Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

You got the horse, I got the kitchen cleaned! Woot!


I believe the comparison here is due to LKā€™s frequent insistence that Michael wanted her horses. Michael had no need for horses of their training and ability. The comparison is that GrP horses are quite a bit different from 3rd level horses and definitely different from Olympic caliber horses. No one has said Laurenā€™s horses were nags, only they were not what she wanted people to believe.


This 100%. This is me, too. I donā€™t even ride or know much about dressage outside of eventing. I never heard of him before this case and certainly never met him. I donā€™t even live in the same country. I have no allegiance to or personal interest in him whatsoever.

But, I did know one ā€˜LK-liteā€™ personality and one (and lite) was enough!

This is where it gets relevant to a jury. They donā€™t need to relate to MB; they just need to have had or heard of an LK type in their lives or the lives of their loved ones and they will not be very receptive to what sheā€™s trying to sell them. Or, if there has been an addict in their lives or the lives of their loved ones and they have experienced the chaos and pain that brings. I think, regardless of fairness, some folks are not adequately appreciating the difficulty faced by really unlikeable parties in a situation like this civil suit. Itā€™s an uphill climb already, but being this level of unlikeable makes it closer to a vertical ascent.


Yes, and as I said earlier, there were witnesses who refuted what she understood to be the situation. Believe whomever you (g) want. It makes no difference in the civil trial if she refuses to testify and Iā€™m not sure how her recollection applies to the civil suit.


Im personally very much looking forward to hearing all the details which havenā€™t been told yet. Sounds like there is a lot more that hasnā€™t come out

From the GFM update:

48 Hours showed you what the Kanareks are, but you have only seen the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more that you donā€™t know, because the judge blocked it from the criminal trial, and 48 Hours couldnā€™t tell the whole story. It will only be through the civil trial where Michael is counter suing that you will finally hear the whole truth


I believe ā€œthe whole truthā€ will be shocking.


What are you talking about? Other than trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. It seems the original topic went over your head. The subject matter was specifically LK accusing MB and MHG of doing outrageous things to get her horses. LKā€™s horses are not international quality dressage prospects suitable for competitive GP riders., IE. MB and MHG. Itā€™s delusional to believe MB or MHG wanted her horses. Hence, the clear difference in examples of what a nice ammy prospect is versus an international quality dressage horse.

I defer to EBā€™s comment, she explains it well -


Meh. I do not think I will be shocked at all. Nothing LK (or her parents) can say or do - or has said or done - can possibly shock me anymore.

Mind you, I had training in these matters from someone close to LKā€™s level who thought she was also playing 5D chess with usā€¦ and ended up hoist fiercely by her own petard. Our TBFH (Trainer Bitch From Hell) and LK should have a chance to get together at some pointā€¦


You are very anti Barisone, and I get that, but itā€™s still fascinating to me who and what you choose to believe. I donā€™t know whether or not to believe that person, because itā€™s one person, and Iā€™d have to hear/know/see more. I bet if I told you that MB once yelled at me for tying my shoe youā€™d believe me, eh?


This post was so clueless, ignorant, and borderline rude, I donā€™t even know where to begin. Maybe educate yourself a bit?

Itā€™s fine if you donā€™t have much horse or dressage experience, really, but the point absolutely flew over your head.


Itā€™s like the 1st paragraph was written by a bot.


Maybe we could all send an email to Law and Crime requesting coverage. Based on even non-equestrian interest/participation during the criminal trial, I would think there would be continuing interest for the civil trial to make it worth their while. (Of course, assuming that the judge would approve it).


Bizarre, really.

But then the last paragraph with backhanded insults really nailed it :roll_eyes:

There is a difference, generally, between Olympic or very top level horses, and the amateurs horse. Or some horses simply top out at 3rd level, and thatā€™s fine too. The point was why would MB want one of LKā€™s horses who arenā€™t or werenā€™t of his caliber?

No one is disputing that there is a difference. Thatā€™s obvious, and I think Warmblood1 has a clue. Whereas the poster who felt the need to, basically insult her, hasnā€™t a clue and missed the entire point.

If people want to take LKā€™s word for it re MB wanting one or some of her horses, then ok, but donā€™t expect anyone else to respect that as the absolute truth. Itā€™s funny how some people who are here for ā€œthe truthā€ and ā€œthe factsā€ only consider one side of the story, without proof. I mean, there was that other poster, Seahorse, who had something negative to say about MB, and I suppose to some, one anecdote is proof enough. So I guess that some would believe me when I say that Iā€™m actually the next Queen of England and Charles is only King by mistake. :joy: I am the secret Royal. Iā€™m sure I can get someone else to come on here and agree with me.


Not just want them, but be willing to kill to get them?




Sounds like a bad soap opera, or fantasy novel, really.


I agree with you, your Majesty


More Donnerhall :rofl: through Furst Heinrich. Then a bit of Lauries Crusador.


When speaking of the truth, donā€™t look to the K Family.


Well said @LilRanger!

To go with, and I know it has been said but worth repeating. This in no way is saying that a really nice ammy friendly horse is not a GREAT thing. The world needs far more wonderful ammy friendly mounts than it does Olympic level mounts.
It was simply rebutting Lauren Kanarekā€™s insistence that MHG and Michael wanted her horses for themselves.

Does that mean you get to love on Emma, that adorable pony that the Queen rode? I am jealous.