Barisone Criminal Case Update

This actually sounds like a political ad. Are we to assume LK is the “good” and MB is the “evil”. I guess it truly does depend on the perspective. Aside from the horrible shooting, which obviously still has unanswered questions for the court to sort out, MB was never evil and did quite a bit of good. How about LK? Her past behavior seems to leave a wake of unpleasantness and still does. Perhaps it is just a situation where two really nasty people found each other and went at it.

And for the umpteenth time, this isn’t the MB fan club or the Mean Girls Club. This really isn’t middle school although it seems like a middle school juvenile sleepover some nights slinging insults and giggling.

So much for Kirby’s “message of peace and love”.


And yet…


Irony or hypocrisy…


Very good movie. .but fiction.


I hope your mare is doing well. The crazy weather has been tough on our older ones this year. :pleading_face:


Uh, that “Sidebar” started way, way before last night.


I think what has been mistaken for “believing ‘his side’” is actually just filling in alternative scenarios.

As we all know too well, the truth is usually much simpler, following common human actions and reactions, and most often somewhere in the middle.
Given that, when “we” only have one side, and no one being honest fully believes any one side, filling in where the middle/truth is from there isn’t that odd.

Its not bashing, its not attacking, its not character assassination to assume that, like most human interactions, there is truth on both sides of the interaction, there was likely contributions from both sides that created the mess left to be unraveled.
And, as usual, of course none of those absolves anyone of their own poor choices or actions, up to and including involving violence, guns or shooting.


Curious - was LK already a client of MB’s when he and VKB split? Or did LK come into the picture later?


If you don’t believe his side, then you’re not who I am referring to.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the truth was somewhere in the middle of the two sides. That’s usually how it is. It could be “simpler” than we think, or there could be more to it. I have no idea at this point.

I find it ironic that the “LK Fan Club” (borrowing one of their fun tags) complains when I am here posting and then complained in en masse last night that I wasn’t here! That proves to me this is all a game of trashing and arguing with anyone who doesn’t swallow everything they have to say, which actually isn’t much except bashing and complaining about others.

I was beginning to respect @Inigo-montoya 's respect and ability to converse…I was misled and was wrong in my assumption. That apple really didn’t fall far from that tree as others have said. Sad…I was enjoying our banter.


No one, afaik, has actually heard his side. That’s my point.


That’s too bad. You were not involved last night and we did not converse. If you’re upset about my reactions to other posters that’s ok. I’m upset with your reaction to other posters as well.
If the banter between the two of us is somehow related to how we each perceive we each treat others on the thread that’s your choice. I was enjoying our banter, too. Sad!


Oh, sorry, I missed your point. Yes, no one has directly heard from him/his side. There is only what people speculate to be “his side” or his motives/or not.

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And so the unraveling began…


I’m not upset about anything and honestly, didn’t comprehend my importance to these threads until the soft drink and others pointed out my absence. I’ll try to do better.


Except posters go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make scenarios and things seem like fact that support their want of MB to be innocent so so bad. It’s not a simple “their’s two sides to every story”.

It’s more, how can I twist and ask every ridiculous question and take giant leaps to make the victim look bad and the attacker look like a victim.

There is plenty of bashing and attacking and lets not forget obsessing happening.


You give way too much intent to posters on this board, imo.

Why would "their want of MB to be innocent so so bad. " be a thing?
That’s really a leap you can’t possibly support without putting your own bend on the intent of people you don’t even know.

As for making things appear as fact, it is the readers burden to remember that no one was there, and therefore all comments are guesses. Its implied. But its really not hard to remember. shrug



Question. We have some boarders that use hut-ho as part of their regular horse training vocabulary. I assume the HUT is a heads up that somethings coming, and then ho.

Except they go around saying “hut hut hut” to their horses and all I can think about is Mars Attacks with the aliens…

Is that where your username comes from? Is this a common verbal command? I only recently heard it.


Do we know his side?
As far as I know he has not spoken about any of this.

I can say I believe actual court documents more than I believe journalistic articles that can not even identify a photo as not being the actual victim.


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