Barisone Criminal Case Update

I think it did. Remember, they all first attempted to remove themselves by staying in the barn….and then we have the BI & FM called over that.

ETA….any BNT in the area would know it was his farm…so probably wouldn’t agree to teach her there. Also, the fear of “adverse” possession would be interrupted by the eviction process that he could have prosecuted from FL. But make no mistake…she was obviously pushing every button she could find. With my stepson, we called this game…”I’ll make you”. It only stopped when we removed him from our space and refused to allow him back if he couldn’t act reasonably.


One other thought…with my stepson, we even allowed him to think he had “won” to give us enough peace to make the arrangements to remove him from our space.


It is my understanding she’s retired


And also complicated to fix, often

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Yes, retired and I believe 73 years old.


definitely. retrofitting is a pain, and the older the more difficult to find fitting parts off the shelves.


Nope. She still has an active multi state license.

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well, remember: innocent until proven guilty!


If you are referring to Ruth Cox, apparently you don’t understand that they traced the gun that MB used to shoot LC to RC. RC, a licensed psychiatric nurse practitioner, admitted it was her gun, admitted her role in the gun/shooting, admitted she transported said gun illegally to NJ and that she gave the gun to MB, a man who was supposedly suffering from a mental breakdown for at least a week leading up to her giving him the 9mm. She is testifying as a prosecution witness in exchange for a plea to avoid jail time. There’s no innocent until proven guilty for that woman. She is accepting her guilt.


You are wasting your time - the people posting here believe that RC’s testimony is going to be harmful to the prosecution and helpful to the defense. Many don’t even understand that terms like “witness for the prosecution” and “witness for the defense” are actual real terms that are used in the courts. For more than two years, they’ve been twisting every morsel of information they get into ways to convince themselves that MB is not at fault in any way in a legal sense. I will bet right now that when the court case is over, if it doesn’t go the way they want it to, they will act exactly the same way that certain Americans have acted since the 2020 Presidential election. Just wait and see.


What if LK called the BI out to look at the building because both LK and RG thought it was good enough, which would make their demands for $50,000 valid? And they were shocked when it was condemned? Which was reason for LK to amp up the calls she was making? To SS and CPS


I don’t think her testimony will be… Anything.
Though I think assuming that the narrative the voices who’ve piped up is accurate is naive .


are you privy to the terms then?


Privy to the terms of the Pretrial Intervention deal she cut with prosecutors? It’s all laid out in the article kicking off this thread.


I interpret the plea agreement as the reverse. The state had to lower her charge to a misdemeanor and permit a plea to intervention, which will erase the charge. That was so she would testify without taking the 5th and let the prosecution establish the link between the gun and Barisone. Without her testimony, the state can’t link the gun at the scene to him.


I don’t think anyone is “assuming that the narrative the voices who’ve piped up is accurate”. I am basing my current opinion on two things: 1) MB is the only person who has been charged and jailed since the incident in 2019, and 2) RC cut a deal with the prosecution to avoid charges on whatever they charged her with.

Both of those facts indicate that MB pulled the trigger and LK and RG did nothing to deserve to be shot/shot at, and that RC has information that is valuable enough to the prosecution that they cut her a deal to drop her charges and she took it. I suppose there could be some Law and Order type drama happen in court that could turn it all on its head and prove MB not guilty, but it just doesn’t seem at all likely based on the few facts that are known. And I choose to go with facts over fantasy.


How do you know this? Do you know for a fact that MB’s fingerprints were not found on the gun after the shooting?

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It doesn’t have to be tv fiction drama for this to turn out differently than how it looked initially, when charges were brought.
Happens all the time.


Why do think the state “had to” do anything? RC violated the gun laws by bringing the gun to NJ and handing it to MB. The gun was registered to her.
If the state prioritizes building a strong case against the shooter over pursuing the gun charges against RC, the state “cuts a deal” by agreeing to drop the charges against Cox in exchange for her agreeing to testify in the trial against MB. She’s going to testify that she handed the gun to MB “two or three nights before” the shooting and never got it back into her possession. She’s apparently going to testify that Barisone actively brought up the issue of the gun with her and she handed to him (as opposed to saying she left it on a tack trunk and had no idea who picked it up, for example.)

Maybe I’m just not understanding what you mean by “the reverse”. As SM said, she has admitted her role in the tragedy and admitted guilt, but will have her criminal charges dropped and avoid prison in exchange for her testimony about how the gun got into MBs possession.


I honestly had no idea that this happens all the time. Do you have links to some of these cases?

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