Barisone Criminal Case Update

  1. Re bolded: In the one post KK made prior to your post, she did not say she hasn’t read your posts!

  2. So what if the earlier threads were “much more vicious” than recent threads?

  3. As far as I know, no one here caused the shooting. Why do you think that having clean hands in terms of the shooting itself makes it OK to attack her here (somewhat less viciously than in the original threads)?


YOU have also threatened. YOU have also bullied. YOU have also bothered, demeaned, insulted, and intimidated but youre not the one who got shot twice in the chest so your poor behavior on the internet is exactly that. Poor behavior on the internet.

For LK, it’s a lot more complex and you know that. For one she got shot, two she’s had lies, rumors, exaggerations, and misinformation spread about her and she is attacked, mocked, demeaned constantly so between that and just the trauma of the shooting, her behavior is pretty much exactly what I’d expect.



Dammit! I told you to keep it under your bonnet!!
:rabbit: :rabbit: :egg: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit:


MInimum sentence if convicted. With the pretrial intervention, the charges will be dropped if she testifies for the prosecution and completes any other terms of her probation.


Oh, that makes sense. Kind of a technicality. But it does make sense. Thank you.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but if they did post to just comment on our character, rather than the topic… Isn’t that against forum rules?


rules shmules.
those are just for us.
coelhinho da Páscoa


I haven’t threatened anyone. I’ve commented. I’ve responded. Feel free to prove the rest.

You are of course welcome to feel how you wish but that in no way means you are correct.


You are quite correct.


[edit] For some reason you misinterpret conversations, questions, comments about the events of August 2019 are attacks against LK but her rude, snide, name calling posts are okay? Get over your self-righteous self. Even IM said he thought it was poor judgment (paraphrasing) for LK to post here.

“Brushing off”???


This, a thousand times, THIS!


And this has what to do with the topic of this thread ?

The thread is about the legal ramifications of the gun and the gun owner RC and what if any impact it will have on the Barisone case
End of .

You are well aware of how the forum works.

None of your previous posts have had anything to do with the the topic at hand.

I am not the Moderator. Nor I wish to become one.

But there are a lot of people who are posting here because they have a genuine interest in the case , and the posters like you who come barging in here demanding that the Moderator should close the thread because people are mean is really getting old.

If this thread offends you, then stop reading it .
End of.

If your intention is to get the thread locked then
you are guilty of thinking that you know better than the Moderator and are better than the Moderator

And you also guilty of Censorship .

DISCLAIMER: This post is not an attack or an attempt to bully this poster. It is an attempt to educate said poster . That is all.


What a nice, pleasant post. I honestly hope you are including everyone who posts on these threads as the subject of your post.

“I always hope that every person can see how to love the the offensive person and hate the offensive behavior. Violent or cruel actions or behaviors never helped anyone.” On this we can agree except for loving the offensive person.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well.


Speaking of which …

A fellow goes off to do a little marauding, and even sailing the fastest ships in Florin by the time he gets back we have multiple closed threads, hundreds upon hundreds of posts, all 39 flavors of internet provocateur in their finest form, and more guests showing up for a family reunion. After having fifty years of life sucked from me in the Pit of Despair I may be too old for the drama.

I do, however, appreciate the bits of dispassionate discussion of the legal side of this story. Thanks to those who’ve managed to squeeze some on-topic discussion into this circus.


I was hoping you would show up!!!


“Farm Boy” will do. Though the etymology of the term “dude” is rather fascinating.


Disclaimer - I studied NY criminal laws many years ago (do not use that knowledge in practice), and I do not practice law in NJ. I am a lawyer and know how to read a statute.

The NJ code has a section on Assault, which includes Aggravated Assault. Because none of the victims died, I’m not looking at the criminal homicide statute.

There are several possible scenarios that would meet the definition of either crime. To answer some questions upthread, it is possible for a jury to find that the prosecution has met its burden as to some elements of the crime but not others. If the jury finds that all elements of a crime or a lesser included offense is true beyond a reasonable doubt, then it can render a guilty verdict of that crime. The prosecution does not necessarily need to claim every possible scenario for the judge to instruct the jury on possible lesser included offenses.

So, hypothetically, looking at aggravated assault only, the jury might not find a second degree crime, which requires that the defendant “Attempts to cause serious bodily injury to another, or causes such injury purposely or knowingly or under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life recklessly causes such injury.”

But they could potentially find that the defendant “Recklessly causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon” which is a fourth degree crime, or “Attempts to cause or purposely or knowingly causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon” which is a third degree crime.

Generally, as the degree of crime escalates, there are more specifics on what needs to be proved. For simple assault, which is a “disorderly persons offense,” that could be satisfied here by showing the defendant “Negligently causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon”. Because it’s clear that bodily injury occurred, the facts to be proved revolve around if MB had the gun and at least negligently caused it to be fired, shooting the victims.


Farm Boy!!!
I am overcome with joy that you have graced us with your Dread Pirate Presence!


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I’m not much use in a thread like this. If only we had a wheelbarrow, a holocaust cloak, and a sword, that would be something.


An assault charge is what I’ve said since near the beginning. Also possibly a gun charge depending on how it came to be in the situation and its usage.

Remember though MB is charged with attempted murder. A heavy burden to prove for sure.