Barisone Criminal Case Update

I, too, have little respect for SS. I’m surprised they would tell a complainant they’re appalled but not interested.
Is it possible that your acquaintance withdrew her complaint along with several other people when the lawyer representing a party who will remain nameless told said party “there is a pattern of complaints made by people who only filed complaints after being encouraged by you to do so. Get those people to withdraw their complaints or you will be guilty of weaponizing SafeSport and that’s a serious violation of their code.”
Of course, I know nothing…just wondering what you think about that possibility.


With respect bullying, whether it be here or elsewhere on social media, why not block people and don’t engage. It seems that the person getting bullied often keeps it going, especially when it comes to lk.


Your statement here that you “know nothing” conflicts immensely with your previous statement of “I know everything”. This is likely to confuse the people reading your latest post.


It seems so strange that someone would threaten someone attempting to file a complaint with safe sport. That seems like exactly what safe sport would be against. Scary that someone would do such a thing and then be proud of it.

I would think that since the random unknown person in this situation had plenty of counsel on their side that they would have happily gone thru the safe sport process to be able to come out the other side with proof that they did nothing, ya know, instead of threatening those who were filing a complaint.


General comment.

There is no good and evil on this site. There are a bunch of posters who like hobby drama and in the absence of actual events in the case, reliably start to fight among each other.


Just have to say…since we are all encouraged to go ride our horses instead of posting….I’ve been at barn all morning where my kid has spent the entire time riding horses. I think she’s currently on her 5th horse of the day….(they’ve been doing musical horses)


Ok…I was being sarcastic about knowing nothing. But intelligent readers can decide for themselves how much I know.

RC making a deal to cooperate with the prosecution? Who else knew that was coming before it was announced??

If people are confused as to whether I know nothing or whether I know plenty they can draw their own conclusions.


Who threatened anyone about filing a complaint? Who even knows someone is about to file a complaint?
I have no idea what you’re talking about? Do you?


This sounds like the most perfect day if you are a horse crazy kid! What a blessing!


You’re right. I have decided on how much and what you know.


Oh sorry, that is how your post reads. Did you intend it to read differently?


As I said, TR with USEF/SS said there was nothing they could do since it was a personal matter between adults. To my knowledge nothing else went further, so, I have absolutely no clue what you are speaking of.

These folks sure like to sue people!


I’m more left wondering how you think this is so unusual? People make deals all the time to lessen their penalties when their charges are ancillary to the main suspect/offense being tried. You’ve tried to make this tidbit seem like you’re this massive insider, yet:

This has been fairly well established throughout these threads. It makes it harder to believe that you’re really that much of an insider.


Apologies…I’ll try to be more clear.

I was asking EB if it’s possible that several people made complaints to SS on the urging of a certain individual. Did SS notice a pattern of complaints and might they think someone was encouraging making complaints against LK…which is a violation of their rules.
Were several complaints withdrawn because the same person who originally encouraged people to make complaints realized, either on her own or at the behest of counsel, that if she were found to be attempting to weaponize SS against a person she wanted to “ruin” she might find herself in serious trouble.

If that’s still confusing, I apologize again.


OK, there’s one vote that I know nothing. Feel free to ignore any further information I provide.


Wellll, this is weird and methinks someone is entertaining themselves. Fair enough, we all have different preferences for entertainment.


Thank you for clarifying.
In your other post you specifically said the counsel was representing the party the claim was against so that read like counsel threatened people making a claim. I am sure even the person in question and their counsel would find doing that objectionable.
This time it reads differently.

This is an interesting thought that you bring up. If SS gets lots of similar complaints about the same party they assume that the complaints are all fake and not that maybe that person has treated many people unfairly and they as a group decided that saying something at the same time might help with SS’s case?
I wrongly would have thought that this would be the opposite of how it worked.


Thank you, Eggbutt.

Everything here for the past two years is about personal matters between adults. Your issues with LK, KM’s issues, the issues between MHG, MB, LK, RG.

The difference is…only one person decided to settle matters with a gun.


That’s not an unreasonable thought. What SS doesn’t want or allow is for an individual to have a gripe with another person and contact anyone they can find from that person’s past and encourage them to file a complaint with SS in an attempt to “ruin the other person’s universe.”
Remember that phrase…“ruin her universe.” You may hear it again as these matters progress.


That is like names, I am not likely to remember that tid bit. Thankfully I am sure you will remind us when it comes around again.