Barisone Criminal Case Update

I guess the biggest question is what exactly can she testify to above and beyond the chain of custody on the gun. And her knowledge on that seems to end 2 days before the shooting since she didn’t see the gun since then. So far we have no charges on conspiracy so, it seems testimony for a big murder plot isn’t very likely either.



Except I don’t think RC is an accomplice in this sense. As far as I can tell, there was no plot. If there was, she would not be let off so easily. My guess is that RC and MB decided that a gun in the truck was a risk factor in the situation, and the gun went somewhere that appeared to be safer, though out of RC’s control, which is illegal in NJ. RC can testify to the chain of control of the gun.

The “turning states evidence” is when two people are involved in a plot or act, and one of them agrees to testify material that is not otherwise obtainable by the prosecutors. If it’s already known to the prosecutor its not valuable enough to make a deal.


My instinct is to disagree as the weapon binds them and we don’t know what they might have charged had more than one defendant been left. Meaning had RC stayed a defendant THEN they might have charged it. Then they amend MBs complaint via whatever their process is.

This is a guess on my part. I’m familiar with the laws but not familiar with its application for quite some time. My criminal case stint was in the 80s.



I understand that if you testify for the prosecution, the defense can also cross examine you in court. So it’s very possible for a witness for the prosecution to end up bolstering the defenses case when more questions are asked.

I expect it’s important to get a clear picture of the chain of custody of the gun, if the defendant says he cannot remember what happened.


Awesome. Asked and answered. Again. Thank you.

Now, let’s discuss the case. I do hope @vxf111 can weigh in on admissibility when she has a moment free. thx


I have a legal question about the trial. If the detective from the online hearing, who was first on the scene testifies that the boyfriend took the dog into the house (prior to be searched or whatever is revealed) and IF he took the dog through the door thats window was shot at presumably at him, and this was the reason for the second attempted murder charge, can the jurors if they feel the evidence was compromised or whatever they find, can they vote not guilty to this one and decide separately on the other charge.

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Reviewing…the ammended complaint had this to say about 8/5….

telling them, in words and/or in substance, the following:
I NEED a supervisor. A Detective. We are in danger. I have LUNATICS attacking me and my family at the Farm. They are drug addicts. They are violent criminals. They have guns. They are posting deadly threats against us on social media. We need protection. They have been served vacate orders today. There WILL be trouble. WE ARE IN FEAR FOR OUR LIVES. What they are posting is JUST LIKE Parkland School. They WILL harm us. I need a mental health professional to look at this stuff. I have papers in my truck in the parking lot showing the threats and violent messages they are posting. I need a ranking officer todealwiththissituation. Itisyourjob.WEAREINFEAR FOR OUR LIVES.


Regarding the civil case, is this portion, the police not investigating, still an option for MB to file suit on?


There is a conference call on 1/24/22 with Judge Taylor and the attorneys to discuss the trial. Maybe the Judge will have his ruling during that private call.


Probably not. Not because of lack of truthfulness….but because the gov’t protects itself from it’s wrongdoings. But I do think it’ll be used to challenge the custody of the gun….


Whatever comes out at the criminal trial will trickle down to other actions/investigations.


Thank you @eggbutt!


I think IM said that there was nothing stopping Barisone’s lawyers from appealing the dismissal of the suit, and that he wouldn’t be surprised if they did appeal.

Bilinkas was the defense attorney for the Vertetis case, and in that case the victim was on the phone when shot, and Bilinkas argued past abuse, self defense, and attacked the competence of the police in the investigation. Lots of parallels.

Appeals must be done within 30 days of the order.


I am Laurens mother. Yes thats right. I am telling you who i am [edit]. I speak to people as me from a place of love, kindness, and compassion. I will speak to any brave truthful person any time. Cowards and liars are not worthy of a conversation because they have no integrity. Their words are meaningless and destructive.

This forum is a sad place indeed to allow this to go on. It speaks volumes about the people that allow…no encourage this discourse. Shame on you all.

My daughter was shot pointblank in the chest and almost died. You should be asking her how she is physically and emotionally. Instead you berate her…and speculate on what happened cruelly and viciously without any real knowledge of the events or sequences making inappropriate judgements all along the way. What is your point? Is this the best thing you can find to do with your lives? These questions are rhetorical as I already know the answers.

At least Lauren has entered the conversation bravely as herself.

Lauren…Feel sad for the people that are trying to hurt you, dear daughter. In their misguided and cruel attempts to hurt you, they hurt themselves more. Just focus on how you can do the right thing at all times.

For everyone, maybe you should try to find things to do that help others instead . Hate and cruelty mostly hurt those who harbor and spread it. You will all be happier finding the good around you and helping those in pain.

I wont reply to any of your comments. I am going to volunteer at a food kitchen. Helping in any form is always better than enjoying…no…relishing and feeding on others misfortunes. Empathy…sympathy, love, kindness, generosity, hope, …put these concepts in your arsenals.

I love my daughter and pray that we all find happiness and the best versions of our very imperfect selves. With much love, Kirby Kanarek




Hm. This helps explain some stuff.


Oh boy - a heaping helping of humble bragging too.


This thread just went beyond the Twilight Zone. I’m actually at a loss for words.


I got some words. Want to borrow some?