Barisone Criminal Case Update

How do you know that?


Typically no witnesses are in the courtroom before they testify. If they are done testifying, they can sometimes remain to hear the rest of the trial. The only witnesses that can sit through all the testimony are rebuttal witnesses, these are folks who are called upon to discuss particular testimony. In my limited experience these are experts, who will discuss the testimony of another expert. So in this case, that could be the medical professionals. But the use of a rebuttal witness is very much up to the litigation team.


Because when a post gets flagged it is temporarily erased until a mod can review it. You can still read it. It comes a across in light gray. I’ve been reading today and saw several lk posts flagged. probably restored now.

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Thanks for the clarification.

That makes no sense when you consider LK is making companion allegations that RC was specifically asked to bring the gun and was claimed to have been part of the planning, and that the missing gun was endangering kids.

If you take the claims at face value, then in the greater concept of the planned murder
RC having knowingly given MB the gun so he could enact a murder plot, that LK was aware of through her recording, by showing up to their space with the gun in his waistband
.well there is a defined chain of custody with supposedly an expected outcome/use so it is a stretch to get to the descriptor of “missing” from at any point of view in the narrative.

Also, the language of the article was that she didn’t see the gun again, not that she didn’t know where it was or that she wasn’t present when it was placed wherever it was agreed to be stored until she could leave. We also do not know what exactly prompted MB to go to the police station on 8/5
.and I wonder why that is the date of the incident on the warrant when no other reported actions were made on that day?


I’m not sure that’s correct. In my experience the lighter grey posts are ones the mods are allowing the poster to edit the post, delete it, or they will handle it. There have been many posts that have been flagged that remain unchanged because the mods decided the post was not in violation.


Original post prior to the lengthy edit:

For the life of me I don’t understand all the lengthy edits, sometimes after a thread is closed. Fortunately the Archive feature prevents edits when a thread is closed. This is why QFP and screen shots are important.


The defense will do everything in his power to argue the audios should NOT be released
. Under ANY circumstances. I don’t blame him, given the content.

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Thank you.
Now I understand what you were saying.

I don’t think every post that is flagged gets greyed out. I think only those that get flagged as inappropriate get greyed out.


No it’s not my experience that all flagged comments get turned grey either.


Yes. There are.
Why would a locker be located inside a SECOND floor (not first) clubhouse? Typically, horses walking around cannot be heard so closely from INSIDE a totally separate room on a totally separate floor. Just sayin

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Except the one that actually occurred. Convenient!

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So exactly when in the chain of custody did LK come across the gun? Was it before or after MB allegedly asked to see it? Did he ask to see it because he was told of it being unattended? Exactly when did LK see it?


Are you kidding? Do you think when we received the news that RC decided to cooperate with the PROSECUTION, we were burying heads in pillows and crying? Haha
 think again. Plenty of people on here, despite whether they want to admit it, know very well, this news is good. RC could have refused the deal and tried taking her chances. She didn’t. Sorry, team MB.


“She” saw it when it was firing two rounds into “her,” chest. Then, she saw it being raised to shoot RG in the head. Then, she saw it running up the stairs in MBs hand to make sure he had hit his 2nd target. And
 THEN, she saw it under MBs body while RG did his best to make sure MB couldn’t reach it again until “help, help,” arrived. Clearer now?




Its really not worth arguing about but my point was that lk posts are the most flagged not jumper lady.

There is an example of such flagged post around post 81. It specifically says "this post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden " then it says
VIew ignored content


?? I didn’t see anything around #81

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Duh. No when did you come across it as you’ve previously stated? You said you had found it unattended. Exactly when, in relation to MB then asking for RC to let him see the gun had YOU come across it?


This is an example of what JFH is talking about.

I already said this but I guess I will say it again, the point being missed is that all flagged posts do not get greyed. These were greyed out because they were flagged for being abusive, etc.
I would assume that things can be flagged and not greyed out when flagged for other reasons.