Barisone Criminal Case Update

Shoot, i didn’t mean to do that! Fat fingers :rofl:

Ugh please see cantering carrots quote, but now it was RG on MB, not RC.

Thank you, I’ll see myself out…


I bet you didn’t
Just one of those things Lala posted. I think the mods deleted it and all posts that quoted that little piece of hostile insanity.

Poor Lala got shot at, be nice to her…and then such a humdinger pops up. Sure.


It has. She is 29 and also blind - but has been doing very well being with a friend who has a bell on. It is rather Christmas-sy and peaceful to hear the gentle tinkle of that bell all day. Maybe we need a soft bell like that in this thread.

She is better this morning, no longer anxious and pacing and happy to eat her breakfast porridge… but it is supposed to be colder and snow next week. We are probably on the slow descent with her…but as long as she shows me some sparkle and seems comfortable, I will be here for her.

The irony of that statement does not go unappreciated… bashing and attacking and obsessing in these threads has sadly come from everywhere.

So how does that account for those of us who have not supported MB in any way and have not attacked LK, being trashed and sneered at for being “100% anti-LK” and other completely inaccurate comments and insults? No opinions being suppressed there - just facts. The tunnel vision and hypocrisy exhibited in these threads at times is astounding… and sad.

The “changing tide” seems to be more like “do as I say and not as I do”. :confused:


Fear of being attacked or maybe fear of getting sucked into sidebars of how long a topic has been posted. Is “long before that” the difference between 12 hours and 24 hours or days or weeks or months? Or the origins of user names? Or making fun of someone’s horse when a poster described an unpleasant encounter with MB (it was a really nice horse too).


I didn’t understand it (still don’t), but I wasn’t offended by it, Brenda.

@CurrentlyHorseless Look up the movie “Misery” or google “Misery Hobbling Scene” - it’s foul. Wishing for another person to go through that experience is pretty messed up.


Yes it was.
I recall because I commented on it, early, before my day got busy.

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You were the one who started the tangent on the subject of when the other thread started, even though your statement was factually incorrect.


@smoofox, I hope your mare is feeling better.




Wait, what?

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Well this is interesting!!



Police bad behavior is everywhere and all the time.


Ok, I’ll bite.

How would you know about any matter before SS and that they found a particular complaint “appalling?” Is there a mole working at SS? Does this mole give you inside information? Hopefully, you’re not just making stuff up. As we all know SS is being carefully scrutinized by the USOPC and Congress and the discovery of a mole would be very bad for them. And someone making up lies about what SS did or did not do is pretty unhelpful as well.


Thanks. The compromised senior members of our herd here are definitely showing their age of late… it is hard to watch your friends falter despite all your help and care… whether they be human or equine. :anguished:


I loved you mentioning about the bell, years ago I worked with a racehorse mare that went blind. She was then used for breeding and her first foal wore a bell. Another mare was turned out with them and she was so kind with both of them. I watched her go to and bring the foal back to her mother once when the baby got too far away. So sweet!


Well, suppose I know the complainent. As I recall they were told it was a personal matter since it didn’t involve a minor. That’s one of the reasons several lost all respect for SS.


Nope. They said it was a “personal matter and didn’t involve minors”.


I suppose then someone who wanted a SS report done really bad might then choose to twist things in order to include minors into the situation so their report will go forward. That’s kind of yuck.