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Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I’m sure they will give Lauren equal time. It may not be what she and daddy want to hear but she’ll definitely get the time.


I probably read the post wrong but I interpreted that poster to be saying from the preview that it’s bias towards LK. Quite frankly I’m over the attitude here of if you aren’t gushing over MB you must support LK. Some of us are interested we just don’t want to wade through a bunch of back and forth about a trial that has ended.

Whatever I’m a jerk for wanting information without wading through 200 posts of BS.


A) Put key people who repeatedly go off course on ignore.

B) Or wade through.

Those are the options now available at present in this nation of free speech on this private board that has rules which these posts you dislike don’t break. So they are allowed.
So you have the two previously listed options, A and B.



Ya I know. I just had to have my moment because no kidding I go to work, come home, do wherever, sleep, wake up and boom! 200 posts. All because of someone that people say to ignore blah blah blah, but they don’t ignore.

So not trying to dictate the thread just venting my frustration because it is interesting


There’s a thread in Off Course… Err… Off Topic…for that. :wink:


Yeah sorry I forgot, I can’t just vent I need to go elsewhere thank you.

I have not heard MB’s version of events anywhere. Have you ?

She got more time in that little preview than Michael did so… I am not sure why anyone would think she is not going to get her time.


With the time difference there’s no way I can watch it live, so I’m counting on that being my entire day’s entertainment when I get up on the 11th!


You mean after the civil case, right?

200 posts? Sometimes there’s 1000s between my readings.


Me too and I read every one. The motions to quash. Nope. Too much drivel. I skipped a lot.


No, I meant after the criminal trial. In other words, the developments since April, since I would imagine they will probably only have time to cover the events before and during the criminal trial for the most part.

FYI, the moderator posted on the other thread that Cat.J95 was an alter for a previously banned poster, and has also been banned.


That poster has now been banned. An alter for someone already banned. The moderator posted in the other thread.


JINX MHM :slight_smile:


Oh I didn’t think a preview with option to edit or complain. I was thinking more like a courtesy screening a few days in advance. But maybe even that is risky to the show producers because it could give the subjects of the show a chance to file for libel and a temporary injunction which would be a huge headache even if it was a nuisance filing and not held up. Whereas if the subjects only see the show at the same time as the rest of the world, its already broadcast and had viewers and revenue etc.


48 Hours also posts all their episodes as podcasts - surprisingly they work 95% without visuals. You’ll miss the horsey footage but for those not in the US or without TV access you could listen to the podcast. Should be available on any podcast app.


Ooo, good to know. It might be interesting to compare and contrast the impressions without the visuals.

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Thanks! I just couldn’t find it. I’m glad they worked for those who wanted to see it.

The thing is that it is not some “romantic” triangle. It’s that MHG realize earlier on that LK, etal, needed to GO AWAY!


Right, they do qualify that MHG is his “love interest” and LK was a client who wanted all the attention.


Have you watched the 48 hours teaser? They do that in the teaser.