Barisone Criminal Case Update

Regarding the video(s), there are a few things:

  1. Provenance
  2. Possible editing
  3. There may be some parts that favor MB while others may not
  4. Whether properly obtained (legal recordings)

MB’s legal team will be provided with all possible evidence by the prosecution. If they don’t provide it, MB’s team can demand it.

MB’s counsel will then be weighing whether there is a greater benefit to his case in having them excluded or included. Quite likely the videos will undergo a forensic digital audit to discover whether there has been editing or when access to the videos last occurred.

All of this is an assessment of risk. There could be an evidentiary hearing on their admissibility as already speculated here. The prosecution could argue that the videos contain “admissions against interest” meaning MB said things that support the prosecution’s case. Or, maybe MB’s team is happy to admit the videos, despite the way they were obtained, because they think they are overall favorable to MB.

It’s going to be opaque to us until an admissibility hearing or the trial because this issue is related so much to strategy.


Is there a chance of charges arising from them being made if it was determined that they were done illegally?


Not exactly, the moderators enforce the rules. They don’t get to pick and choose what rules they want to enforce. They don’t get to say that criminal Harassment is not a serious enough or even a bogus claim. It was posted by the poster as " she was criminal Harassed" @Moderator_1 needs to step in. If I called you a bad name, they would certainly step in (after flagging) and fix it. This is a clear violation of the rules and I wanna know why they refuse to adhere to their own rules!
This is not a 1st amendment issue. There are rules on this fourm like calling people bad name and adhering to social guidelines. One of those ruled say you must identify yourself if you make criminal accusations or steps will be taken. Its not at their discretion to ignore certain rules or the validate the claims.
What if I claimed that someone raped me. Can COTH say in our opinion that is not a valid claim so we won’t take action? No! They just follow the rules that they put fourth

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I don’t think it looks good for the state to file charges like this against the victim in one of their other serious cases.


Wrong! A.) He did not commit the acts I described against me. It’s public record.
B.) when the @Moderator_1 enforces the rule which would make you responsible for naming yourself by real name, after your accusing me of a criminal act against you, (however falsely) I’ll post a screenshot (or several) of other posters who have posted this same info about mb.
C.) Since I did not post the actual arrest record, I do not have to post the dispositions.

D.) I guess 80% (ish) of the posters on the MB/LK forums have a LOT of to answer for, in yours and theirs many posts which accused me of crimes never committed. Better get to work on posting those dispositions. In addition, evidence that these “crimes,” themselves ever existed! Examples of your lies include, ignoring process servers, filing frivolous lawsuits (or, any… prior to the shooting.) Let’s start there. Making it easy for you…… It’s going become more difficult.

Like those subpeonas?


And that is not exactly correct. You can accuse someone of a crime. But if doing so… you make it in the 1st person and name yourself. Twist twist twist
@Knights_Mom did it in the first person she just refuses to identify herself and COTH is bending their rules for her. Why?


Actually, it is up to them.
They do have discretion.
Just because you think something is wrong doesn’t mean it is .
If a Moderator chooses not to remove a post, this is not actionable.
You cannot file suit .
You cannot put your hand on your hip, shake your finger in the Moderator s face and demand that they do what you say because you think someone broke the rules.

You flag the post. End of.

Also, the Moderator does not monitor threads. If you are a long time poster you already know this.

If you didn’t know it, now you do.

If someone flags a post, they will look at it.
But it takes time.
And they won’t tell you what action they took.

If the Moderator decides that a post has violated the TOS, they will determine if is egregious enough to be deleted. Sometimes the Moderator will delete the post and warn the op to knock it off via private message.

If it’s really bad they will ban the op. Or put them into time out.

Sometimes they blow the whistle and kick everybody out of the pool.

(Close and the lock the thread.)

So you aren’t always going to know unless the Mod announces it .

Again, if you don’t like the TOS start your own BB and have at it.


I demand they do what they say they will doin the rules. No more no less.

@AnastasiaBeaverhousen its even in caps lock

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I was a victim of an armed robbery, myself and 1 other person. It was in broad daylight with many people around. There was also security cameras that captured it. When we reported it, we were told not to discuss it and write down what we remembered. When the cops talked to us separately, the one asked such stupid questions and attempted to get us to change our story. My statement and two witnesses were very similar and we later found out the cameras supported everything we said. The other person involved changed her story (what the guy looked like,etc) because the cop had her so confused about what happened. A suspect was arrested and his attorney tried to use the discrepancies to get the charges dismissed.

Later I was contacted by Federal agents who were investigating the suspect for all kinds of crimes in various states. He had just been released from jail when the armed robbery occurred. It turned out he was part of some nationwide gang that the agents were investigating. Theirs was independent of the local police investigation. I told them about the cops behavior, they wrote it all down but didn’t comment. I never found out about the local case but these agents did give me some updates on their case. I don’t think there was any collaboration between the two jurisdictions.

I have no idea what jurisdiction the recordings would fall under or if it would ever be pursued, but if it was under a different jurisdiction, based on my experience, they seem to only be interested in their own case.


I wonder why you’re so insistent on demanding this, rather than simply flagging it and letting the mods get to it when they get to it?


maybe you can take your rule discussion to the support forum instead of cluttering this thread?
thank you








I guess my post saying that COTH has ignored all flags, chooses to leave the posts up, and let the poster go unnamed is not good enough for you! All that has been done and @Moderator_1 still ignores it. I’ve even sent email to the contact us with no reply. I just want then to answer publicly or privately why the are ignoring this.


I thought the rule was that if someone is charged or convicted of a crime (attempted murder, resisting arrest), one can make reference to the crime. If one is making accusations of a crime in the absence of court records of the person being charged or convicted of the crime, then one cannot do so anonymously.

I agree with you that it would be useful for the mods to clarify; I certainly agree with the rule that posters should not be permitted to accuse a person of known identity of a crime while remaining anonymous (in the absence of records of an official charge or conviction).

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kindly take your grievances with the moderating team to the support forum. You are taking this off topic. I think this is against the rules as well.


Then stop cluttering up a discussion thread with it, and make your own thread in the technical help section.

Well…unless your whole goal is to get the thread closed.


A note to moderators, please do not punish all the posters for the actions of a few. There are many here that are interested in discussing the case and learning more of the legal process from those generous enough to share their knowledge. Other criminal cases are being discussed on these threads, all have victims and many of us are horrified by all of the allegations and other crimes discussed. No one’s participation is mandated here. Please allow us to have a respectful discussion and if possible remove those who cannot follow this. Thank you!
