Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Yes, deleted the moment it was news that MB was rejecting the plea and going to trial. She said she did not want to be involved.

And then Seeker spun it as “the prosecution kindly allowed her not to testify”….


She gave it gladly and unprompted. She wasn’t “outed”.


You assume there are others who feel their experience relates…

Could be they were unhappy, but understand it doesn’t approach the nature of the (wild) allegations made by the Kanareks and supporters.
For example.




Indeed if posters stop with the constant innuendo and generally blaming others for everything.


I can’t think of a trainer I’ve worked with, that didn’t have former students that were unhappy with them for one reason or another. Some people don’t mesh. Most of us that ride have changed trainers or boarding facilities because of reasons that made it not a good fit. If asked, we may share our experiences with a particular trainer/facility. Then others can take our experience into consideration when choosing.

Guess what? 99.99999% of us leave the situation. Don’t like the horses care? Leave. Don’t like the trainers style? Leave. Feel they’re abusive, etc? Leave.

Common denominator? LEAVE


How is that a personal attack? It was a valid question.



why is it reliant on other posters? Why can’t you just have a discussion here without being nasty. I don’t get it?

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As far as the use of the word “attacked” goes, LK is always on the attack, always threatening, always waging war (via her own words and actions) and has done so for years…so there is a precedent and an outline to follow. That is a term she would embrace.

Yes - if MB was such a terrible, abusive, cruel trainer… then why did I-M/JK say they would consider riding with MB again with no mention of those issues? No need to think hard about that one…

No one here outted seahorse. She volunteered her info. As I mentioned in the other thread, she was probably very justified in her feelings and concerns about what happened in her experience. What is sad is the scramble to jump on that and wave it around as undeniable proof that MB is some kind of evil, infamous trainer that everyone has known about for years. Some clients and trainers just are not a good fit.

EXACTLY RIGHT and very well said. Personalities may clash. Schedules may conflict. Different styles of management may not work for some. There are many reasons that anyone unhappy with a trainer or barn can just… what was that word again? Oh yeah… LEAVE. LK had no intention of leaving.


I choose to believe the owner herself. She said Barisone had the horse shipped without her knowledge or consent after she expressly declined his request to campaign the horse.

No doubt a poll on the thread would show most people believe Eggbutt, LOL.

I’m sorry @Jealoushe, I responded to your edit of my comment and have absolutely no intention of being baited into an argument with you. As far as being “attacked”, suffice to say I have endured more than my fair share over the past three years.


Everything is an attack.
The word has lost it’s oomph through overuse and mis-use

I no longer know what anyone means by using “attack”.
It’s now an ineffective word.


I’m not trying to argue at all. It was a question and you of course don’t have to answer. :woman_shrugging:


Yes, for sure because I am not known to lie.


well, your quotes are not verbatim. Here is the post from November 2015 that I believe you are referencing:


I mean, I don’t always believe random strangers (any random strangers), but hey, that’s me.


Hello? Moderator 1 recently posted that the tit for tat, neener-neener back and forth pokes and insults needed to stop. Posts were deleted in an attempt to facilitate that. Can we please stop it?

Good news about your old guy, @ekat! When our old 95 pound Lab-Newf mix had a similar episode, he did not do it at the vet but as I was getting him in the car to go see the vet. It was very hard - on both of us! He was 12 years old and responded well to treatment. He enjoyed another year of happy retirement until he just… loped off to the rainbow bridge as he slept in the sun on the deck. :two_hearts:


So glad he is doing better! We had a similar experience with our dog a few years ago. She could barely stand up one morning and once she got to her feet, she could barely move her hindlimbs. X-rays didn’t show anything out of the ordinary but we were referred to a veterinary neurology service, who recommended MRI and CSF tap. Between pain meds and rest, she was pretty much back to normal by the time the MRI appt rolled around (during Covid, took 3 weeks to schedule), but we went through with it anyway so we could rule out spinal issues (I had just lost my riding horse a few months prior to that due to a herniated disc so I was pretty gun-shy). It was a scary - and very expensive - experience but thank God, everything came back as normal and (knock on wood) she hasn’t had a recurrence. :pray: