Barisone Criminal Case Update

That’s not an unreasonable thought. What SS doesn’t want or allow is for an individual to have a gripe with another person and contact anyone they can find from that person’s past and encourage them to file a complaint with SS in an attempt to “ruin the other person’s universe.”
Remember that phrase…“ruin her universe.” You may hear it again as these matters progress.


That is like names, I am not likely to remember that tid bit. Thankfully I am sure you will remind us when it comes around again.


I have a question for you IM (since we are chatting).
What does LK’s father do (or did)?
Since what has been posted here that he is/was an attorney is not correct, wondering what he does/did.


Everyone I know has her blocked on FB and other SM and most I know here have her on their Ignore list. That doesn’t stop her from posting ugly posts though, does it? She always seems to have a willing audience of participants to pile on her target at the time. Sad.


I’m not surprised at all. Having taken complaints as part of my job before, it’s pretty normal to commiserate with someone even if you can’t help them.

I’m sorry you don’t have much respect for SS, though. It is a bummer when you feel let down by an agency that is supposed to act for the protection of children.


I believe he was involved in business…and not the porn business as has been suggested here…lol.

Lots of people go to law school and even if they’re admitted to the Bar they never practice law…they go to Wall Street, real estate, private business, whatever.

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I am afraid the poster with a Spanish pseudonym here is more likely to be a Jersey boy than a European master swordsman. The real Inigo Montoya was found drunk in a Thieves’ Quarters gutter last night and is now getting the help he so desperately needs.

I must admit I was shocked and concerned to think that my friend’s lust for vengeance had caused him, perhaps the greatest swordsman in the history of Florin, to put down his sabre, walk away from the duels that showcased his finesse, and take up the flinging of pointless barbs on an internet horse forum as his new passion. But over time I began to grow suspicious that the poster in these threads may not actually be the dear friend who selflessly put everything on the line to serve, very literally, as my right hand man when I needed him most. Inigo Montoya speaks with humility and candor, not overweening conceit. Inigo Montoya reserves his energy and attention for noble causes, not petty sneers. As a great swordsman, Inigo Montoya is always aware of his blind spots, never convinced that a single blinkered perspective is the one true worldview. The posts on this forum do seem consistent with Inigo’s weaknesses, but they show none of his strengths.

So I am relieved to find out that my brilliant but humble friend has been found elsewhere and is accepting help with his problems.

Oh, and he confirmed that he’s not so daft that he’d post under his given name in threads frequented by posters who’ve doxxed others or made nuisance legal threats. The real Inigo uses a less obvious screen name on COTH.

Now, smoofox, the more important reason for responding is to wish your dear mare well. She is lucky to have both equine and human friends to support her in her dotage and I hope you and she both are able to enjoy every single day you have together.


No lawyers or law school peeps in my immediate family so I never gave it any thought. I guess it makes sense. I always thought that if you (general, not you specific) went thru all the trouble and expense to do all that schooling and the stress to pass the bar then lawyering it would be.

Heck, the porn business makes good money so … not necessarily a bad thing.

Clearly LK’s dad makes very good money at whatever it is that he chose to do.


And one single person is the common denominator to all personal matters. How strange is that?


Just wanted to add that the SS complaint I was speaking of occurred long before the Barisone issue., so I doubt my acquaintance was urged by anyone.

I am not aware of any effort to deluge SS with complaints directed toward anyone to “ruin their universe”, but reading between the lines, I suspect you want us to believe someone involved in the Hawthorne Hill affair did exactly that.

And, thank you for the civil banter this afternoon.


Oh, we have


Working as a lawyer requires a law degree, passing bar exams, and keeping your license renewed year to year.

Lots of people drift away at any stage and find something interesting or lucrative to do that uses their law skills without being a practicing lawyer any more. Business management and politics and many slots in policy, academia, etc.

Usually if someone hasn’t actually practiced law or quit 20 years ago and is in another field, we don’t call them a lawyer. It might be worth noting as bio or CV that they have a law degree.

On the other hand, you could also keep your license active while running your own business, which might help you save on legal fees.

I think it should be easy enough to find out if someone has a current license in any jurisdiction.


You’re having a bad day, Eggbutt. That post is so crazy.

LK is the common denominator in all matters YOU and your friends want to discuss here. She’s not the common denominator anyplace else in the real world. She has hundreds of friends and a world class trainer who loves working with her.

Personal matters between adults are not settled with guns. I know you agree with that…what I don’t know is why you continually want to find excuses for the person who chose violence.


Thanks @Scribbler, now that you put it that way, it makes perfect sense.


LK is the common denominator in the list of people YOU posted who have issues with her. Nothing more or less. I truly don’t care how many friends she has or what her current trainer thinks of her. I hope and pray she is doing well and leaving others alone to live their lives. Perhaps this forum provides her with an outlet to lash out at us so she doesn’t have to in her personal life. I get that. Everyone needs a place to blow off steam…respectfully.

And, I am not trying to find any excuses for violence…I’m trying to understand what pushed a very successful man over the edge to become involved in such a mess. Please don’t twist my words to suit your message. I don’t believe ANYONE here condones violence or harassment or threats.


Fair enough…you’re entitled to your opinion.

My opinion, which I’ve stated, is that MHG will never represent our country in an Equestrian event and the words “ruin her universe” will be relevant.

Let’s leave it at that.


or better yet, read the book…it was much more graphical, I was told!

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Maybe I am reading this wrong (once again I guess), but this reads to me like your goal is to “ruin her universe”, which seems strange for someone who is so against such a thing.

I thought the theme here from you was it does not matter what she did in the past, that does not mean it is OK to do something to her now.


That sounds a bit threat-y.


Sorry you’re reading it wrong…probably my fault.

There is someone who’s stated goal was to ruin LK’s universe.

Given the sequence of events immediately following that statement I think the person who said it will have a problem advancing her career.

We shall see.