Barisone Criminal Case Update

Good heavens.

Could all the little cliques of posters kindly cut back a bit on the endless praising themselves, smirking about other posters, high-fiving for perceived gotchas, psychoanalyzing others, making excuses for assorted bad posting behavior… and more in a long list of tedious repetitive stuff that the rest of us - who truly do just want to discuss the case and are “fans” of no one involved - have to wade through in these threads?!

Sorry for that long run-on sentence. Please note that I am not telling people not to post or how to post… but just suggesting that there could be a lot less of this relentless, pointless sniping and sneering.

It serves no purpose - and helps no one.


I really don’t know who you are, but I’m not playing your (or anyone else’s) games. I know Lauren and I happen to like her.

That said, I’m out. You all are going in endless circles playing some weird game and I’m not interested.


So my question for you is why aren’t you part of the changing tide. Do you condone attempted murder? Do you seriously believe there was anything about self defense in this case?
It’s time you begin to accept that this is simply a man with a violent erratic temper who was given access to a handgun. Simple as that. Was he mad at LK? Probably. Was he upset CPS came asking questions? Maybe . But you can’t go out and try to murder people because you’re angry. Do you agree?
You seem to be one of the more vocal supporters of the Barisone crowd. Why?
I do give you credit for calling out people who attempted to berate LK’s mom after her message of peace and kindness.
But unless you’re a member of the family of MB or MH I’d ask you to take a fresh look at what had to have happened snd think things over.
The audios are irrelevant, the building inspector is irrelevant……this was simply an angry man with a gun and a horrible temper who was under pressure from his significant other to show LK who is the bigger bully.
Join the tide of good vs evil. It’s the right thing to do.


I’ve got enough experience to see through you, LK, and several other posters.




You’ll have to excuse us for finding your claim to not be a fan of anyone a bit disingenuous……frankly incredulous .
You have been nothing but a 100% anti LK poster from the beginning.
That is your right….but understand that the daily growing number of us discount your one sided posts and opinions.
You refuse to accept simple facts……again…that’s your right and your problem.


Unfortunately you see nothing. You are blind. Willfully blind.


With all due respect, a post like yours where you tell a population how not to post, then a paragraph later you tell that very population that you are not telling them how to post, is absurd and not helpful. You are potentially just asking that population to turn on you to point out how ridiculous and hypocritical your post is.

It serves no purpose - and helps no one.


Yeah…that’s what my stepson thought too, and my ex-DIL.


I’m sorry you had that experience with your stepson. Truly. I honestly could not have more empathy. But watch Lee J Cobb in Twelve Angry Men….I’m sure you’ve seen it.
He too was so full of hate because of his relationship with his son that he was ready to condemn an innocent man .
I hope your family has healed but projecting your terrible experience onto Lauren is equally cruel and unacceptable.


Not every “battle” is good versus evil. Sometimes it’s two good people that aren’t seeing eye to eye. And sometimes it’s two awful people battling it out for who can sink the lowest.


That’s fair enough….but those who support a person who brought a gun and used it to settle a problem are just a bridge too far for me to count as good people.


LOL. He got everything he rightly deserved and none of us take on guilt for his choices and actions. I don’t need empathy. I did however learn, when people are confident…they don’t have meltdowns…


Fortunately most of us are confident enough in ourselves to not care what other think about them.


Going to play some catch up since I’m on Stall rest over here :frowning:


Really, you’re going to accuse people of being on drugs? It sort of ruins your decent points to say something like that. I mean, say as you will, but if people call out “mean girls” or speak out against the insults, misinformation, and whatever else, but then make a statement like that, you’ve just stooped to their level.

I’m not saying what you are saying here isn’t true, and I’m not denying that people have gotten outrageous around here, but there has to be some level of recognition that MB is technically innocent until proven guilty. There’s also the detail that of no one knowing you from a hole in the wall, so they might not believe a word you say. Granted, they don’t know MB either, so why they’d exclusively believe “his side” is also a mystery. I’d love to take your word for it, but I really don’t know who’s word to take and what is up from down in this cluster.

Although, you pose some good questions. I, myself, find the audios somewhat relevant because LK mentioned them so much and it sounded like they’d have some interesting material on them. I don’t know that they’re admissible, but if people were really discussing LK and RG’s demise, that’s alarming and relevant to the case, IMO.

