Barisone Criminal Case Update

Did Kirby Kanarek say that she thinks “LK has never said anything mean to anyone”? Of course not.


She cut a deal with the prosecution.


Who cares what she said? I don’t. [edit]


It certainly seems like it took a long time to secure this plea deal. Does it usually take this long (just a few months before trial) to secure witness testimony?


The apple rarely falls far from the tree. If the child is barred from the family home there is more to the story.


It’s a family thing, like Chris Cuomo helping his brother.

I’m sure KK knows her daughter screwed up many times but no one better criticize her


Are you referring to Kirby Kanarek’s post stating that the personal attacks on her daughter are hurtful and pointless? I agree with her and think she’s brave to come on here and state that under her real name.

It doesn’t surprise me that her statement had little impact on the perpetrators of the attacks. Nevertheless, EBs brushing it with off the assertion that she, Eggbutt, was sure KK had read none of LKs posts here was shocking to me. Yeah, that did have an impact on me.


Not surprisingly, there is no low that is low enough for some of these folks.

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It can. One of the links I posted earlier spoke of a delay in the plea deal until such time as the parties, especially the defense, can ascertain how dire their trial verdict chances are. It takes time for all the Discovery and Disclosure and blah blah blah take time.



Anyone could post here claiming to be anyone… Santa, The Easter Bunny, the Pope … Literally Anyone


Yes. The prosecution has to have RC’s testimony because without her testifying she gave him control of the gun or they have no case. That does not mean she is testifying that there was a plot or having any knowledge of intent. Nor does the prosecution have any control about anything else she might say during the defenses cross examination about the situation on the farm, why she was there, why she had the gun, the condemnation of the house and the dog bite, or any of the events related to the 911 calls.


You beat me to it - I was just going to say, sure the prosecution is the one calling RC to testify, but that leaves her open to cross examination by the defense. The prosecutor must be confident that they need her testimony to be willing to run the risk of what she might say under cross examination.


FatDinah has implied more than once that there is no such thing as a “witness for the prosecution”; I simply posted a link showing that she is wrong. The terms “witness for the prosecution” and “witness for the defense” are used all the time. It doesn’t mean the other side doesn’t get to question the witness and it doesn’t imply anything about what the witness will say on the stand.


No, you posted it attempting to insinuate a flavor of testimony, one which Fat_Dinah was cautioning Knights_Mom against.


We’ve been threatened, bullied, bothered, demeaned, insulted, and intimidation is constant and ongoing. Even tonight’s “Shame On You” manifesto continues in that light.

Here’s the thing: When it’s constantly done it just doesn’t bother you any more. I imagine (at least for me) that had I not been contacted via messaging in an attempt to bully me via a blatant lie about subpoenas and the threat of putting a lien on my property that maybe I wouldn’t feel so strongly about doubting the truthfulness of statements made here. But I was. And it showed me clearly what to think.

So mom, dad, Aunt Evelyn from Albuquerque and Uncle Ed from Kenosha can ALL chime in about how lousy we are. Long story short, I just don’t care.


What are you talking about “flavor of testimony”? I told you why I posted it. Don’t pretend to know my reason for posting better than I do - that’s absurd.


I think you hit the nail on the head.


I have no problem with family protecting family. They should.


I asked earlier… What happened to the insistence that NJ had no leniency options for their gun charges? I thought the prosecution and judge had no choice but to give the minimum sentence.