Barisone Criminal Case Update

Well…… except for that one thing. You remember, yes? Written letter from jail? Two actually. One it’s original form. The other typed, by his new girlfriend’s daughter to make his bad hand writing more legible & also, to leave their contact info for anyone who wishes to help contribute to his jail commissary… or other types of “funding.” Classy.

Uh…. No. Please post where I ever stated this, anywhere. Otherwise, just stop lying. It’s pretty simple. Unless…… you’ve got 99 problems but lying ain’t one? Nope. Not that. Lying, maybe your number 1 on your top 3 problems list.

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Oh, gosh she has said so many things. The FB post though somebody quoted got my attention, which supposedly predated the shooting.


Certainly not in your case.

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Interesting. My tv remote controls with batteries are missing. They consume power. (From a battery…. But nonetheless.) Can you please detect them so I can stop yelling at Alexa?

Except…… this wasn’t exclusively a “dressage,” event. Or, even an “equestrian,” event, exclusively. Unlike the GM banning, this shooting was on the front page of almost every mainstream media outlet. Nationally…. And Internationally.

As far as it’s connection to the equestrian world, where only some had ever heard of MB & those who had, didn’t consider him “relevant,” anymore. However, Ken Braddick, authored an article in which he referenced this shooting as “the number 1 topic in equine sports, whereas the previous number 1 issue, bumped into 2nd place was the GM banning.”

Confused. What do you mean by, “they still have no real idea who MB is?” Did they have a fake idea? Bc, that would actually make sense. Most people - almost any people who weren’t there day in & day out certainly had a very different perception of who MB “really,” IS. And, they are definitely unaware of the people who did & do know- bc, well, those people were too traumatized to come forward (in terms of testifying) until very, very recently.

However, I’m still interested in your word choice here. If these people to whom you refer had no idea of who MB “really,” is, what type of idea did they have? :thinking:

Same. The only place this case seems relevant anymore is…this forum. People are busy training horses, selling horses, showing horses, etc.




Two horrible events hit the media at the same time. So I don’t want to make like it’s some sort of morbid contest because it’s not of course.

But the GM thing will go on forever and affected far more people. One event was acutely horrible, the other will drag on and on and so is a chronic case of horrible. Because along with GM there were so many other pervs and so many kids…


Yes. I don’t know anyone IRL who has even heard of this. I’m sure it was a huge thing to the immediate community at the time but nationally likely not much. Indeed after a couple of years of plague, fire, flood, insurrection, and even locusts I had totally forgotten until LK started liking my posts on closed threads which reminded me, oh that’s still dragging on, is it?

News stories that have legs usually reflect some larger issues. GM is significant because SS is significant, and the problems in junior sport are turning out to be enormous.

The shooting unfortunately really comes across as just a bunch of posturing and bickering that would have ended in some kind of formal eviction by bailiffs and a lot of shouting and swearing, except that a gun entered the mix. There’s nothing edifying about the story.

There are always these kinds of cases where people who are almost famous and people who are almost rich suddenly end up in a wierd murder that makes no sense. Vanity Fair in the 1980s used to have a little series about these kinds of crimes, somebody who was distantly related to the Kennedy family or someone who used to be a soap opera actor, and how life went off the rails for them.

So, yes it means a lot to those directly involved. To the rest of us, not that much.


This is so true. I don’t know anyone who is interested or talks about this anymore in real life outside this forum. There are too many other issues of greater concern to the average equestrian.

Once the trial is over, regardless of outcome, we all (well 99% of us) will go on with our lives and not think about it anymore.


Oh good! Then you can finally stop following me around this entire BB, to see where and when I post and on which topic. You can finally begin your day with “IRL,” things which pertain to you- and only you. This case does not. My posts on other topics also, do not. My Fb posts most certainly do not as I have you blocked and have had you blocked for years. Can you not help yourself when actively stalking me? Try harder.


Please remind me what other forums/threads I follow you to. I’ll wait. You place way too much significance to yourself.

What is sad is you will still be reading all these threads and continuing to edit where you can trying to remain relevant.


Promise? Better yet, can you begin right now? Come on back only when the trial begins, if it rents (sorry, squats) so much space in your head. If you think anyone believes you will free up time “IRL,” to do anything besides follow every facet of the civil cases, even after the criminal trial - you must be deluded.

Take your new buddies haleybot and GJ out for tea or something! I’ll bet my ex MIL would love an invite too! She doesn’t get out much. Here is how that will go: Haleybot will be 4 hrs late & then pretend she forgot her wallet. GJ just might convince one of you , you need an amputation so she can keep you locked away from your family and pull a Kathy Bates from “Misery.” Ex MIL will brag about her grown son for eons, who has never accomplished a thing (including finishing HS) but, hey, she had him when she was 13 so she can tell you all about how they are really more “friends,” than mother & son. Should be a very special day! Make it great! Write about it!




You literally wrote numerous times about how you follow my every comment on a SS thread - but don’t actually comment yourself. You also stated that a “friend,” alerted you that I was posting on another thread! Why do you lie about things which you know have been screenshot and many other people noticed??? Seems dumb.

I can guarantee I will not be posting on threads which you, yourself just claimed won’t exist, bc, you won’t be following my life anymore! I probably will post on other topics and be hoping for your own mental health you won’t be stalking my every move. (A nice dream, I know.)

I’m relevant to my horses, my trainer, RG, my fam & dogs. I always will be. Does that bother you? You will never be relevant to me. The day I open a thread about you…… will be never. The day anyone else opens a thread about you, I give you permission to have yourself a parade. Except, that person will likely be you! Anyone else with a life will be living it. Like I am…… which probably bothers you more than anything else in your own actual life. :kissing_heart:




Now you dunnit!
You know it gotta crush her to see it black on white that besides her own little world and Orville Reddenbacker’s bottom line nobody cares.



Again, let me remind you, these threads haven’t been opened because of you. Hate to disappoint you about that.

As far as stalking, you seem to attempt to follow me everywhere and have chosen me and two others as your targets on these threads. Whatever gets you through the day is good. If you are concentrating on me, you are leaving someone else alone.

Don’t let me bother you. Walk on by. You can do it!