Barisone Criminal Case Update

Why would you need a recording if RC has provided a signed affidavit on the whole issue to the prosecutor? It has to be the case that the police and prosecutor know a much more complete description of the conversation.





So the gun owner was so afraid of LK that she was sleeping at the barn with the gun under her pillow. Then MB, on the edge of a mental breakdown asked to see the gun and she just hands it over. Then MB says it is missing. So then she decides to go the the house of the people she is terrified of, that has a vicious dog and other guns(according to MB, but she thinks they have taken hers) to search for her gun instead of reporting it stolen to the police. Good luck to the defense trying to sell that theory to a jury!


@IdahoRider - Get well soon!


I think we have to remember that we’re getting this from a news source that is a bit like the Telephone game.

That all we got from the news is the bolded, doesn’t mean there wasn’t a lengthier, fuller explanation that makes more sense.


Is literally eavesdropping illegal? Recording a conversation to which one is not a party (active participant) is illegal.


Actually as stated by a “journalist”.
And who is reporting only portions of what may be known.


Who says it wasn’t reported? They have a date for her charges. There was a 911 call and a police station visit on that same day and MB claims he told them LK/RG had a gun. There was also the allegations that the police didn’t do anything. Maybe if she went into the house the next day to look for the gun it was because she was in fear and the police were not doing anything. All it takes here is reasonable doubt.


I have the timeline tangled worse than Xmas lights

The 911 call, saying that Lk/RG may have a gun… was that after the gun “went missing”?

If that were the case, I could completely understand heightened anxiety, stress, etc about the situation on many of the concerned parties.


Thank you.


I still remember reading somewhere that the gun was come across by someone, not MB.

The 9/4 911 call says they may have one. The charges for the illegal transfer are for 8/5. MB’s police lawsuit says there was a 911 call placed in the morning of 9/5. It breaks from the mold and doesn’t discuss anything for that 911 call. It then moves on to talk about MB going to the police station later that day where it says he stated to the police that LK/RG had a gun and the police turned him away.

When LK talks about the RC/the dog bite on 8/6, she asks the rhetorical question of why would RC want in so badly. Of course, she supplies the answer that it was to plant evidence…

I’m not claiming this is exactly what happened, but I can provide a reference to every element.


Ah, yes, of course. This would make sense. I sort of assumed it would be following a conversation where I’d arrived at the conclusion that letting them see the gun would be reasonable. I wouldn’t just hand it over. Sorry, I didn’t elaborate on that. I was just focused on why he had it in his possession for more than a few supervised (by the gun owner) seconds.

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MB tried to meet, at the Police Station, with a supervisor.
He was denied.

One wonders what may have been shared, truthful or not (and both are revealing in the end), had he been granted that meeting.


I think you’re missing much about this testifying, that doesn’t make it what you are trying to make it.


151 new comments since I checked this thread last night. Any actual new news since yesterday or is it all just speculating and sniping? Too bad there’s no way to highlight the posts containing actual developments.


Ummm… YES. I know the correct definition. No need to google. Perhaps I did not couch it in terms that you deemed to be correct or acceptable. You have just, once again, assumed that I do not have a clue or any personal experience… and you are wrong. So very sadly wrong.

You said this…

I know it’s hard because these threads are so full of toxicity but you need to remember not everything is an attack.

… and promptly disregarded your own good advice. CanteringCarrot is a good poster with valid insights and concerns and you saw fit to pounce on her anyway… would that be considered condescending recreational outrage (your term)?

All of that is exactly right IMO… thank you.

Yep - there is always more to the story - any story.
Hopefully the trial will sort things out once and for all.


I’m thinking it depends. If they wouldn’t meet with him I doubt they would have believed him or listened to him unbiasedly if they did. Failure to meet with him is rather unheard of in my public service experience. In 31+ years of public service someone has asked for a supervisor maybe 1500 times and 1500 times a supervisor/Clerk of County spoke to them. Sometimes, that was me. The ONLY “absolutely nots” are judges. But in that case the judge’s law clerks do speak to them.

So personally I find the refusal to speak to MB highly irregular and certainly not the norm.


Maybe the why was implied by the context of the request.
Again this tiny snippet from a potentially poor news source still has lots holes in it.