Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Especially when you cannot show up for scheduled lessons and repeatedly scratch entries at shows!

The USOPC does not just show up in your barn one day and say “We hear you are absolutely fabulous! Come join the U.S. Olympic Team”.

Well, maybe in the Trifecta’s deluded minds they do!



Good question! Every horse has a dam that brings a whole 'nuther set of genetics to the equation, and as Eggbut said, it is often a crapshoot on what comes out of the mix. Also factor in that a foal is raised by its mother and absorbs many, many lessons from her about how the world works. That’s mainly why most breeders believe that the dam is the more important part of the equation. Start with a very good mare from a very good family known for producing good conformation, good gaits, good temperaments, good this, good that - and pair her with a sire that can build on her strengths and also on her weaknesses. And pray like heck that the genes fall in the right combination. :grin:


Oh yeah, I can totally see how a Prince Thatch xx granddaughter bred to a Prince Thatch xx grandson would result in “10” walks. :+1:


Lalalala. I believe in miracles!


So, I just had a chance to read this. Glad it’s helping pick up steam on the GFM.

(Although, selfishly, I keep hoping for another of SquireL’s friends. Not that anyone is obligated to do that. I just love the artwork.)


At least one person immediately said something along the lines of ‘Oh you’re not a good enough rider for MB to be interested in your horse’, her IRL identity was exposed, and Eggbutt came on to flatly contradict her statement and claim it was all a miscommunication.

I 100% believe the amateur owner when she states she declined to agree to let MB campaign the horse and states that he responded by shipping the horse to Florida without getting her consent or even telling her. How on earth would Eggbutt know better than she what was said?

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It honestly sounds like some childhood dream. You love horses as a child, go through some rough times with addiction, you catch the eye of an Olympic level rider and coach who invites you to move your $25-35K horse to his barn… and knowing you’re living on daddy’s money, he even gives you a great discount and throws in housing for you and your recovering addict boyfriend who isn’t a licensed contractor, but he’s so talented that the Olympian will let him work on the house anyway… Then the Olympian will sell you a schoolmaster at a great discount and throw in free board for that one since he likes the horse so much and knows you need him… and some day you’ll be on the US Olympic team beating all the others on your super talented but not as expensive horse…

Reality didn’t seem to sit well with her.


Hey, I keep the Olympics as my tip top goal as well. The difference: I know it’s pie in the sky.


Well said…add a safe delivery after 11 months of worry!


Olympics don’t fall into my lines at all. Having a horse that will win the Little Brown Jug, or the AQHA World Show is higher on mine, but since I’ve retired my QH and ride my STB, I’ve accepted the fact, neither are going to happen. :laughing: :rofl:


OK, that looks like a Quarter horse I had, whom I loved dearly. And he had a little success up to Medium 2.

Not a world beater though, and no one was lining up to get him.


What level was she riding at? Breeding. Good walk/trot/canter. Work up the training scale bringing the horse along with fitness. Trainer and rider must be Olympic fit, Olympic level trainer.

Oh what a difference.

Comparing amateurs at lower levels with top riders? Of course the horses look different.

I’m sure y’all breed lovey lovely horses.

However, you either know better to compare the two and are just doing it to be tacky or you really don’t know the difference. Hard to tell.

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So this is why my husband decided to buy me a horse. Interesting. Can you make him do the dishes, too?


Do you really think that a trainer would ship someone’s horse to a different state without their consent because he didn’t get to show it himself?


I think LK decided that if she started posting as RG, her statements would fly under the legal radar and not bite her in the butt in a courtroom.

But that is LK posting as RG all over Facebook.


Based on what the amateur owner former Barisone client stated, I believe her that he shipped the horse to Florida to show the horse himself, despite not having the permission to do so from the owner.

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I wonder if Barisone can provide a paper trail on the events and that is why the witness suddenly freaked out and deleted everything……


Actually that should be Jim E Stark right now. :wink: I’m sure that will be subject to change without notice.


I think people are more likely siding against LK, rather than with MB. I mean , that’s me. I don’t know MB from a hole in the wall, but boy do I sure know a few people like LK! And staying away from people like her is very important to me. Of course I don’t want to see anyone hurt, but I’m not sure people are supporting MB as MB rather than as a victim of a person like LK, if that makes sense.

It’s not a huge difference from what you said, but I think it’s important.