Barisone Criminal Case Update

You don’t have to do what I say, buy may I gently ask that we don’t use profanity? I know it wasn’t spelt out, but still.

I also think the post you responded to went a bit over your head. You did make an assumption, perhaps, that others have zero (to quote smoofox) “experience or knowledge” which doesn’t directly imply that one has experienced trauma, or the presence or absence of a trauma in the informed party’s life. One can have knowledge of trauma without experiencing trauma, which could them make them “trauma informed” no? Knowledge of trauma can be a deep understanding of trauma, I would think. Of course it depends on the depth of knowledge.

“I know it’s hard because these threads are so full of toxicity but you need to remember not everything is an attack.”

This is good advice for ALL to remember.


I can make that assumption because if you’re repeatedly asking why LK or her family is coming on these threads and you’re antagonizing LK and her family then you clearly don’t understand trauma.

Oh get out of here. You have a problem with my cursing but not with @IdahoRider asking invasive and offensive questions to the victims mother? And I didn’t even curse, and that makes you clutch your pearls with all the other stuff flying around?! Girl, bye. No. Get out of here with your condescending recreational outrage.


I’m sorry that you feel the need to be so rude and that the giant chip on your shoulder is getting so heavy for you to carry around. :frowning:

I’m not clutching my pearls, it was a kind request you could ignore instead of being odd about it. I’m sorry you chose to take it that way. I am not being condescending, nor do I have “recreational outrage” :rofl:

I also don’t agree with IdahoRider addressing the victims mother that way, but someone already, rightfully, called her out for that. I don’t feel the need to call out everyone for everything, especially if someone else already has.

I apologize for trying to engage with you, perhaps I went about it the wrong way. Ultimately, it’s not worth it and I do hope you’re ok.



Re the trauma, just generally speaking here, not addressing any poster in particular, I’m not quite sure how anyone who hasn’t been through such an event, can really say how they’d react and feel. Trauma can change you. It can wreak havoc with you mentally and physically. You can certainly predict or think you would or would not act a certain way, but you don’t really know.

Being in the ICU can be a traumatic event in itself, never mind the rest of it. People react differently. I may not support or agree with certain reactions, nor do I understand them sometimes, but I’m not the victim here. I know my response to traumatic events in my life vary from how others would respond in the same situations.

I think it’s not right to ask LK’s mom about family members. Really, why does it even matter if LK is allowed at certain family residences or not? In the grand scheme of things, why? If her mom answered this question, would you(g) feel some sort of validation?

Of course her mother is going to come on here and say what she said. She’s a parent. How she replied isn’t exactly unexpected, and if she feels that way, then she feels that way :woman_shrugging:

Even if you hate LK, or think she’s this or that, she still is a victim and possibly has her struggles (I don’t want to assume though). At first I felt differently than I do now, but given how things have evolved and further information has been given, that’s not entirely abnormal. I do think if you (whoever this applies to) think she’s so “whack” then don’t engage. If she really is telling lies (or not) it’ll come out in due time. There’s a lot I don’t understand here, but I’ve mostly arrived at the conclusion that I never will.

I am still interested in various details such as the aforementioned admissibility matters. I guess we’ll see how that works out eventually though.


I, too, am a lawyer, though not criminal. And I respectfully disagree. The enumerated phrases called “examples” by KM are not elements. When elements are listed, each element must be present in order for a defendant to be found guilty of that crime. In the list quoted, there are several different ways someone can be guilty. If you cause someone to commit suicide; or if, in connection with a felony (commonly known as felony murder statutes),etc. One doesn’t have to both induce suicide and commit a felony.

I am puzzled by your exception to KM’s explanation. I think you both added a lot to the clarification of criminal law and complemented each other.

As to RC, I think if all she has to say is that she handed the gun to MB and never got it back,that’s probably enough to warrant her deal. However, she may have a lot more to say.


And I am still struck by the statement that RC handed her gun to MB so he could “look at it.” And apparently left it with him, didn’t ask for it back, and had no idea what he did with it until it showed up underneath him in an altercation in which someone was shot.

I guess we will know more about her involvement when she testifies.


And many thanks to the attorneys on this thread who have helped explain “the law.”


Yeah, it’s…odd.

If someone wanted to look at a gun that I had, right there with me, I suppose I’d hand them the gun (not loaded) let them have a looksee/feel and then take it right back :woman_shrugging:


I think it’s just bad/limited reporting. The manner in which RC described keeping the gun is not an acceptable storage option for NJ.


Although the way things turned out she would have been better not to even bring it to NJ or kept it locked in her car. Giving it to a man already enraged with his client and who is also in the process of a psychological breakdown (according to his lawyer) for “safe storage” demonstrates at the very least poor judgment.


I wonder if she brought it to NJ on purpose?
I can totally see a person who is used to having their gun with them not thinking it thru when they go to another state and then end up in a situation where they have a gun that they are not allowed to have in that state.
(Not saying that makes having a gun you are not allowed to have an OK thing.)


The other thing I find rather strange if, as some posters here have suggested, MB got the pink gun because he was afraid of the dog or LK ……why that gun, why he didn’t just carry one of his own guns. I think it was said here or someplace he had a gun cabinet and guns of his own, although I don’t know if that is true as I don’t remember where I read that…


That was posted by a particularly biased and outdated poster. Any number or reasons….the foremost is the possibility that he didn’t bring the gun. It was apparently “missing” so how could he know where it was to bring it?


For those who are wondering about Ruth’s background…


:blush: don’t worry, just asking questions. Neither bias(I don’t know a single soul involved in this, online or off, thank goodness) nor outdated(I have been following the conversations etc since the very beginning). I just don’t live on here. My position is based on common sense and what little actual facts have been presented up to now. However I am open to change my position, should the trial prove otherwise.
Gosh Dang it, got drawn into defending myself…I usually say what I want to say, then try to walk away from the snarky replies. Can understand LK responding in kind to the attacks she has had to deal with…
Sticking to the topic, what have found out now is that the last person known to be in possession of the gun was MB, as stated by the owner of the gun. The owner stated that she didn’t know what happen to it after that. If MB got the gun from her for protection he would have wanted to have it on him or know where it was. If it went missing seems he would have notified the owner.


Wasn’t talking about you.


Who is to say he didn’t.


I would guess this is what the prosecution is planning on being their point. He had the gun last, so of course he brought it and he used it. So this was a planned murder.

The reasonable doubt side is likely - but we do not know what happened to the gun after MB was given the gun, it could have been removed from MB’s possession by LK or RG.

It should be interesting to hear what happens at the trial.

(I am choosing to now laugh at the people who are clearly doing all they can to annoy the moderation to the point of closing another thread.)


So sorry, it wasn’t clear. I apologize, easy to get defensive on here. So are you saying he did not own guns or have a safe for them? When someone posted that the gun owner gave it to MB for safe keeping I thought perhaps it was true he had a gun safe, so then didn’t make sense he was asking for a gun.

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Who knows. The only person to ever definitively mention a safe or him owning guns also admits they hadn’t been on the property in 4 years. There is a lot of room to wiggle in 4 years.