Barisone assessment

Hard to say, but it’s certainly plausible and possible. Facebook posts are more likely, given that viewers certainly know what that is.


Or all the YouTube posts.


I’d also like to point out that I am not a frequent poster or contributor to these threads. I’ve never been a “Barisone fan girl”; I don’t know any of the participants personally.

I starting following the case and these threads out of curiosity and from a mindset of “Client/trainer disputes can be awful, but you can’t settle them by shooting people.”

In the intervening time, EVERYTHING I have learned about the participants through SM and the YT videos of the trial as well as input from people who DO know the principals have changed my opinion. Barisone was absolutely the victim and barring a NG on all counts, I think the jury’s findings were correct.

There was a long period of time pre-trial when I though @eggbutt strangely and unhealthily obsessed. (Sorry, eggbutt.) The fact that most of what she asserted to be true pre-trial has been borne out and that she has excellent personal reasons for wanting the Kanarek family exposed changed my mind.

And until somebody presents solid evidence that he did, I’m not even convinced he brought the gun to the scene OR pulled the trigger unless it was during a struggle with the dog, the weapon or LK and RG.

So if someone is planning of accusing me of bias or hatred or predisposition, that hound won’t hunt. I came to this story with the opinion of “You can’t just resolve conflicts by shooting people.” and now I am completely and thoroughly convinced that Barisone was a victim and that the people who harassed and tormented him need to face serious consequences.


There was a stunning lack of testimony or acknowledgment of RG’s broken hand. We heard all about it pre-trial. And he remembered it well enough to post on FB about it after the trial, but during the trial he acted like he didn’t know what the defense was talking about in regards to a hand injury.

You do not forget about a broken hand that requires surgery to fix. However, based on the location of the break, I have always wondered if it was caused by MB wrenching the gun out of his hand. Also, the mismatch of MB using his non dominant hand to shoot LK in the chest but needing to swap to his dominant hand to aim at RG. That was always nonsensical.

I have not seen anything that has made me not think that RG shot LK to cover up the fact that they thought RG had killed MB by using a choke hold and their beating of him and dog attack.


To me, that seemed like the most glaring example of why every single word from that source would need to be verified. The helicopter story was repeated many, many, many times, usually with exclamation marks and capital letters, to add dramatic effect to the story.

And she did not discover that she was never even on a helicopter until years after the fact?? Seriously?!?


That may be true, but it seems like it’s already quite easy for anyone to figure out where she lives. Haven’t people here on the BB already identified her address in Loxahatchee?

I’m not saying anyone should post the address here, at all. Just pointing out that it seems like people have already figured it out from information that is readily available online if you know where to look.


In all fairness mcgruk…she was bleeding out rapidly and in and out of consciousness. The doctors testified that she lost a very large portion of her blood. The doctors art the hospital told me that she did have to be revived at least once. Once they completed the surgery and gave her blood…her organs began to swell so much that the lungs were not functioning from over crowding. They opened up her abdomen and chest for awhile until the swelling went down…so the respirator could do its job. Im fairly certain that all of this information was in the doctors report in the trail and certain that the hospital has a detailed report. This is the hospitals version…not mine.


I know that theory has come up a time or two over the years in these conversations.

It always seemed pretty far over the top to me, but I will certainly admit that I am not at all familiar with the behavior patterns of people in situations like this one. Thank goodness.


There is indeed a certain segment of the population that will cause their own injury as a means to get what they want or to get out of accountability for their actions.


No doubt.

I will continue to steer clear of that segment to the best of my ability. Fingers crossed.


After watching the testimony of LK and RG a few times it’s pretty easy to see when they are lying and I really don’t think that’s what happened. I do however, believe a struggle did happen prior to the shooting and I believe MB brought the gun but NOT to murder people.

I’m a firm believer that the truth WILL come out. It always does.


Yep, pre-trial I was also solidly in the court of “you don’t shoot people, that’s what the courts are for” and now … now I’m 100% positive that, in a similar situation, I’d crack as well. Torture is torture, whether it’s mental or physical, and LK obviously knew what she was doing and was arrogant enough to brag about while she was doing it. Looking forward to the civil trial and getting to hear all the things the criminal judge wouldn’t let be said.


That’s much more likely to happen when the video cameras are not removed or turned off. See the latest news stories on the school shooting in Texas, for example.


While LK/JK’s house in Loxahatchee will be nice once it’s is repaired/renovated, it will not scream luxury like the homes in Little Ranches. Since wealth and social status are important to the K’s, it was important to find a place that at least gives that impression to the viewers of 48 Hours.


If true, that makes me genuinely sad for them. I cannot imagine being in my 40s and still not able to just be who I am and live where I live and be comfortable with it and comfortable in my own skin. It must be exhausting to have to fake and feign and faux everything up in order to keep up appearances to match a false narrative.


Well I believe the fallout will happen btwn LK/RG/JK. It’s very difficult to maintain those relationships with all the toxicity, venom, spite etc. I foresee RG getting the boot down the road and unless the cash keeps coming, the truth will. I can’t imagine living under those conditions would be easy.


First RG was a boyfriend, then fiancé, then boyfriend. Money issue?


And you never thought to tell her she was not medi-vacced?


Boyfriend often gets upgraded to fiance by parents or minders when there’s a tragedy. I see it all the time in local news. Parents think it raises the tone of the situation. Even when they’ve been living together 10 years and have 2 kids. Mom would love to say husband, son in law, but can’t get away with that as it’s public record.

“Common law husband” has fallen out of fashion but used to be the newspaper identification of longstanding unmarried partners. It did carry a whiff of shame.

Fiance is an easier upgrade, especially if one or both have died tragic deaths. No one is left to dispute it.

Anyhow its very very common for this upgrade to happen temporarily especially when talking to media, but then slide back to a actually just live in boyfriend after.


Remember what I said about controlling the narrative? That’s what it was. Boyfriend long before the shooting, fiance in the news articles and social media posts immediately afterwards and before MB refused to plea bargain, and then boyfriend again, before and after the trial began. Calling him fiance in the public-facing narrative put out immediately after the shooting reinforces the false impression that promising doe-eyed future Olympian Equestrian Lauren had a “great future ahead of her” that was suddenly and cruelly derailed by the actions of the violent and psychotic horse trainer.