“Join the tide of good vs evil. It’s the right thing to do”
I have to ask, will there be Kool-aid? I’m only interested if there is.

Ok, bad joke, but I’m just not keen to join anyone’s tide on either side. I’d like to think your “tide” is for good and the truth, and this isn’t personal, but I’ll have to wait for the trial.

These threads in a nutshell.


Agree. I’ve never seen LaLa start an argument, just jump in when the LaLa bashing went on too long. She jumps in pretty hard but can’t blame her. She also fights pretty fair, mainly just calling out actions and untruths. The PMs came long after amateur self proclaimed psychiatrists and people saying they are smarter than licensed lawyers and arguing with same making all kinds of claims and diagnoses.

Also, no one went to bed, they just started another topic called “Sidebar, Your Honor” that continues the same old stew.

I think MB made a series of unfortunate decisions and ruined his own life and nearly destroyed two others. From all accounts MB and VKB were quite the power couple and he had a very good life with her. Then somehow she was replaced with a young girlfriend who was then engaged to someone else within a year of MB’s arrest. Not a good trade for MB.

Without VKB to keep everything running smoothly in the background so he could be a star, something he acknowledged publicly for years, making a point of how she enabled him to train horses and give clinics by handling everything else, all the frustration of running a facility with young horses, trained horses, boarders, staff, maintenance, a freeze, etc. just seemed more than he could handle on his own. Instead of being able to rely on the new girlfriend and the person pinch hitting as barn manager, it seems like they just helped him make the worst decisions of his life. Didn’t keep it together long without VKB.

That LaLa is a fighter and survived and her boyfriend tackled a larger though older man with a gun he was firing saved MB from the worst possible result of the very worst decision.

I can’t imagine all the stress everyone is under with the trial coming up and knowing it has to be relived on the stand. The lawsuit against LE that was dismissed was chilling. No responsibility. No remorse. Just chilling.

It’s all so sad. It is good to see VKB, VK now, moving on with her life and teaching clinics and LaLa working hard and riding well. That must be physically very painful after two 9mm in the chest but the last ride by LaLa posted by RG looks awesome.

I guess people blame victims to convince themselves they are safe from the same horrible crime. People say it’s where someone is or what they were wearing so they can feel safe by not wearing that short skirt or being in that bar or getting in the car with that particular date. I guess it applies to this too, especially if it’s someone who speaks without filters. Then the victim is said to be way out there because if one can get shot just for being mouthy and upset then that hits too close to home.

I think there are a lot of people supporting LaLa. To comment though, seems to set off new rounds of other comments trying to justify positions and prior comments that are unjustifiable. Not sure it is helpful. Maybe so. Can’t imagine what it was like to come out of medically induced coma and read the social media.


You are completely wrong - and the one being disingenuous.

The imperious and dismissive tone of your post does LK - and “the growing number of us” - no favors. If you were as committed to the truth as you profess to be, you would have noticed throughout these threads that I may have disagreed with LK’s posting style at times and have often suggested that she not post that way so as to not endanger her case… but that is it. Not exactly “one-sided” - and no support for MB in any way.

@RND - Fair enough. I may not have phrased things that well in my last post… I shall endeavor to do better in the future. I am sitting out in the barn posting from my cell - keeping watch on a dear old mare who is not well - so my posts tonight may have needed more review or editing. Suggesting posters cut back on the sniping and sneering is suggesting how others should post.

IM - I am not 100% anti-LK as you insist so sadly. I am not.a fan of MB. I am interested in the tragic events of this case, watching the facts get sorted out and seeing the truth (and justice) prevail.

You refuse to accept simple facts… but that is your right and your problem… as you would say.

Assigning motives and opinions to people that they do not have - and slapping labels on others in the hope that they will stick seems to a part of this game for some posters… as @AnnaKarena92 pointed out.

@DreadPirateRoberts - your Spaniard is sounding more like a Sicilian…


I was going to say, out of all of the posters to say this to…

“You have been nothing but a 100% anti LK poster from the beginning.”

It doesn’t really match up :woman_shrugging:


you skipped the current SS thread with her marvelous Miley Cyrus impersonation…


Wow. What a night. Glad I missed it. So much for sticking to the topic.

BTW, I didn’t realize this forum was a game to be played. I don’t think the lives of all involved are playing games…well, perhaps one person is.