Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

What is scary is that I would guess that they think their existence is wonderful.


For me, its easy to accept the “poster child bad kid” scenario rather than the bad behavior being a family trait. And, yes, I do like to wear my rose colored glasses


Yep, pretty delusional.

It’s not like she is sitting on a horse like Glamordale or Delara where people would arguably do whatever they could to attain that horse. She’s sitting on mid-quality WBs. DD, MHG’s and at one time, RC’s horse, was far better bred and more talented than any of LK’s mounts. MHG’s previous horses are nicer quality as well. I don’t know who else MHG is riding currently but historically, she’s had much nicer horses that also had value as breeding stallions. I study WB breeding like it’s a religion, it’s a passion of mine, and much nicer horses than what LK has exists in plenty and are being produced in the US, let alone Europe. I feel (and also humbly know) that I have better horses in my pasture so it’s hard to argue that I only have these feelings out of jealousy either. I also have pending offers on them (and said people inquire about them frequently) even though they have never been offered for sale so just because someone is interested in owning a horse you own, doesn’t mean there is anything nefarious about it.

Speaking of praising horses- I have a gelding who really loves an enthusiastic “good or good boy” and he will shake his mane and head, get a good forward walk, chew and feel so good about himself. It’s adorable.

Lol, I agree. Honestly, for as long as MB has been in the horse industry, it’s pretty damn impressive he only has 1 or 2 complaints. What’s unusual is the number of complains LK has having never been a professional and solely a previously totally unknown ammy rider. That one is strange.


I think the K’s are the ones choosing to wear the rose colored glasses. Denial when practiced over time becomes reflexive.


That doesn’t sound like a shirt you’d want to wear out in public.


Case in point are the few old threads here where posters have requested opinions on him for lessons or clinics. While COTH board is a small group, I feel it is effective as a random sample of dressage riders.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You ARE the internet winner roday!!


And being a horse person I read that post and scratched my head thinking - why not. And then it hit me and I laughed way too hard.


Thanks for the insight. Her horses cost more than anything I could afford (no rich daddy here), so when I read this post in real time, it stuck in my mind since she is referring to the horse by name like he was a serious up-and-comer. I’m not familiar enough with East Coast competitions to know if this was the case or not.


Oh, please. Give it a rest.

I’ve been corrected, told I was wrong, and even been treated with a bit of rudeness on the COTH forums, but I’ve never been such a baby to claim I was attacked. Grow up.


No problem. I was hoping I wasn’t coming across as braggadocious and more matter of fact. I can tell you that none of her horses are known by name by anyone showing or breeding. I can’t even find the horse’s pedigrees on Horsetelex or other reliable pedigree sources for WBs. All I can find are registered names listed as Dutch warmblood (KWPN) associated with her dressage scores. I do not see her horses listed as premium offspring or with elite titles within breeding associations. None of her horses are stallions or would have ever been adequate enough to be a stallion prospect. In dressage, the top competing horses are generally going to be kept intact so they can have breeding careers, but most certainly, not always. However, the top horses are going to have very recognizable pedigrees which are producing more modern and substantial gaits and different types than what she owns.

For example, for the the non-dressage riders, this is Glamordale, one of the leading dressage stallions in the world:

And to make it a bit more fair since Glamordale is one of the best in the world, here is Alice Tarjan’s horse, a top US competitor:

This is one of LK’s horses:


There is a clear difference in quality and type.


The two mature horses she purchased through Ultimate Equine were honestly represented as amateur-friendly. They were in the $25-35K range.



I’m sure someone will correct my memory, but I’m remembering that JK, ED, and Tarnish went to all that trouble to find her somewhere decent to move her horses and she just said, “nope”! :woman_facepalming:t2:


Here is another example.

This is LK’s horse Symphony:


In comparison to MHG’s stallion, DD:


I would say Symphony is a nice lower level type. DD has proven successful at GP breaking 70%.


It’s not fair to disrespect the horse. Switch riders and it could be a completely different look.

Edited to add correct basics and fitness attained by the top trainers make quite a difference as well.


I saw no disrespect to the horses. There is a clear and concise difference between an ammy horse and a pro horse, between a national horse and an international horse. Not only in pedigree but attitude, heart, trainability, longevity.

LK’s horses are nice, but they are ammy types.


LOL. No one is disrespecting the horse. Need not grasp those pearls.

This is a realistic comparison in breeding. Some horses are bred to be reiners. Some horses are bred to jump. Some horses are bred to be top level dressage horses. Some are bred to be racehorses. There is clear criteria for each.

What is disrespectful to the horse is to expect something from the horse that s/he is incapable of doing. It would be wholly inappropriate for LK to expect all of her horses to be top level GP dressage candidates. That would be considered unfair.

It is also unfair to say that a rider could change a horse’s natural athletic potential. Some riders can pull more out of a horse but even with the best rider, a cow horse is typically not going to be competing GP level show jumping. Nor should they be expected to.

It’s is also inappropriate behavior to accuse others of nefarious behavior because one is delusional enough to believe everyone is after their own horses. I would hope LK can meet a level of reality that is fair and appropriate to the horses she owns. They deserve that.


Well, there is that fact that you googled her ex-husband extensively and published your results here
and then came back later to ask (still my all time favorite line of yours, by the way) “Do you think he minds?”

Since the thread got closed before I could answer, let me do so here - no. I doubt if he reads or has even heard of, this forum.


Well, there are amateurs like Alice Tarjan and Charlotte Jorst and then there are the rest of us. :laughing:


Also remember we are comparing LK’s horse to what riders like MB or MHG would want (since LK accused them of doing terrible things to get her horses). MB and MHG are GP dressage riders, MB was an Olympic alternate, they are going to want international quality dressage horses.