Barisone Criminal Case Update

Nope. Last night. It’s verifiable as 1st post is marked 1d. I noticed it when it had 4 posts.

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See my last post on the matter…#1000


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:sweat_smile: this is a good question.

I heard my husband say it once or twice and I asked him where he learned this from, he doesn’t know/remember :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

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lol, I suppose when your local time is near the National Dateline…


This is one of the funniest statements I’ve seen on here in a long time, given the subject and the history of extremely extensive edits by one of the parties involved. Sometimes years after the posts in question.

Really? That probably didn’t take long, did it? Lol.


I don’t know, the 1d is sort of vague since I saw it there yesterday before the evening, which would be my time zone in Europe, but still, it was there a bit earlier than last night (US time). There are posts from 23 hours ago. So perhaps it was a bit earlier than the evening when it was created.

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From Day 1 this has been the heart of the matter. Whether you love MB or not. Whether you hate LK or not. Unless there is some compelling evidence produced at trial which shows Barisone didn’t bring the gun to the scene and / or didn’t pull the trigger, none of the other speculation really matters, does it?


It was there all day yesterday.


Nope. Nothing we say here matters at all.
And it is all speculation and simply discussion.


I think they filed in 2017. Found it in an article on the internet. She started her own LLC in April 2019 and bought a house in Florida in 2019. Again found it in an article on the internet. LaLa said they were in the middle of the divorce at some point.

I was trying to verify something posted in comments. Way way back in the beginning of the comments someone said they thought VK was living in the house in one upstairs apartment and LaLa in another and MB had moved into the barn with his girlfriend. I never saw a comment that she returned from Florida with them in the summer of 2019 so I guess by then things were winding down. Not sure how New Jersey handles divorce and separately separating assets out of LLCs. Don’t think they would proceed on separate timelines.

If he was trying to lean on the young girlfriend to “handle” things but she didn’t have a status yet and certainly not the status of wife, very successful top level trainer who can also bring on young horses with years of experience and full business partner who ran the business (the whole package), that could really set up a situation for friction even if everyone had good intentions.


Re bolded: I also think that there are — or may be — a lot of people supporting LLPR, but afraid to post, or afraid to state their opinion on the “unjustifiable comments” about her for fear of being attacked themselves.
When IM talked about a “changing tide” I think he was referring to a new dynamic within the thread in which silent LLPR supporters, or people who are not partisan supporters, but simply object to the “unjustifiable comments”, are starting to come out of the woodwork to express legitimate opinions they had been suppressing for fear of being attacked.


All these threads involve endless speculation on things that have not been verified one or the other.

But in this one particular case, it’s easy enough to verify that thread was there all day yesterday. I just took this screenshot at 10:26 AM Eastern today, showing that the 30th post on that thread happened 19 hours ago. Ergo, the thread was indeed there all day yesterday, not started last night.

And it was very polite and on point until a few of the usual suspects discovered it and started their typical muck raking diversions.


I did not interpret good and evil as being “LK = good” and “MB=evil”. I interpreted “evil” as being gratuitous, insulting, possibly libelous comments addressed to anyone — LK, MB, other posters.

The closest I have come to meeting MB is watching the Colbert clips. I was incredibly impressed with MBs performance playing the straight man. To have the confidence to be part of the comedy routine without losing your dignity is admirable. I hope he gets the strongest possible defense and a just outcome. I also have a lot of empathy for him and feel sorry for him for his ruined life. It doesn’t make me “anti-MB” to disapprove, strongly, of the way his victim has been treated in these threads.


like being told they ought to get hobbled, Misery style?


This is almost comical. Most of the posters here do not comprehend LK has posted attack posts on FB and other media for YEARS out of the blue. I guess that is okay for some of you. She did everything she could to ruin a young trainer who gave her a lunge lesson on a school pony that went south. She attacked another trainer personally with her local BFF’s laughing and bodyshaming saying said trainer couldn’t hide behind a bus or 747. (SS found it appalling btw.) Include her attacks on GJ, attacks that IM disregards, and you see a pattern of behavior. As the cherry on top add all the messages sent to total strangers in this board threatening them. She said I had called her to tell her some woman had killed her husband, and that I got a bunch of people fired (all blatantly untrue). These are just a smidgen of examples of LK’s disrespect over time.

[Edit] I’ll repeat again, had LK never posted her first attack posts on these threads, the entire Barisone incident would be old news. Readers flock here to read the rambling, sometimes incoherent posts of whatever she likes to conjure up in the middle of the night and scratch their heads in wonder.

I can understand (somewhat) her parent’s undying support…they are used to her behavior and find nothing wrong with it apparently. But the rest of you should consider how you would react being on the receiving end of her unprovoked vicious media posts.


I did not understand that at all, Brenda.

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Thanks, Eggbutt. That’s an excellent recap of the “gratuitous, insulting, possibly libelous comments” that I, along with IM, Equkelly, and some others starting to come out of the woodwork, object to.

If the moderators find those comments fall within the forum rules, I absolutely acknowledge the right of the moderators to exercise their judgement and discretion in providing the moderation.

As others have said, it’s a tad ridiculous to say LK is responsible for starting or fueling this mess when it was well underway when she woke up from a medically induced coma. Hell of a way to communicate “Get well” to a gunshot victim.


So she was reported to SS for bullying? Was any action taken?


I think you’re confusing RC with RG.

RG was on MB.


I think you’re right, I’ll change that, thanks! Too many initials!