky that she was within a short distance to a trauma center and got immediate skilled aid; in a remote or more rural area, her injuries might well have been fatal. <<<< No one has ever disputed, minimized or mocked those facts.

This is where we need to remind everyone of the story of the boy who cried wolf, or the woman who admitted under oath that she lies all the time on social media. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE can trust Lauren’s version of events about anything. Add in confusion about the number of shots, number of bullet wounds, the helicopter ride that wasn’t, the weeks in the coma that where longer than the hospital stay, the “flatlining twice” and ridiculous phrases like “stem to stem” and no one is going to take Lauren or her family’s version of events at face value.

If Lauren asserted the sky was blue, I would walk outside, look up and check, and if she asserted up was up and down was down, I’d perform independent gravity tests.

If it was testified to under oath by the treating physician, I believe it. If it’s something LK or her family testified to or said on SM, I’m not going to believe it without corroboration. A lot of corroboration.

That’s not being “mean”; that isn’t minimizing, belittling or mocking. That’s a rational response to someone who has demonstrated, time and time again, a very tenuous grasp of the truth.

Doesn’t mean I don’t understand that she sustained a life-threatening injury and a difficult recovery. It just means I will never believe her version of events because she has proven over and over again that her version can’t be trusted.


Does anyone know if 48 Hours has read posts here on COTH?