Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

IIRC, Seabiscuit would stop when he heard “Whoa”, and Red Pollard kept that secret until the horse retired.


I’m very late catching up here…but the idea that MHG was after ANY of LK’s horses for herself is ludicrous. That’s like a top level bicycle road racer wanting to steal some kid’s tricycle for themself.


Thank you, unforgettable. That says it all.


I will admit that when I hear someone say to their horse, “good boy” as they go around the ring, it reminds me of the TV show Heartland, where that seems to be the primary training method for everything they do with those horses in every conceivable sport. Lol.


I say Good Boy constantly but I sound cool when I do



Yeah… I do it to every animal I have… but I think they get what the tone means. They get treats or pats/rubs as foals or puppies or kittens with that “good boy” and as adults, they will sometimes do a little happy dance with a well placed “good boy.”


Ah you mean this old chestnut?

Seems she thinks MB wanted her horses for himself. You know, the same horses she was “afraid” of him “abusing.” The delusion knows no bounds. Wonder how these envy inducing horses are doing now.


The horse Frontline I’m told was entered into some shows in 2019 pre shooting but never actually competed. Every entry was a scratch.


“Walk on” is old Pony Club stuff for beginner lessons, followed by “aaaand trot” or “trot on”, then “can-ter”, but it does stick with you some 50 years later (well it did for me anyway). There are scads of Shitlands and patient old grey ponies worldwide who know the word instructions too, the little kids don’t have to do a lot once the instructor says “aaaand trot”. At the German barn I rode at for years, their beginner ponies all responded to the German words for the same things - lovely to know it’s international.


As we know, we really can’t take LK’s word for…anything, really. Which is actually rather sad and frustrating.

It’s entirely possible that MB simply asked, “Would you ever consider selling this horse?” And she dramatized the whole conversation. That’s actually not abnormal. I’ve had trainers, both my own and those who did not train me, ask if one of my horses were for sale/would I consider selling? I actually did end up selling one to a pro, and don’t find these type of conversations to be greedy, demanding, or weird. It’s really not that outlandish for a pro to see a horse that catches their eye, either for themselves or a client, and ask if the owner would consider a sale or trade.

As far as MB bullying his way into a sale or using other forceful tactics or even dishonest tactics, I’m not sure if there is any evidence of this? Is there?


Since she lies so often I’m going with this story is also a lie.


This. Once you lie as often - and as badly - as in this case, no one believes a word you say, nor should they. This is exactly why our parents tell us not to lie when we are young.

Of course, if the parents lie like cheap rugs, I guess that whole paradigm goes out the window. :woman_shrugging:


Yeah I believe there’s like this whole story they teach kids about that. Something about a boy who cries about a wolf or something.


Wait. “Good boy” and “Good girl” don’t mean walk or halt? Who knew.


Spot on!!

So Michael trains numerous top flight riders on top flight horses in a variety of disciplines right up to and including Olympic level……but he just HAD to have Lauren’s horse and would murder her for it.

Yeah…………ok then hun, if you say so :roll_eyes:

Actually reading back that LaLa post that Jenerationx linked where she’s telling everyone that she was the quiet under the radar boarder who never escalated anything……Whoah there, yes you do lie on SM don’t you :rofl::rofl::rofl:


The other way that conversation happens is when the trainer realizes that this horse is not going to get you where you want to go so selling it and buying something more appropriate seems like the right answer but the trainer is not wanting to push that point so simply asks if you (general, obviously) are willing to sell this horse.


Yeah, and come to find put Michael packed up her horses and shit and she was on her way to NJ, who knew! I call Bull shit. Why would he solicit her business of 4 horses (initially) with only two inTraining, paying only for two in training? Who eats that overhead?


I rode in a clinic about 35 years ago with a lovely British lady. When my horse did well she would say “Make much of her”. I still think of that to this day and love it so much!!


My mentor also insisted on lavish praise and the horses I’ve had absolutely eat it up. It raises them up emotionally and psychologically.

