Barisone Criminal Case Update

Yes, thanks. I’m aware I just replied. Are you keeping track of my posts for your Christmas story?


You needed an attorney to tell you that? Wow. Now I get why these threads go off the way they do.


As time has passed it has indeed become clear that this is the culmination of a sordid and sleazy dispute, not unlike an episode of Jerry Springer, sad as it may be.

There is too much difficulty happening in the lives of good, kind people, to spend time paying any notice to this.


This to me, is not him begging for money, it is whoever typed the copy of the letter begging for money.


There was a reason for that post. Sorry you missed the obvious.


This letter was mailed to one individual with permission to share with his friends. The receiver posted the transcribed letter in a private SM post to about 20 people. At the end of the letter the poster said MB appreciated all the letters, contributions to the commissary, outside care package and food delivery services. The poster also gave their phone number for the recipients to contact them for more info. No one asked for money or anything from anyone.

Yes, the letter was rather bleak…what would you expect from someone who has been held in almost total isolation in a small cell with very limited ways to occupy one’s mind and no visitors due to COVID-19 (at the time). There was no “confession or memory” of any kind contrary to what some would like you to believe. Remember, at least for now in this country, people are innocent until proven guilty and have the right to a speedy trial. 2 1/2 years is far from speedy under any circumstances.


I will explain my word use but before I do I am more than willing to admit that I fail horribly at proper grammar so maybe it was not the right words to use in the first place.

What I meant is that they are kind of like me when it comes to remembering people who are not in their day to day life. They don’t follow celebrities or care about their lives either. Maybe that is because they suck at remembering names (my problem), or they just do not have the time in their mental schedule to bother with people they do not know personally. Who knows.

The conversation went something like this (that I was not actually part of, but was standing right there putting some things away while four people talked):
Person 1 - Did you hear that the Barisone trial has a date scheduled?
Other Person - Barisone trial?
Other Person - Barisone who? Is this something that happened in the city? (we have some pretty nasty crime in the local city)
Person 1 - Michael Barisone, he is on trial for shooting someone.
Other Person - Um < confused tone > OK.
Person 1 goes on to explain who MB is.
Other Persons - OK

And they all go back to gabbing about something else as they do what they were doing before.

So, what I meant was even after being told who MB was and that he shot someone they had no interest in the whole situation.

Sorry that my wording make it confusing.


Could you guys just stop? I mean, if we’re going to go on and on about how XYZ person is a waste of air, giving her any of your energy reflects on you, not on them.

All yall. Grow up.


True. Thank you.

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FWIW, my post #137 was “flagged by the community” and is still viewable by clicking “View Ignored Content.”

I’m not sure why it was flagged or who complained about it but the funny thing is that it has over 30 likes.

(And apologies if this was addressed further down - I am trying to get caught up!)


I’m thinking it’s pretty easy to guess who.


Yeah, probably one of two people. But I really don’t know WHY. I have a message from the mod that if I reword it they will consider making it active again, but I don’t know what needs to be reworded. I mentioned no names, and its pretty innocuous compared to other posts that are allowed to stand.


Eh, I would let it stand the way it is. Let whoever got their knickers in a knot continue to stew over it. Obviously there were plenty of us who agreed wholeheartedly with you!


Reply to the mod’s message and ask them.


Mod’s message is automated. Says the post was “flagged by the community as inappropriate.” Which is pretty funny, considering the many inappropriate posts made by certain other folks.

The mod message says to edit my post and it will be made re-activated but if it is flagged again, it will remain hidden until the mods review it. It sort of sounds as though the act of flagging a message triggers an automated response by the system to hide the message and mods only get involved if the revision is also flagged.

And that may help explain why other posters messages get edited (and re-edited again and again).

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You can simply send Mod1 a PM and ask.


It is interesting that the article in the original post of this thread has not edited the caption under the photo where they identify someone who is not LK as LK.


As for the questions about “MB asking to see the gun.”

Is it possible he wanted to see if it matched the description of another one he had heard about?

Although why RC left it with him is beyond me. I cannot imagine giving up care, custody and control of my firearm to someone else, esp. with tensions running so high in the immediate environment.

Unless he didn’t really ask to “see” it and instead asked her to give it to him to lock in his safe because he didn’t want an unsecured firearm on the property. And if so, why didn’t she watch to see that he put it in his safe? Unless she did watch him secure it but he later removed it to take with him to confront his adversaries because he feared them and/or the dog.


:smile: I got the statue from an estate sale of a prominent political family in the area. The person passed away.

It had a couple tiny holes in it and when I looked further, I found the compartment with the cameras and such. I was told by a security person that it was pretty high tech for its time but was since considered outdated. I have no way to play it but I wonder what stuff was on it!


I found out in an earlier thread how easy it is for a post to be accidentally flagged. My cat had been playing with my phone and sitting on it and when I got it I noticed a post was flagged. I think she has an alibi this time, she has been busy dismantling my Christmas tree. Maybe someone else’s pet had a little fun. :smile: