Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Very helpful towards bettering communication and understanding of the topic.
Great job.


Honestly, I suspect the situation was more like this:

She was wanting to leave and decided the right time to do so would be during the move to FL, but hadn’t yet addressed the situation with MB to avoid conflict. Because MB was unaware that she was even unhappy with the situation, something came up and her horse got put on the trailer and sent to FL. She spazzed out over it because now the conflict she’d been avoiding was front and center and a bigger mess to deal with than she had wanted.


That does sound very scary, but thank goodness for no reoccurrences!

I probably would have been a terrified, panicking mess. If this had happened anywhere else or any other time. The fact that we were there for a routine appt made it so much easier to deal with, plus they all saw him before, during, and after collapse, which probably helped them to help him.


And Daddy didn’t want her to leave. Because it would cost a lot more $$$$$ for her to keep five horses in another barn and program. Not to mention the $$$$$ for living accomodations, utilities, etc.

All those extra expenses could put a bit of a strain on the old trust fund.


Thank you! They sure do like to scare us, don’t they?


That seems like a very logical explanation. Thank you for posting it. I had not thought of it that way and now that you have said it, it makes so much sense.


Two things from the 48 Hours piece that stuck out to me were:

  1. When asked, “Why didn’t she leave?” JK really didn’t answer the question. His response was, “She was never asked to leave.” Aside from that being obviously false, it doesn’t answer the question, which implied, “if she was so afraid for herself and her horses
why didn’t she leave?” I wish they had pressed that point a little harder.

  2. I don’t believe anyone in the trial or on 48 Hours ever asked LK directly - WHY? Why did she enter this campaign to ruin MB’s life? To what end? Revenge? For what exactly? What was her end game? Ruin his life (she did a bang up job) and then
what? Did she generally believe that if she got away with ruining him, she would ever progress in her “dressage journey” after that? She’s not just toxic, she’s radioactive! NO ONE will touch her as a client after that. I just don’t get it. Never have.


Yes, he had to buy her a house, and pays how much for board, training, and a nap spot now?
I see a motive for not wanting to leave the NJ farm.


A house in close proximity to the farm owned by the guy she’s so terrified of. Hhhmmm.


MB says he asked/told her many times to leave. But JK chose to believe his lying Daughter Dearest. I can’t imagine why


I think we have been able to see glimpse and pieces of why and I don’t think it is all that mysterious. They think they provided the lions share of his financial solvency and in doing so that made him “theirs”. Comments like not being able to have his girlfriend and their money kind of suggest they weren’t going to think of him as a mere employee

Abusive spouses and significant others always work to isolate their victims from their family, friends, and other support networks so the victim has to focus and rely solely on them. Damaging his reputation and driving away his staff and girlfriend would have been a way to isolate him.

Edited to reflect the fact that not just “males” can be abusive


Hot off the press:


I finally had a chance to watch the 48 Hours episode, thanks to being home sick from yesterday’s shingles vax and my immune system throwing down in a cage match.

Considering the restrictions 48 Hours allowed themselves to follow and that they had but 42ish minutes, it gave viewers enough to make a decision on the people involved

My takeaways:

  1. Schellhorn looked uncomfortable AF. His darting eyes when asked about evidence of child abuse was especially not a good look on him.

  2. MB surely looked more put together in the interview with the reporter but he didn’t look or sound anything like the man pre-July 2019.

  3. The episode managed to give me visceral – and unfavorable - immediate reactions to The Stache, JK and Nagel.

  4. Michael Poulin is a wonderful human.

  5. That buckskin/dun horse LO’s daughter was riding is absolutely adorable.

My hope is the civil trial will be picked up for TV or streaming coverage. What happened, all of it, needs to see the light of day.


Why do you think JK himself wasn’t told that LK had to leave? Maybe he’s omitting that he was told but not LK?
I think the whole lot of them are lying about it because it’s the only thing they’ve got to justify their position.


I really hope you start feeling better soon. As rough a vaccination as it can be, shingles is really awful. So glad you are now much less likely to experience that level of pain.


not sure how JK can say LK wasnt asked to leave when he was involved with negotiating her departure
this is why the K-fecta makes my head explode.


Agreed. It makes no logical sense that Jk made all those arrangements, yet never once mentioned it to LK.

And let’s not forget, when asked about how she came to find out about the “eviction” she laughed before she testified that she got a letter

But oh, I forgot
.the whole negotiation was “lies” and perjury on the stand by an attorney.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. LK admitted to lying, why would you not think Daddy doesn’t lie


I had (clearly wrongly) hoped all along that Lauren Kanarek was the poster child bad kid and her parents had a long life of picking up after the trail of mess she leaves behind her. Because of this wrong hope I had some sympathy for Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek and thought maybe, once again, Jonathan was just here fixing things so really was being up front and honest with us.
It is hard for my brain to imagine one person like Lauren Kanarek, let alone a whole family of people who lie everywhere.

Now we know that Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek are part of the “finish the bastard” team, and are also of the mindset that lying is a way of life when you want your way.


It is a very sad existence isn’t it