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Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

No daddy comes on to say financial aid.


Yes, that’s what I was referring to


Yeah the ridiculous, “he needed her $5000 for four (or more?) Horses board, training, etc to keep his business afloat” idea.
Sadly, the general public will hear that and think that’s a lot of money, when we all know its a bottom basement bargain.


That is the problem here. Filling the gap between reality and what the general public will think about the numbers and other horse related things.


Anyone watching the morning show today?
There is a bit about the 48 hours on.

It appears that Lauren Kanarek is being Lauren Kanarek and not able to stop lying about even the most basic thing. She told the host of 48 hours that she had just started riding again (and we know when her interview happened) when there is so much proof out there that this is not true. Poor Lauren Kanarek, not able to tell the truth about anything.


So the competition results for her from 2020 on the USEF website are wrong? :roll_eyes:


You’re about to in the show! He’s in the preview!

I meant his teams story which they are explaining on his behalf I guess, please don’t start arguing with me over semantics you know what I meant. Starting useless arguments just to derail the thread is not needed.

Which, correct me if I’m wrong, was the achievement of her last score she needed for her Bronze?
Which was a big deal to her, if I remember correctly.


Pics I haven’t seen before, including what I assume is MB in the hospital after the altercation


"Lauren Kanarek’s father says Lauren was “shocked and dismayed” by the verdict. She is taking the fight to civil court, hiring an attorney to sue Michael Barisone on her behalf.

Lauren has started to ride horses again after a long road of surgeries and treatments. "

 Didn’t they file the civil case pretty quickly, and definitely before the verdict??


They are about as accurate in that sentence as they are about her just starting to ride again.


Not to mention the oodles of videos and photos on her social media of her riding her horses
which date back to January 2020.


Yes, which often happens with these shows
 And who knows where the misinformation started.


I’ve watched various crime documentaries about cases I was familiar with, and the amount of information that’s omitted is ridiculous. I know they only have so much time, but major information was omitted.


True crime TV is my background noise at home and I do find it interesting when I realize the show on is about some crime that I have already seen several times and the information seems totally different than what I feel like I have been shown to that point.


Interesting how that article has a completely different version of how long she was in a coma, compared to her previous statements. :roll_eyes:


60 Minutes on Sunday is also doing a story on Barisone.


That too

Hey @Wayne, do you have a link to anything about this? I did not know that 60 Minutes covered the case too.


LK’s injuries were horrific. There was the first surgery where the ER opened her chest tried to stop the bleeding but failed. Then they waited on the thoracic surgeon specialist (who testified) and they went in under her arm and managed to clamp the aorta. There was a third after her organs started to swell to continue the chest cut straight down the rest of the way to let the organs swell so she could breathe. That was all life saving surgeries and testified to in court. They also testified in court that she flatlined at least twice.

Then my guess is they had to go back and clean all that up to make permanent repairs and address some of the scarring of the lungs with a thoracic surgeon again and the skin with a plastic surgeon. They were able to show a photo of some of the healed scar lines in court. That doesn’t count the destroyed implant and where all that was spread in the chest cavity and the reconstruction of that breast later.

So yeah. Multiple surgeries of which 3 at least were life saving.

If she ends up with adhesion problems, she may face additional surgeries in the future.