Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I’m not sure she deleted the general warning against Barisone that was posted well prior to the shooting. Last I looked it was still there.

She deleted her posts in the Barisone threads after being attacked, saying she did not want to be involved. She was outed by her IRL name and told she was not a good enough rider to have a horse MB would be interested in. Sound familiar?

Gee, I wonder why other former students with unfavorable experiences don’t post on COTH? Could that be why there’s been only complaint that’s been posted?

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I think she deleted her comments in the Barisone threads after feeling attacked.

The original comment, well prior to the shooting that described Barisone as “abusive” and “dishonest” was there for some time. Since she posted it before the shooting, no one can claim she’s “acting at the behest of” or an alter for LK.


Do a poll.


That’s not how I remember it.

She said she expressly turned down MBs request to campaign the horse himself and he then had it shipped to Florida without her knowledge or consent.

@Eggbutt then came on and said it was all a misunderstanding as if the owner and client would not understand whether or not she had consented to have her horse shipped out of state.

Yep, I, personally, am not claiming that.


Years prior? CH - you have not been on this forum for years prior to the shooting… unless you were using a different screen name…

Seahorse (think that was the poster) did delete comments - which was unfortunate. Leave comments up, state your case and start a discussion.

This determined attempt to now go back and undermine MB and declare war (seeing as that is what LK did and loves) is a bit odd. From many years of experience, any trainer in any discipline who is abusive and dishonest is well known for that… and if they are successful they still attract clients but it is no secret as to who and what they are. If MB was of that level, it would be well known… and not just coming from a manipulative liar and an unhappy ex-client who is probably more than justified in how she perceived her experience.

Some are now bound and determined to make MB into an LK type of personality… obsessed with revenge, manipulative, rude, threatening, sneering, bullying… well, you get the gist. MB is no saint - none of us are - but this newly aggressive tangent to once again prove he is evil and at fault for eveything seems a bit… frantic.


@ekat, how is you dog today?


Much better than yesterday, for sure, thank you for asking.

He’s 13 years old with arthritis. Yesterday he somehow got overexcited and did something that pinched a nerve in his back, or at least that’s the diagnosis we are at. It’s a little scary when your old man dog can’t stand up on his own. Luckily it actually happened while we were AT THE VET, and I didn’t have to figure out how to get his big ole self TO the vet.



Maybe we should compare the number of people put off by MB with the number of people put off by LK?

Geeze these posts get more and more desperate in the face of the tidalwave of support of MB through multiple social media areas.

Again as a reminder: the upcoming civil trial will be a jury trial and despite the best efforts by a state prosecutor, Blue Chip law firms, various attorneys, odd psychologists, Dad, Mom, totally anonymous posters on CoTH who know nobody and are not related by affinity or consanguinity, vast numbers of the general public DO NOT want to FINISH THE BASTARD and are shaking their heads in disgust of the needy, malignant 52D chess playing grifter.


Yes, and there are two sides to the story @CurrentlyHorseless is referring to. The other side regarding the horse being shipped to FL was a lack of communication between the owner and Barisone (witnesses confirm) and the horse was immediately returned and all ties were mutually cut.

After almost 40 years in the business I’m thrilled they found 1 disgruntled client other than Miss Kanarek, who’s father said would consider riding with him again, as thought he would remotely consider it!


Wait? is there even a manual for 52D chess? How did we get to 52D?


Oops sorry got it confused with a bra size.



Original comment still there. Comment describing in detail what happened remembered by CH still there and quoted for posterity by MHM. Other comments, still there. I did see where she deleted some. She was afraid of being attacked and on this forum she was and so was her horse but she still comes back around sometimes. She objects to bullying the shooting victim. She outed herself as well. Brave lady. Lovely horses. Big supporter of dressage. Donates money to dressage endeavors.


And this was said more than once. It was said before the trial and after the verdict. So clearly is was a point Jonathan Kanarek felt was worth making sure we all knew.


I am so glad he is doing better. I have an older girl who I am happy is still with me. My vet worked very hard to come up with the right medications to keep her comfortable. It is so scary at times when they get older and you wonder “is this it”. So happy for your boy that he is improving.


Everyone seems to always be “attacked”. We have a group of really thin skinned people here, don’t we?


None of it makes sense…and in all honestly, considering, there was probably jealousy and vindictiveness behind the motivations for buying him or some kind of fiction that he’d make her able to compete with MHG one-on-one for MB’s attention.


We have a group of really rude mean people here, don’t we?

*Fixed it

Always with the personal attacks, Eggbutt. Can you not have a discussion without the snipes?


Thank you so much. I’m glad you have a good vet. They are worth their weight in gold! Ours does so much to keep this guy going. Glad your girl is hanging in there too!


A synonym for “attacked”?

I don’t see attacks that the mods haven’t addressed and commented on, so I’m confused you keep alleging attacks by posters towards others.
So I think maybe I’m misunderstanding what you mean by “attacked”.