Barisone Criminal Case Update


Yes, as we have come to expect, much of what the victim has extrapolated or claimed turns out to be untrue. That’s why honestly we have to wait for the courts to reach a decision. I expect that the probation and dismissal of charges against RC was disappointing.

My guess is that the recordings picked up little or nothing of real use for the trial. But claiming to have recordings that “tell all” can be an attempt to intimidate or sound omnipotent. At any rate, the defense has access to all the recordings now.


The majority of flagging is being done by others, not jumping queen.



Well… I did lie in the secret santa thread… so I guess you are right.


Unless wired into the electrical infrastructure for power, all the supposed recording devices left on the property would have gone dark and be undetectable due to being completely inert. Otherwise, you can detect them when they are consuming power.


Thank you, good to know!

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I hope they have not been patched into the power grit…I would hate for the new owners to have trouble with this.


Perhaps they could have made it a condition of the sale that they were all disabled or removed?


From IM on the updated barisone lawsuit thread….

“ LK had complained in the last weeks that the staff were improperly feeding the horses at MHG’s direction…although since LK and Rg lived at the house a few hundred yards away they did a lot of feeding, turn out and night check themselves. There had previously been working students (19 year old girls) at the barn who LK trusted but MHG drove them away…and they will so testify if necessary.”.

Which seems to be supported by a FB screenshot from around the time of the Gladstone show where she says the giant has been roused over two working students quitting and it’s “ war”……

And then we have from the MB news thread….

And this quote from LK, again from a previous thread……

“ As far as JQ- She had 100% correct info on the layout of the housing. That’s enough for me to KNOW …… from whomever she is receiving at least Some information, have information that is true. Maybe these people will, like you (g) come up with something as ridiculous as 99.9% of the made up crap here, idk. We can only wait.

As a principal in this case, I will be the FIRST to let you know if something JQ states as fact - is false. Or, VV. Just as I have done with almost everything else thus far. Bottom line- I’ve been right and you’ve been wrong. Deal with it. Changing the subject won’t help. I told you this day would come. And it will not be the last of many “I told you so’s!” ”




IIRC, the recording devices boiled down to one audio recorder in the victim’s barn locker to pick up voices nearby, some kind of CC at the house which either was not working at the time of shooting or disabled before evidence collection started, and whatever cellphone videos the victim made in person. I doubt there are any spy agency level bugs installed on the premises.


If they were found. Sure.


They were not installed by the owner so this would be a hard thing to demand at sale, since the owner did not know where they were installed.


I bought a garden statue from an estate sale. The thing had a hidden compartment hollowed out of it that contained all kinds of recording devices. Very creepy.


This is what is formally admitted to for the purposes of the civil trial. LK also claimed to have 50 audio recordings here on COTH and a statement from the prosecution was they were going to turn over only about 20 to the defense.


I wondered if the owners would have been told by locals or anyone familiar with the property about them.

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Well, I would imagine a random recording would pick up a lot that’s not relevant to the case. Anything the prosecution wants to use in court needs to be shared with defence. I’d imagine there’s lots that’s irrelevant.

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I thought that was not how discovery worked.
Don’t they have to turn over everything?


I guess a lot of that depends on where that locker was located. A tack locker behind a closed door wouldn’t be likely to actually pick up anything relevant….nor anything outside of barn hours. A recording device in a lounge might actually run afoul of expected privacy concerns….because after barn hours, and combined with living there, you could expect privacy.

I always assumed the 20 were the only recordings that had a chance of being considered admissible because LK was also featured in the conversation.

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Each side makes a Demand/Bill of Particulars outlining what they want in a Civil Case.

I’m not as familiar with Criminal because in my day the D.A. disclosed their evidence to the Defendant. Back then I don’t recall the D.A. asking for evidence. Usually evidence was supplied by entities such as police, forensics lab, etc.



I’m not sure why we’d believe LK about her count here. It’s the kind of detail it’s easy to inflate. You might even find a bunch of them were inaudible. I have no idea how this hidden device worked. Was it triggered by noise the audio equivalent of a gamecam? Or running 24/7?


did you buy it from the Soproanos? (that is actually pretty cool, if creepy!)