Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

What living creature doesn’t respond to praise? :heart:


LOL I can think of a few.


Actually, that may be part of the issue. Lack of nurture as children can produce all sorts of issues.


Narcissism especially.


He could have been asking because he saw potential in the horse that an ammie who doesn’t show up to lessons, doesn’t compete will never tap.

Especially if her financial resources appeared stretched, such that she has to live somewhere rent free.


I’d flip that for the truth:, Lk offered one of her horses in trade, even Steven for one of MBs horses, maybe JT, and that offer was declined.
Stop then she had to buy JT, and probably for a pretty penny, and had to flip the script to not look like a loser with horses no one wants. (I’m sure the horses in her string are just fine, but maybe not what MB needed in his program)


I don’t understand buying JT , with the intent that he never have to leave his home (as she’s stated online)… If that home is abusive, neglectful, or a place she feels is unsafe for her (as his owner) and him.

That makes no sense.


I can certainly imagine a dialogue something like this:

MB: You know, LK, I’m not sure you and Dobbin are a good fit. He is pretty powerful and quick, has pretty big gaits and can be quirky at times. He’s really more of a professional’s horse. [Making that up, I have no idea if any of her horses fit that description.]

MB: Plus he is fairly green and I think you will struggle too much trying to reach your goals. And I am worried you will get hurt. You might want to consider a schoolmaster type like JT who doesn’t require as much core strength and isn’t quite as big a mover, so you wouldn’t have to be worried about being bounced out of the saddle.

LK: Oh, I love JT!

MB: I am not really using him much in my program these days and am considering selling him. He would be a good fit for you - he is very rideable for an amateur and knows the movements. Would you be interested in working out a trade of sorts? JT for Dobbin?

LK: NO! I will never give up Dobbin!

MB: (Shrugs.) OK.

Weeks later:
LK: Hey MB! I have decided I want to buy JT since you are thinking of sending him away. I want him to stay here so I can keep riding him.

Dickering occurs and they settle on terms.


Another poster shared a very similar experience. It’s still back in the threads somewhere.

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Right. There was another poster that popped in and said a few things about MB, but I can’t recall exactly what she said. Either way, I’m not sure if we can make a fair assessment based off of 2 people, one who has a reputation for telling lies (and even stated that she’s lies on SM) and generally being a bit…dramatic.

It’s possible that he was rather aggressive and forward when he saw a horse that he wanted, but it’s possible that he wasn’t.


It is also possible that he was not interested in her horses at all because they are not suitable for his needs and like so many other things Lauren just lied to make herself feel special and make Michael look bad.

Of all the theories tossed out to answer the question associated with Lauren posting that, this is what sounds the most true to me.


Yes. There was a former client who posted here that MB wanted to campaign her PSG horse himself, she said “no” and MB had the horse shipped to Florida without her knowledge of consent.

Years prior to the shooting, she posted here in response to a query on top dressage trainers in NJ after Barisone’s name came up. She stated that she had trained with Barisone and did not recommend him to others, describing him as “abusive”
and “dishonest”.

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Ok. If that’s enough “proof” for you then fair enough. What one person says and what another (with a reputation of being dishonest and exaggerating) is enough to convince you, then alright. I still don’t know and will never know if or how that conversation actually happened between him and LK and if he was habitually abusive or dishonest.

I’m not debating that another poster shared their experience and says xyz, just so you know. That part did happen.


I remember that posters story to include the horse was shipping to Florida, and they knew it was shipping to Florida but there was a communication error and it shipped on a different trailer than they thought it was supposed to ship on.
Which as an owner would be upsetting but is no where near how it is being described by some.


But she also quickly deleted those comments too. So I’m not calling her a liar, but I do wonder where the disconnect is because…

… in a tiny community like Dressage and wrt someone in the biz so long, so high profile, with so many students… One complaint, even if it’s legit, seems like a pretty decent record to me.



Oh, I missed that, but then she was pretty quick to delete too, so…


The comments were never deleted.

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Yes, they were.


Yes, that poster absolutely deleted some, if not all, of their comments.


I will third, that poster did delete their comments.

They may have posted again since then, but they definitely deleted their comments from their original posts.