Barisone Criminal Case Update

Have you read the article? Its all stated in the article maybe give it another read before jumping in the deep end


Additionally, I would think living in the barn would have changed the level of privacy expected.

One thing that has never been clarified……where exactly was this locker located in relation to the living spaces?


Are you referring to the article that was not able to properly identify the person in the photo?


LK had posted, alarmingly, on her public SM about her guns.
It may have prompted a Google search or other deep dive into the legalities, at which point they were now aware that RC having the gun was problematic.
Maybe their lawyer, during the conversation about evicting LK and RG, told them about the issues with handguns, when they spoke with them about LKs claims of having a gun

I can think of plenty of scenarios


I did the photo tour of the realtor ad. It seems the barn quarters are well away from the tack room on an upper lever, judging by areal views, mostly, as no photos were shown of any living quarters, house or barn.


I don’t think JQ is trying to get the thread shut down.

In the last thread, several posters respectfully said that they would appreciate clarification on the stated rule that one cannot accuse a named person of a crime (absent court documents showing the person had been charged or convicted of the crime) while remaining anonymous. This seems like a moderate and sensible rule.

If one wants to abide by the rules, it makes sense that one needs to understand the rules, correct? While I agree that “demanding” anything of the mods is out of line, what is wrong with asking for clarification when another poster has apparently violated the stated rules?


I’ve mentioned this before, but NJ is a one party consent state. So, at least one of the people involved in the conversation would have to know they were being recorded to make the recording legal.

I believe the legal question is going to be whether a boarding stable is considered “public space” where an individual does not legally have the expectation of privacy.


It could be argued as to what “boarding and training” entitles a person to. Is it just the feeding/maintenance/training of the horse and providing domicile as well as storage? And if so, unless a conversation occurred INSIDE the locker (as opposed to just the listening device being there) and the conversation occurred outside the locker in a common area - yet not public by any means - well it seems to me you cannot legally record conversations especially those in which the placer of the illegal device is not a party to.


There is “asking for clarification”… and there is demanding and fussing and flagging and insulting and stamping your feet and pointing fingers and demanding and flagging and insulting some more… lather, rinse, repeat.

Big difference.

As far as abiding by the rules goes, they do apply to everyone… but some posters feel free to carry on as they please, dishing out insults and sneers all while demanding that the mods jump when they snap their fingers and do their bidding.

That is not how this works.


As promised here are the relevant quotes……

From a post in the original thread copying a post LK made on RC’s FB. It is from the very first thread, so maybe just months after the shooting….

“In America, it’s forbidden 🚫 by law to knowingly lend your gun to a person to commit two murders. Surely, a nurse with a PH.D would know that. Just bc mB is whispering with you doesn’t mean the forensics lab can’t HEAR YOUR CONVERSATION.

You are not the barn manager. You’d show up once every few months. Also… remember when DD had that throat problem? Remember when you wanted to have a say in the treatment? Do you wonder why I even know about that? I’ll tell ya. MH and MB told the WHOLE BARN you have NO SAY and you think you’re a bully. Michael made sure to let everyone know- HE IS THE BIGGER BULLY. In any case, any barn manager (since that’s the story you’re going with - even though many people from Newbern can account for your whereabouts during ALL the times you were NOT in NJ- making it impossible for you to have been “barn manager,”) is negligent at best for allowing your pink and black 9mm Ruger to just go missing -especially with two 12 yr old children running around- and reckless negligence plus aiding abetting plus conspiracy to commit murder at worst. FYI- MH hates you. Just ask her. If I had a penny for the amount of times she has said “Ruth is so old, anyway. She ll “kick the bucket soon so I’ll have full ownership of DD,” I’d be billionaire from pennies.

Given I don’t care at all about your moronic deals with criminals- you should ask yourself- “how does Lauren know all this?” Did I make this up? Pretty detailed a story to make such stuff up. You hitched your old wagon to the wrong trailer. When MH wants you out of your deal with her… what do you suppose her limits are to get you out of the picture? 🤔 Hint: she is stupid. Stupid people who have no limits are a danger to themselves & others. Do t you know that “DOCTOR 🤣🤣🤣 Ruth???” Laughable.”

The two bolded areas are interesting. Perhaps the first paragraph corresponds to the conversation, referenced by the article, being had in MB’s office? I recall, at one time there was quite a bit of discussion on the forum about her having recorders in his office and LK has made several references to his conversations with his attorney.

the second, we have the first introduction of the idea that the gun “was missing”…from no other than LK herself. Now, that is a hurdle, because what is claimed is a planned murder, and how RC is described as giving the gun to MB is, to me, incompatible with the idea of a missing gun. So, why does the victim repeatedly describe the gun as “missing” and have done so since the beginning?

And then from the Court Date thread we have this from JumpinQueen.

“ My FB group tells me that the charges are a result of Cox lying to the police. Apparently she didn’t recognize the gun she brought from the descriptions all over the news. When it was traced back to Cox she said barisone stole it. Obviously that story seemed suspicious, so after another interview she said gave it to him. If that is true it will be hard to deny or back peddle.”

Much different slant than the article….


Yes but there are no pictures showing lockers. Several of these people were in a 1st floor lounge. So, the question is what/where this locker is. Is it a tack locker that is in a tack room behind a closed door along the barn aisle? Or is this a locker that was located in the lounge for things like purses/change of clothes?

I find it curious that no one has specified where this locker was so that it can be independently reasoned as to how likely any given conversation was actually recorded……


According to JQs interpretation (also my interpretation) of the rule prohibiting accusing a named person of a crime while remaining anonymous yourself, the rule was violated in the last thread. JQ apparently flagged the instances for the mods.

In what sense do the rules “apply to everyone” if the mods decline to enforce the rule in some instances?

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Oh yes, I forgot about the almighty and knowledgeable “FB Group” a prime resource there.


In looking at the real estate postings I doubt it was in that very posh lounge. My bet is that the lockers are in the tack room just as they are probably just about universally in most if not all barns.


Gosh, and you could make a whole thread about the rules and how they are followed in the technical help section instead of adding mud to a thread.

@Sdel, locker location is an interesting question that I admit I had never thought of. I have never been at a barn that had lockers in the lounge for purses or other personal stuff. The idea of that being a thing never even entered my mind. Good question.


kindly take this up with the mods in a different format.


Was it stated in one of the much older threads that there was also at least one device in the ceiling of an aisle in the barn?

I seem to recall it mentioned. It is a little tough to keep up with the amount of bugs they planted though.


I wonder if the new owners had it checked for any remaining devices. I assume there is a way to do that?


And please do note no one should expect absolute truth on posting forums by posters either.